MBA 4401 – Tech Innovation & Product Management

Assignment Description:  In this assignment, as in those you will do every 2 weeks going forward, you must report on your efforts to acquire new knowledge and skills needed to be a Product Manager.


  1. Choose one or more Recommended Topics, Blogs, or Newsletters for study.

  1. After you studied the topics selected, write a 3 to 4-page summary of what you learned.

  1. Remember that each of your Study Reports is a graded assignment and will be judged on the following criteria:

  1. Overall quality of your writing.

  1. The extent to which you cover a significant range of topics identified as important topics in Product Management.

  1. Your inclusion of recent topics into your personal studies (i.e., no more than one month old from the time of your reporting).

  1. Recommended Topics for Study:

  1. Market Research for Product Development

  2. Developing the Market Research Document (MRD)

  3. Personas Development

  4. Product Vision

  5. Product Strategy

  6. Types of Business Models

  7. Developing a Business Case

  8. Writing Use Cases

  9. Developing the Product Requirements Document (PRD)

  10. Product Roadmaps

  11. Product Pricing and Forecasting

  12. Product Testing

  13. Product Launch Planning

  14. Product Marketing Planning

  15. Agile Software Development



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