Implement a Java program

Implement a Java program that creates math flashcards for elementary grade students.  User will enter his/her name, the type (+, -, *, /), the range of the factors to be used in the problems, and the number of problems to work.  The system will provide problems, evaluate user responses to the problems, score the problems, and provide statistics about the session at the end.

Technical Requirements

The system should include the following Java components:

  • Exception handling for entering the user-name. The system will handle the entry of any character or String, including multiple tokens (a token is a single character or multiple characters or a String; multiple tokens are separated by a space), on the console line.

    • There is no additional editing or exception handling since both user-names and the input type String can be of any values.

      • Hint: Use Scanner method .nextLine() rather than Scanner method .next().

  • Exception handling for entering the operation. The system will handle the entry of any character or String or multiple tokens.  Unlike the entry of the user-name, the system will process only the first character of the entry.

    • Entries that are not one of “A”, “S”, “M”, or “D” will not allow the system execution to continue, but also will not cause an uncontrolled termination.

    • System will advise user that the entry was not valid and prompt for a new entry.

    • Only a valid entry will allow the system execution to continue.

      • Hint: The code for this solution was developed in class during Week 8. You may use that code.  You will need to implement it into your system.

  • Exception handling for the number of problems. The system will handle the entry of any character or string or multiple tokens.  The system will process only the first token.  Non-integer entries and entries less-than-or-equal-to zero will not allow the system execution to continue, but also will not cause an uncontrolled termination.

    • Entries should be checked for non-integer values and for integer values that are less than 1.

    • System will advise user that the entry was not valid and prompt for a new entry.

    • Only a valid integer entry will allow the system execution to continue.

      • Hint: The code for this solution was developed in class on Oct x or y. You may use that code.  You will need to implement it into your system.



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