Category Archives: Discussions

Corporate University organizational

  1. Discuss how formal and/or informal organizational leaders are key to the success of the Corporate University organizational learning model.
  2. Do you (or any of your peers) have an example of an organization you have worked for that applies the CU model (or type of model) when it comes to projects (or organizational goals)? If so, how were such programs strategically planned and implemented? If you do not have an example, can you think of an external instance of a successful implementation?
  3. Discuss the various Learning Management Systems that you may be aware of. If you do not have direct experience, explore the Learning Management System web sites/demos/videos, etc. Then, select one such system and discuss the benefits and drawbacks.
  4. If you were a CEO of a major company, do you believe significant financial investments into using the best LMS outweigh the initial economic costs to a business, or should affordability be the priority or kept in mind?
  5. What do you believe are the cost-benefits of selecting the suitable LMS, and how does it impact the learning organization?


Mike enters into a contract with Jane to sell his vintage car for $20,000. Mike believes that the car is in perfect condition, but it actually has a major mechanical issue that would cost $5,000 to repair. Jane later discovers the issue and wants to cancel the contract. Can she do so? What are the legal principles at play?

This question tests your understanding of contract law and the principles of misrepresentation and mistake. To answer the question, you would need to discuss the requirements for a valid contract, the elements of misrepresentation and mistake, and the remedies available to Jane if the contract is found to be voidable. You would also need to apply these legal principles to the specific facts of the case, taking into account any relevant statutes or case law.


  • identify the importance of addressing patient engagement in the management of a patient’s specific health, economic, and cultural needs based on the best available evidence.
    • Why is patient engagement necessary to ensure that patients are better able to manage their specific health conditions?
    • What evidence in the current literature(within the last 5 years) supports the benefit of patient engagement?
  • Explain the potential use and impact of information and communication technology tools needed to improve consumer health literacy for a specific patient population.
    • Consider what type of health care technology modalities are useful to improve consumer health literacy
    • Are there mobile applications, telehealth features, or other technology that can facilitate improving patient care?
  • Evaluate the value and relevance of the technology modalities that may be used to address the needs identified in the patient population assessment.
    • How does each proposed technology modality encourage patient engagement in an ethical, culturally sensitive, and inclusive way?
    • Ensure that your strategies:
      • Promote honest communications.
      • Facilitate sharing only the information you are required and permitted to share.
      • Enable you to make complex medical terms and concepts understandable to your patient and their family regardless of language, abilities, or educational level.
    • Consider how health information exchange and interoperability of technology modalities contribute to their value.
  • Identify innovative strategies for leveraging technology to support quality, ethical, and efficient patient care that is culturally and linguistically appropriate for the identified patient population.
    • Consider how the selected technology impacts the patient in the most efficient way.
    • Is the selected technology culturally and linguistically appropriate?
  • Explain how the proposed strategies will mitigate the risk of adverse outcomes due to inequity in access to patient personal health data and technology modalities.
    • What are potential risks that could lead to adverse outcomes for certain members of the population?
    • How will those risks be mitigated?
    • How have your proposed strategies been used previously to address iniquities and risks?
  • Convey purpose of the assessment narrative in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.
  • Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.

Submission Requirements


This group project requires student teams of three to develop a targeted Food Advertisement.


As a team, select one edible food item to feature in the advertisement. It can be a singular, whole food, like a banana, a recipe or a dish, like salsa, an ingredient, like cinnamon, or a product category, like cereal. The advertisements must be original, so avoid existing packaged products, like ‘Clif Bars’, and present total, not single-ingredient, nutrition information for multi-ingredient items like smoothies. The nutrition information for most single and multi-ingredient food servings can be found at FoodData Central.

The Written Portion

The written portion is a short summary consisting of sections A.B and C. It does not require a market research review, nor will it be evaluated based on the marketing data it presents. The team’s ability to align a food with the nutrients featured, the biological functions those nutrients possess, and consumer wants and needs will be the primary basis for grading. Information gathering is needed to complete the written portion, but works cited are not.

A. Describe the food. Include information like where it originates, how it is customarily eaten or used, where it is purchased, what food group it fits into, and for multi-ingredient products, what the main ingredients are. The most important part of section A is to identify 2-3 nutrients or phytochemicals that provide in one serving an amount that qualifies to use the FDA nutrition claims described in C and that satisfy the nutrition needs of the audience described in B.

B. Describe the target audience. Include demographic information about who buys the food, what about it they value, which styles and cultures they might identify with, and most importantly, what their nutrition needs are.

C. Describe the advertisement. Include information about the delivery format, whether video, graphic, song, etc., and the fonts, colors, and artistic themes that will attract the target audience. The most important part of section C is the description of two featured FDA-approved nutrition claims that will appear in the ad. The claims can be Nutrient Content Claims, Health Claims, or Structure-Function Claims, but they must be relevant to the target audience, legitimate, and properly worded. To learn the FDA criteria for Nutrient Content Claims use, review Appendix A-B, and to differentiate between Health and Structure-Function claims and the requirements for their use, review Appendix C.

The Graphic Portion

The graphic advertisement is a visual product of the descriptions provided in the written sections A-C. It can be in any format- digital or print, hand-drawn, colored, black and white, realistic, abstract, still, or video recorded- as long as the theme appeals to the target audience, the food item, and two nutrition claims are displayed, and the presentation details are on point. The advertisement must be embedded beneath this heading, The Graphic Portion (external links are okay as long as they work) in the same pdf file as The Written Portion.


The Canvas Assignment, ‘Submit Group Project‘, will open and begin accepting submissions on April 1, 2023, and will close and stop accepting submissions on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:59 pm. Please complete your project with enough time to practice a test submission, make needed changes, and resubmit before the deadline, as Canvas submissions will electronically restrict submissions at the scheduled deadline and email submissions will not be received.

One group member must submit one .pdf file that is titled with the advertised food item, for instance, Bananas.pdf.

If needed, please use the Assignment Comments to add a message with your submission rather than emailing the 3-4 members of the grading team. Keeping communications regarding the project centralized allows our team and yours to work more efficiently and have a more satisfying grading experience and timeline.

simple mathematics

chain supply:CUMC’s pharmaceuticals

Case Assignment Questions

  1. What are the mission and vision of CUMC? How do they affect Fung’s decision?
  2. Why did CUMC go out to tender for its 3PL in medical consumables and pharmaceuticals?
  3. Is Fung’s plan for the logistics service system innovative?
  4. What difficulties did Fung encounter in the process of calling for and analyzing the tenders?
  5. Analyze the relative attractiveness of each of the four bidders and their six bids.
  6. Should the logistics services for CUMC’s pharmaceuticals or medical supplies be provided internally or by a 3PL supplier and, if the latter, which 3PL provider should be awarded the business?

communication breakdown

  1. Discuss the causes for communication breakdown. In your opinion, what presents the biggest problem? Please write 5 different paragraphs
  2. Of the six common styles of responding to others, which style of responding is the most difficult for you to use? Why? Please write 5 different paragraphs
  3. Explain implicit bias. Please write 5 different paragraphs

Thread Security Planning


Provide examples in which the Bible encourages us to take precautions and plan wisely for disasters which may come.

Also, address one of the below topics:

  • Why should the IT department not be solely responsible for business continuity?
  • Why does plan activation open the door to a host of nonoperational business concerns?
  • Explain what the number one goal of the Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan is.
  • Of all the components of a Business Continuity Plan, explain which 1 should be undertaken immediately after a disaster has struck.
  • Why must notification procedures be documented clearly in the contingency plan?
  • Describe what an employee should do if they use a company-provided application system and find what they think is a loophole that allows access to confidential data.

SCI207 A Carbon-Neutral Energy Plan for Arzaville

Imagine that you are a resident of Arzaville, a community whose characteristics are described below. You have come together with your neighbors for a special meeting to devise a plan for helping the community become carbon-neutral by 2050, meaning that by that time, no net carbon dioxide emissions will be produced by residents as a whole.

Fortunately, you have all attended the meeting with knowledge that you have gained from your readings in this course. Now it is time to put your thinking cap on and get to work! Your plan should consist of the following elements:

  • Energy conservation measures (e.g., promoting carpooling by adding special lanes to local highways).
  • Steps to move toward sustainable energy production (e.g., installing solar panels on town government buildings).
    • Reducing energy consumption will help, but some actions will have to involve switching to other power sources for buildings and vehicles as well.

This week’s discussion will take place in an online app called Tricider. There, you will be able to post your ideas for plan components and share pros and cons of different proposals during the week. Finally, you will be able to vote on the three components that you think the plan should include.

For directions on how to use the Tricider app, please review the Tricider Help Guide In Tricider.You will be expected to do the following:

  • Post at least two separate and entirely original ideas. Do not duplicate ideas already posted by your peers.
    • Include your full name for each one.
  • Post at least six different pros and six different cons for your classmates’ proposed ideas (12 in all).
  • Welcome to our Tricider curriculum. Here are the specifics on the city of Arzaville. Tricider allows us to survey each other. This assignment is rather fun an frankly it’s a great way to interact with each other without writing long essays. I hope you enjoy yourselves.
  • Arzaville:Population: 32,000Avg. High Temp (Dec): 34oFAvg. High Temp (June): 62oFAnnual Precipitation: 62 in.Urban Area: 14 sq. mi.Main Power Source: natural gas
  • Overview:The community of Arzaville is located near sea level at the base of a snow-capped mountain, on a secluded ocean inlet, surrounded by rugged, forested land. The only access to the city is by ferry or plane; no roads connect it to other communities in the region. Winters are wet, mild, and long. The city serves as the capital for the state of New Bridgepoint. As such, government agencies are its leading employer, though tourism is also a major source of income, followed by commercial fishing. The city is renowned for its scenic beauty; tall mountains capped by glaciers can be seen from the downtown.

music 115


Discuss the role of race and identity in the development of rock and roll in the 1950s. Which artists were associated with which particular musical genres? Did those boundaries hold firm, or did they change? How did these different styles merge to create new and innovative musical genres?


Your discussion post should be around 150 words (5 pts), cover all of the topic points (5 pts), and be submitted on time (5 pts). You are also required to respond to at least one of your fellow classmate’s posts (5 pts), and give constructive feedback and/or pose questions that are relevant to the discussion topics. There are 20 points possible for this assignment





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