Category Archives: Research Papers
Discussion II: Energy Balance, Fitness and Weight Management
Addressing our community issues related to population health and proper nutrition is a main priority for many agencies and groups. Weight management is a challenging task for many reasons.
In 500 words (plus or minus 50) share your thoughts and experiences regarding the following points. USE ESSAY format.
INITIAL POST: After reading the assigned materials, Chapters 10 & 11 , Weight management and Fitness, choose one topic from the unit that you are passionate about. Create one original discussion post summarizing your thoughts and ideas on the topic. Include a brief overview (summary) of the problem, why you think it is relevant, and what personal experience you have to relate to it. Support your post with any suggestions or ideas that you think may lead to a better way to address the issue.
RESPONSE: Be sure you respond to at least one other classmate for full credit. References are not required for this posting but always strengthen your scholarly work. Therefore, content and application, along with your writing conventions, will weigh heavy in the grading of this discussion.
Wk 3 – Apply: Comparing Leadership Theories
To prepare for the Week 4 Assessment, reflect on the leadership theories presented in this week’s readings.
Create a chart comparing at least 3 leadership theories presented in this week’s reading. In next week’s assignment, you will use this information to select leadership theories and approaches to support organizational change that aligns to your chosen organization’s mission and values.
Submit your assignment.
Wk 1 – Communication Styles and the Business Communication Process
This assignment focuses on communication styles and the business communication process. Students apply the communication styles to a conversation they recently experienced to better understand their own style and how it is perceived by others. Additionally, students learn the elements of the transactional communication process and how that process can be applied in a business setting.
Consider a recent interpersonal conversation you had in a business setting.
Create a 800 to 1,050-word analysis in which you:
- Discuss the content of the conversation. What was communicated in the conversation, and who were the communicators?
- Explain which style from Edmondson best describes the method of communication you and the other person used throughout the conversation.
- Explain why you selected those styles and how the conversation would have been different if you had used each of the different styles of communication.
- Discuss in what ways the business setting affected the communication process.
Cite at least two references in your paper.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
Wk 3 Team – Communication Plan Initial Proposal
This assignment situates students in the role of a consulting team for Best Game Productions. As a team, students analyze the culture, values, and ethics of Best Game Productions and each department. Then students decide on a solution for Best Game Productions based on all of the information provided. Students utilize concepts from the weekly readings to detail their communication plan, selecting the audience and most effective channel for each communication.
Now that you have individually analyzed the business scenario at Best Game Productions and have identified the internal and external stakeholders and their concerns, your task is to work as a consulting team to analyze the culture, values, and ethics for the company as well as cultural differences and perspectives for each department.
To determine the culture, values, and ethics, consider the company and department information you determined in Week 2.
Analyzing the culture, values, and ethics of the company will allow your team to better determine the necessary communications and appropriate channels for your communication plan.
Discuss your responses to the Week 2 individual assignment with your Learning Team. Using the Best Game Productions business scenario you individually analyzed, assume the role of a consulting team.
Analyze the culture, values, and ethics for the company, as well as cultural differences and perspectives for each department.
Explain the solution that you think is best for the company based on all of the information provided to you. Use that solution and your reason for selecting it to create your Communication Plan Initial Proposal.
Create a 1,000 to 1,400-word initial proposal in which you:
- Clearly state your solution and why it is the best for the company.
- Outline all necessary communications and appropriate channels for your communication plan.
- Discuss the audience for each communication; your analysis of the culture, values, ethics, and perspectives of the company and individual departments; the purpose of each communication; and the basic message that you will use in each communication.
- Select the appropriate channel for each piece of communication.
Cite at least two references in your paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Wk 6 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Change Management Presentation
Purpose of Assessment
Develop specific strategies with supporting tactics to implement positive change within an organization. You may refer to the information that you prepared in Week 5 to complete this assignment, but your submission should add to your prior research and not just copy your Week 5 assignment.
You’ve been hired as a consultant to develop strategies with supporting tactics to implement positive changes in the corporation you chose in Week 5.
Review your analysis of the corporation’s change process from Week 5 to be sure you have a thorough understanding of the change and the need for the change.
Prepare a 12- to 13-slide Change Management Presentation for the company’s Board of Directors. Include the following:
- Evaluate why this change needed to occur.
- Discuss how this change impacts the company on a global scale.
- Discuss how this change impacts employees.
- Using Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, chart strategies and tactics for positively implementing the organizational change. In your chart, complete the following:
- Develop strategies for each of the 8 steps in Kotter’s model
- Develop tactics to support each strategy
- Justify the effectiveness of each strategy and tactic with a rationale.
- Conclude your presentation with an explanation of how this positive organizational change will help the company sustain a competitive advantage in the global market.
BHS 4100 – Academic and Professional Writing Assignment 8
Length: Body of the paper should be between 550 and 750 words.
(This does not include the title page or references.)
For this assignment, you are going to write a brief literature review on the topic of your choice that is related to health care. You must include at least three references with appropriate in-text citations and reference listing. At least one source must be an academic journal. Direct quotes should make up no more than 10% of the paper.
Here are some elements to include in your paper:
Include at least two level 2 headings.
Include at least two level 3 headings.
You may use additional level 2 headings and/or level 3 headings if you choose.
Name your file correctly: Lastname 4100 Assignment Name. Example: Denali 4100 Literature Review
Your grade will be based on content, formatting (such as headings, citations, and references), and grammar (including punctuation, spelling, and word choice). Be sure to review the requirements for submitting written assignments in this course. This paper should be written in third-person only; do not use first-person (I/we) or second-person (you), and do not include your opinion.
You have almost three weeks to complete this assignment. You should have a first draft ready by the middle of the second week, leaving you plenty of time to proofread and edit your paper multiple times.
Literature Review Part III
This week, you will develop Part 3 of the Literature Review section. While developing Part 3, use the following guidelines:
- Find at least two articles on the selected topic using the South University Online Library databases (EBSCOhost or ProQuest). Your textbook, Wikipedia, or any other Web source will not be accepted for this assignment.
- Write a short summary (one to two paragraphs) for each article.
- Write a brief analysis (one to two paragraphs) for each article and relate each analysis to your course and text readings.
Submission Details:
- Submit your report in a Microsoft Word document to the Submissions Areaby the due date assigned.
- Using APA format, be sure to parenthetically cite your sources, and Reference on a separate page.
- Name your document: SU_PSY3011_W4_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.
Wk 4 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Business Plan: Correspondence Memo
When businesses implement change, that change must start within the company. In order to gain alliance and facilitate change, managers must educate and inform internal staff of the reasons for the change and the proposed solution to the identified problem. As part of your Business Plan this week, you will write a Correspondence Memo for internal staff and develop a communication plan. Continuing with your Business Plan, incorporate your work and findings from your Wk 2 SWOT Analysis and your Wk 3 Consumer Needs Assessment in order to successfully communicate your identified problem and solution(s).
Compose an internal Correspondence Memo. In a 700-word document, complete the following:
- Discuss the reason(s) for the change and the proposed recommendations (solution) to your internal staff, as well as staff expectations.
- Develop a communication plan to inform internal staff of changes and explain how it will be delivered.
- Propose the mode(s) of your selected communication plan and the rationale.
- Propose a strategy for ongoing engagement with staff and leaders and the rationale.
- Propose opportunities to demonstrate corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the rationale.
Submit your assignment.
Wk 5 – Apply: Business Plan: Gantt Chart
For a Business Plan to be effective, it is critical that managers track the progress and development of their proposed plans. Managers can leverage various tools, such as a Gantt Chart, to track and evaluate the effectiveness of business plans. As part of your Business Plan this week, you will create a Gantt Chart for your proposed Business Plan.
Create a Gantt Chart that can be used to track your progress, ensure you are meeting your business goals, and secure funding and investors.
Track your progress via the use of critical milestones.
In a 525-word document, include the following:
- Your created Gantt Chart to support your Business Plan
- Your tracked progress via the use of critical milestones
- A justification of how you will use your Gantt Chart to evaluate the effectiveness of your Business Plan
- A justification of how you will use your Gantt Chart as a means to secure funding and investors
Submit your assignment.
Wk 6 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Business Plan: Performance Evaluation [due Day 7]
Looking back on your work in Wks 1-5, consider the effectiveness of your proposed Business Plan. As a forward thinker, reflect on all components of your recommendations and construct a performance evaluation.
Construct a Performance Evaluation as a 525- to 700-word document. Include references from the textbook or peer-reviewed sources, and include the following:
- A Financial Evaluation: Propose how you will use financial performance (via financial statements) to measure the effectiveness of your implemented solution. Include additional measurable analytics, as needed.
- Succession Planning: Determine how you will select relevant candidates and formulate an organizational chart to support your business plans.
- A Contingency Plan: Propose a contingency plan to safeguard against unforeseen sustainability threats to your Business Plan.
- Recommend how you will evaluate the continuity of your proposed strategies in your contingency plan.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.