Category Archives: Exams

MTH 167 – Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Trigonometry question

Please show all your work so that I can understand. Please see attachment for the assignment.



Linguistics Question

About this exam
You may answer with your own word-processing document, or by adding to this one.
The exam is open-book, and you can consult whatever reference sources you like. The
textbook and lecture notes (CCLE) include many models of what kind of answer we am looking for. Don’t forget that many topics in a printed book can be found using the Index.
The exam is meant to cover various of the analytic skills taught in the course, using a large batch of data from one single fictional, language, to be called Finalese. The rules of Finalese phonology are made up, but correspond to real rules in various languages.
1 You can download a segment inventory for Finalese from the CCLE web site, Week 10. We suggest you use it to check your use of features in writing rules.
Although the Finalese data are presented below all at once, the exam is arranged as a series of separate questions.



Evolution Questions

3. If 49% of the gene pool is the dominant allele right now, and natural selection occurs as described above, what will happen to the gene pool? (Assume random mating, and that no other microevolutionary forces are acting.)

4. Prior to equilibrium in a polymorphic population, natural selection _________ the average population fitness every generation.

5. What is the inbreeding coefficient for individual I in this pedigree? Assume that A and B are not inbred. Also use the standard assumption that if no information is available about an individual’s ancestry, that individual is not inbred.



Biology 352

1. Sewall Wright first developed the method for
calculating inbreeding coefficients from
pedigrees in the early 1920’s. This is a small
part of his large pedigree for “The Duchess
family of Shorthorns as bred by Thomas Bates”.
This breed of cattle was developed in 1700’s1800’s by many generations of inbreeding and
artificial selection. Apparently, Favourite was a
favorite for breeding.
Which path diagram matches the pedigree of
Belvidere? (Hint: note that Belvidere’s parents
are full siblings.)

2. Over time, natural selection can cause populations to lose variation if less fit alleles are eliminated.
You suspect that natural selection has reduce variation in the global population of flu viruses during
the 2004 flu season. The easiest way to see if genetic variation was lost is to see how _____ changes
throughout the flu season



Biology 352

1. The data to the right come from a microsatellite study of two ring seal
populations: one small population is isolated and landlocked in Lake
Saimaa. The “marine” population consists of all seals in the open ocean.
The alleles are named “195”, “191”, “189” … and so on. For example,
the frequency of allele “189” in Lake Saimaa is 0.156. This locus is
called “Hg8.10”, and it is in a region of DNA that does not code for
Calculate He for Lake Saimaa.

3. Pituitary dwarfism is a caused by a homozygous recessive condition at the growth hormone gene
GH1. The forward rate of mutation from the normal gene to the mutant form is 1 x 10-6. The
backward rate of mutation is so small that it can be ignored. If the frequency of the mutant allele is
now 0.1000, what will it be in 1000 generations? Assume no natural selection or drift.



Biology 352

1. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) provides a quantitative basis for studying genetics in natural
populations. Which of the following is NOT a necessary assumption

2. Speciation can occur when different populations accumulate enough genetic differences that they
become unable to reproduce with one another. The evolutionary force called ________________ is
thought to greatly retard this process.

3. A single copy of a new allele appears in a population of orchids when pollen is transferred from a
distant population. The allele is neutral with respect to selection. There is a 1% probability of this
allele becoming fixed through the action of genetic drift. How many orchids are in the population?
(Assume that the size of the population is constant, and that this species of orchid is diploid.



CSCI 310, Cybersecurity

  1. A(n) ____________ is any input (i.e., a piece of software, an argument string, or sequence of commands) that takes advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause an attack.

  2. In the Tim Lloyd logic bomb attack on Omega Engineering, what type of vulnerability was the existence of the user, “12345,” an example of?

  3. A file owner wanted to grant full permissions for himself on the file: myfile.ext, read only for his group and he wanted to forbid everyone else from accessing the file. The correct symbolic notation for the file permissions is

  4. A file owner wanted to change file permissions to a file so that the new permissions would allow the file owner to read and execute, and deny anybody else all access. The correct new permissions on the file in octal notation would be

  5. In cyber risk management, _______ the risk by buying a cyber insurance policy is considered as a risk response when considering risk scenarios where investment in security controls is very high.

  6. A(n) _________ attack is an attack on a computer system or network that causes a loss of service to users.

  7. A(n) __________ virus is a virus that mutates with every infection by adding padding code, making detection by the “signature” of the virus impossible.



MATH 185-008: Introduction to Complex Analysis

There are 8 questions in total, which are all related in complex analysis. See attached documents for details.



Writing Question

Midterm E=xam 

  • Due Mar 13 at 4pm

  • Points 150

  • Questions 21

  • Available Mar 11 at 4pm – Mar 13 at 4pm 2 days

  • Time Limit 150 Minutes


This midterm ex-am tests your understanding of material covered during the first half of this course — i.e., through our March 4th lecture. The ex-am is worth 150 points. It consists of:

Ten (10) multiple-choice questions: 8 points each
Ten (10) true-false questions: 3 points each
One (1) essay question: 40 points


TIME LIMIT: 2 1/2 hours
EX-AM WINDOW: You will have a 48-hour ex-am window within which to start and complete this exa-m. The ex-am window opens at 4:00 pm on Thursday, March 11 and closes at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 13. Once you begin the exam, you will have 2 1/2 hours to complete it.
OPEN BOOK: This is an open-book, open note ex-am. You may consult the textbook, lecture slides and your notes.
WORK INDEPENDENTLY: You may not receive any assistance when taking the ex-am. You must work independently. You cannot share or post questions on the Internet or social media. As a reminder, you must comply with the University’s academic honesty policy.


Econ 201 Final Exam

1. Use the following information about the labor market:
Labor Market and Production:
W = 11-N
W = 1+N
Y = A*K.5N.5
Goods Market:
C = 5+0.5(Y-T)
I = 15-50r
T = 10
G = 5
Asset Market:
MS = 25/P; assume that the P=1 initially
MD = Y – 50r
a. Suppose that the current capital-labor ratio is 1 (the amount of capital exactly equals the number of workers) and that the total factor productivity (A) equals 6. What is the equilibrium wage, employment level, and the full employment level of output? Draw this all graphically and make sure to label the graph.
b. Use the information from part a along with the goods market and the asset market information. What are the initial general equilibrium interest rate, output, and price? Draw this graphically under the Keynesian assumptions. Include both the IS/LM/FE and the AD/AS models making sure to completely label the graphs.
c. Suppose that there is a collapse in consumer confidence that decreases consumption by 5 units. What are the Short Run and Long Run values for the interest rate, output, and price? Draw this graphically under the Keynesian assumptions. Include both the IS/LM/FE and the AD/AS models making sure to completely
label the graphs. This can be done on the previous graphs.
d. Suppose when the economy is in the Short Run equilibrium and the Federal Reserve wanted to conduct stabilization policy. What policy would they conduct? How large would this policy have to be? Draw this graphically under the Keynesian assumptions. Include both the IS/LM/FE and the AD/AS models making sure to completely label the graphs. This should be done on a new graph.
e. Suppose when the economy is in the Short Run equilibrium and the Government wanted to conduct stabilization policy. What are the 3 policies they can do? How large would each policy have to be? Draw this graphically under the Keynesian assumptions. Include both the IS/LM/FE and the AD/AS models making sure to completely label the graphs. This should be done on a new graph



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