How can our course topic and content be enriched by exploring connections between the two disciplines (philosophy and literature/film studies)? More specifically, how can Prof. Hower’s talk expand and enrich our class discussion of humanity, technology, and the cyborg, among others?   

  1. What are some of the overlapping ideas, concepts, and theoretical frameworks that you found between Prof. Hower’s philosophical approach and our own inquiry in ENGL 364-70? What’s your main takeaway from the lecture? How did it change and expand your thinking?

2-1. How can our course topic and content be enriched by exploring connections between the two disciplines (philosophy and literature/film studies)? More specifically, how can Prof. Hower’s talk expand and enrich our class discussion of humanity, technology, and the cyborg, among others?

2-2. Did our course materials, themes, and topics help you better understand some parts of Prof. Hower’s main ideas and points? Can you take some specific examples?

  1. “Engage to (Re)build Community” is the TLC theme for Fall 2020, according to which our course examines the possibility and importance of reconsidering and/or embracing technology in general and the cyborg/android/robot in particular as part of our new community in the future. How did the Faculty Exchange relate to and enrich the TLC theme AND our inquiry in class that focus on restructuring our hitherto human-centered community to build a new one?



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