Category Archives: Discussions

English writing question

Personal Reflective Journal

A. Read and understand 1 and 4, and view the video tutorials in 2 and 3 below.

1. What is a Personal Reflections Journal?

According to the Northern Illinois University’s Center of Innovative Teaching & Learning, “Reflective journals are personal records of students’ learning experiences. Students typically are asked by their instructors to record learning-related incidents, sometimes during the learning process but more often just after they occur.”

2. What is the purpose of writing a reflection?

Video tutorial (Links to an external site.)

3. View the video tutorials below to learn and understand what it takes to write good reflections for this assignment.

Video tutorial (Links to an external site.)

4. What are the benefits of reflective journal writing?

Click here for more information (Links to an external site.)

B. What must you do?


NoteDo not wait until the last minute to complete all the entries.

  • View, reflect, and type out your reflections based on the weekly YouTube videos.

  • Your reflections must be typed and saved in a Word document.

  • Refer to the rubric and meet every criteria

  • Date every entry.

  • Your journal is private so don’t worry about “grammar or correctness.” Instead, write about what made you think or what most grabbed your attention, angered, moved, or amused you.

  • Give a catchy title for each entry.

  • All entries must not be less than 250 words and not more than 500 words to receive a full grade.

  • Each entry must be double-spaced and typed using Times New Roman pt. 12.

  • There is no need to use APA or MLA format.

  • A complete set of journal entries must be submitted in ONE single WORD document or pdf file on CANVAS.

  • Late submissions will not be accepted.


Crisis Communication Plan

Choose an organization (or use your own) and create a crisis communication plan.

Your plan should include the following parts:

  • Introduction & Table of Contents

  • Brief organization background to serve as information for crisis management team

  • Description of the Plan’s Purpose, including itsIdentify types of crises your organization could face (categorize these under broad headings, ex. accidents, financial, personnel, etc.)

    • Needs

    • Benefits

  • Identify a crisis management team

  • Identify third party potential supporters or credible experts

  • Immediate Response Checklist

  • Establish procedure for dealing with the Media during a crisis

  • Press release template

  • Procedure for evaluating the crisis plan


Biology Question

Here are the prompts for this week:

Prompt 1— (Chapter 13) What is demographic stochasticity? Give 2 examples. What is environmental stochasticity? Give 2 examples. What are the differences between demographic stochasticity and environmental stochasticity? How should the probability of extinction due to stochastic processes vary with population size? (Note: Make sure you respond to each subtask.)

Prompt 2— (Chapter 13) What is a metapopulation? If you were trying to save an endangered species that lives in a metapopulation, what strategies would you employ in your attempt to increase the proportion of occupied patches? Use an example (e.g., California Condor) to make your argument & talk about at least 2 strategies.

Prompt 3— (Chapter 14) In evolutionary terms, use an example to explain why introduced species can often have harmful effects on native species but can also be controlled by an enemy that comes from the introduced species’ native region.



Programming Question

i have a project related to green software engineering and i need help in it

I have the project attached to the question

i need to identify the knowledge of green software first

then, I need to dive deeper into ontology and metadata

after that, i need to make a web-based application that is dependent on the above

the application should be the source of the information any software engineer can go to and find the best way to use green software in coding and implementation, infrastructure and designing… etc that are divided and organized like category


Matlab problem

Solve using Matlab program (finite volume method)

A) write down the discretized equations using the midpoint rule and UDS interpolation for the convection flux.

B)Use the three different grids …….

C) Can you explain why numerical solutions are not close enough to the exact solution using the current scheme? And what can you do to improve its accuracy?


Rhetorical Analysis on Schizophrenia

I’m working on a writing project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

I’m working on a rhetorical analysis and creative nonfiction for my English class. I have an outline and some notes, I just need it to be revised into a well-polished essay.


Cyber security presentation

GO16_XL_CH01_GRADER_1G_HW – Regional Sales 1.5



Project Description:


In the following project, you will create a worksheet summarizing the regional sales to fitness clubs for 2016.


Steps to Perform:





Start Excel. Download and open the file named go16_xl_ch01_grader_1g_hw.xlsx.


Change the Theme to Retrospect, and then change the width of column A to 10.71 and columns B:H to 15.00.


Merge & Center the title across the range A1:H1, and then apply the Title cell style. Merge & Center the subtitle across the range A2:H2, and then apply the Heading 1 cell style.


Select the seven column titles, apply Center formatting, and then apply the Heading 4 cell style.


By using the Quick Analysis tool, Sum the Quarter 1 sales, and then copy the formula across for the remaining Quarters. Note, Mac users, on the Home tab, use the Sum tool.


Select the Northeast sales for the four quarters, and then display the Quick Analysis Totals gallery. Click the second Sum option—the sixth item in the gallery—which displays the column selection in yellow. Note, Mac users, on the Home tab, use the Sum tool. Apply Bold formatting to the total.

Copy the formula down through cell F7.


Apply the Accounting Number Format to the first row of sales figures and to the total row, and the Comma Style to the remaining sales figures. Format the totals in row 7 with the Total cell style.


Insert a new row 6 with the row title Midwest and the following sales figures for each quarter: 110985.45 and 118674.91 and 100548.50 and 120621.17 Copy the formula from F5 to F6.


Using absolute cell references as necessary so that you can copy the formula, in cell G4 construct a formula to calculate the Percent of Total Sales for the first region. Copy the formula down for the remaining regions.


To the computed percentages, apply Percent Style with two decimal places, and then center the percentages.


Insert Line sparklines in the range H4:H7 that compare the quarterly data. Do not include the totals. Show the sparkline Markers and apply Sparkline Style Accent 2, Darker 25%.


Select the range that represents the sales figures for the four quarters, including the quarter names and each region—do not include any totals in the range. With this data selected, by using the Recommended Chart command, insert a Clustered Column chart with the regions as the category axis and the Quarters as the legend.


Apply Chart Style 8 and Color 3 under Colorful. Position the chart so that its upper left corner begins in cell B10.


Change the Chart Title to 2019 Regional Sales to Fitness Clubs.


Deselect the chart. Change the page orientation to Landscape, center the worksheet Horizontally on the page, and then insert a footer with the file name in the left section. If necessary return the worksheet to Normal view.


Save and close the document. Close Excel. Submit the file as directed.




  • Open the file SC_AC19_1a_FirstLastNameaccdb, available for download from the SAM website.

  • Save the file as SC_AC19_1a_FirstLastNameaccdb by changing the “1” to a “2”.

    • If you do not see the .accdb file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

  • Open the _GradingInfoTable table and ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the table. If the table does not contain your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.


Personal Insurance, Inc. is a national company that insures homeowners and renters. It also offers umbrella policies that provide additional coverage. As a regional manager, you’ve decided to create an Access database to better manage information on customers and policies.



History Question

I’m working on a history test / quiz prep and need guidance to help me understand better.

The U.S Government exam is talking about the history of the United States.


Physics multi-part question

Please read all questions carefully. The accuracy of the assignment must be 98%+. Only bid if you are very confident that you can answer. Thank you.

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