As ETC says, instructions “provide specific, detailed steps” (254) and “should enable those who need them to perform the tasks covered” (255). Purpose-driven instructions inform readers about what to do and explain the benefits of following the instruction steps. This Document Three assignment requires you to demonstrate your understanding of instruction writing, of document design, and of strategies for successful communication.

The intended purpose of the Instructions for Preventing Cybersecurity Risks document (shown on the next page of these directions and adapted from M. E. Guffey’s 9th edition of Business Communication 2018) is to provide clear, concise, precise and well-organized instructions that help a specific Central Texas company’s fifty-five employees recognize and prevent hacking and other cybersecurity risks. However, this document fails to meet its purpose, because it is poorly organized, wordy/repetitious, insufficiently detailed and randomly designed.

So, your task is to revise this document and clarify what its readers must do and how they should respond to the instructions-writer. Your revision’s content should concisely and precisely include some of the information that appears in the flawed instructions memo, but you must also research-and-add or invent-and- add any missing details that the audience needs to know. As the re-writer of the Instructions for Preventing Cybersecurity Risks document, you must determine (and add) which details the employees need to know, and you must organize these details as instructions with clear, logical, easy-to-follow steps and explanations.



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