Category Archives: Research Papers

HCS/380 healthcare accounting

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word proposal in which you:

  • Analyze the consolidated financial statement selected.

  • Recommend specific actions to leadership based on result


Supply Chain Question


  1. When using binary or multinomial logistic regression, both ordinal and nominal categorical independent variables are treated the same because they are all converted into binary dummy variables.



1 points


  1. Suppose that logit(p) = 0.53+0.24×1. What is the probability p when x1=10.




None of the above

1 points


Based on the table above, which of the following variables are linearly related to the logit of the dependent variable

Age and Income

Age, Income and Friends business owners

Age only

Income only

1 points


  1. When running multinomial regression, the categorical independent variable should be

put in the model as factors

put in the model as covariates

either is ok so long as the variable type for the variable is correctly set

SPSS determines the variable type automatically based on stored values

1 points


  1. The table shows the logit regression for predicting the chance of getting diabetes. Based on the results, which of the following will increase the chance of getting diabetes?

increasing age, increasing weight, and increasing BMI

increasing age and increasing weight

increasing BMI

increasing age and increasing BMI

1 points



Entrepreneurship question

You’ve learned about a problem, gained empathy for those who experience the problem, and seen frustrations that arise from using alternative solutions. NOW IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO OFFER SOMETHING BETTER!

This assignment asks you to describe your solution. Rather than constrain your creativity with a template that requires you to answer OUR questions, we ask you to provide a brief description of your solution accompanied by a “pre-totype” (low fidelity prototype) drawing of your product or service offering.

Your written description should explain your solution’s features and the expected benefits it will provide (relative to currently available, frustrating solutions). Your illustration should be of your “object” if it is a product, or people interacting if it is a service (stick figures and speech bubbles are preferred). You will share these illustrations in class (either by holding them up to your camera or via screen sharing), so be sure that they are clear enough for others to see and serve as effective visual aids while you describe your solution to others.


  1. Write a description of your solution in a NEW Word file (we’re not providing a template for this assignment!) that includes an overview as well as a listing of features (attributes of the solution) and benefits (pain relievers and gain creators experienced by others). This MUST be between 100-150 words. You may include bullet lists of features and benefits (complete sentences are not necessary).

  2. Illustrate your solution any way you think will be effective when you describe it to others. This should fill an entire page.

  3. Paste an image of your illustration at the end of your Word document so it is a new page after your description.


Communications Question

To complete this APA practice assignment, first choose a current news story. Then, locate at least three (3) different versions of the news story from different (credible) sources. Be sure to avoid any sources that are likely to be conspiracy theory sites, bought-and-paid-for research, or any other type of “incredible” source.

Second, you will be comparing the coverage of the general news story as it is laid out in the three different news sources. In one paragraph, briefly describe how each source discusses the basic story differently. Be sure to internally cite each of the three sources as they are discussed, and if you use any direct quotations be very clear in both quoting and citing those sources.

Third, find two (2) scholarly sources that help illustrate the claim you are making about how the story is told differently in different sources. Scholarly sources to back your analysis will help reinforce the value of your claim. In a second paragraph, use these sources to explain what you see happening in the ways the news story is told, citing the two scholarly sources, and any of the news sources that are directly referenced again.

Finally, write your reference page including all of the sources you cited in the two paragraph mini-essay. Be sure the reference page is correctly formatted in APA.

If you choose to use the built-in Microsoft Word citation builder and/or the APA paper template, be sure you enter the information into the correct data sections. Journal titles, magazine titles, and other similar title entries are a common error people make using that technology. If you are using one of the library databases, it’s not always easy to find that information. If you have questions or are unsure, check with the professor or a librarian. They will be happy to help.


Writing question

Are there any standard criteria followed to design the streets and the neighborhoods?

Are there any streets, neighborhoods or landmarks that have been designed or located with response to the environment?

General characteristics of the city

Financial & cultural characteristics of the city

– What are the reasons (financial-political) that resulted in the foundation of the city.

– How did the expansion of the city take place during the years?

– What events resulted in the image of the city as we know it today?

– What were the local policies for the urban development of the city?

What are the bases you are counting on to track the historical revolution of this particular city?

Why was there an urge to develop both urban and architectural features of the city?



Women’s Movement

Read “Tidal Wave” by Sara Evans, I have attached a PDF of the book below. Identify the two wings of the Second Wave of the Women’s Movement. How did these two wings of the movement differ in terms of goals, tactics, and organizations? Also, how did each wing differ in their origins? You can also use the other two sources I uploaded to help answer the questions or to support your answer.

Length and style: Your response should be at least 3 and no more than 4 pages in length(11 or 12 point Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1 inch margins; header should be single-spaced and no more than 2 lines—name, course, assignment number).

Citing your sources: Your essay should draw upon readings provided ONLY. Please use in-text citations to identify your sources; two examples are provided, below. Following your essay, include a list of references cited. In-text citation examples:

Evans, Sara. 2004. Tidal Wave. Chapter 1 (“The Way We Were”), p1-17.

Bloom (1987) argues that a number of social changes were important to the rise of the Civil Rights Movement.

The political process model suggests that these social changes were important because they… (Winders 2021).

Morris (1984:254) notes that “In the Birmingham movement, SCLC eliminated the organizational conflict . . . the SCLC hired James Bevel from SNCC.”


Management exercise

  1. Disruptive innovation and ambidexterity (Connect, Perform)

Complete the following sentence with the correct term related to innovation.

Engaging in innovation requires a looser structure, while implementing new ideas requires a more rigid structure. Organizations can meet both needs by using     .

Read the case study below and then answer the question.

Management at Work

Newspapers are under tremendous pressure to stay relevant as people increasingly turn to the Internet for news and feature articles. In response, many newspapers have enhanced their websites by adding more content, including podcasts, videos, and reporters’ blogs, and publishing breaking news on their websites well before the next edition of the newspaper goes to press. They then sell advertising on the website, and some put content behind a “paywall,” requiring users to purchase access through a subscription. For the most part, growth in revenues from online advertising and subscriptions has not offset losses of revenues from the print edition.

Ironically, as newspapers join the many other media companies that publish journalism online, there is that much more reason for people to cancel their subscriptions to the hard-copy edition and read the paper online. The newspaper companies are thus fueling the very trend that is leading to their demise.

Over the last year, the Central Times publishing company has invested heavily in its online presence. Its subscriptions manager recently surveyed people who had let their subscription lapse in the previous six months. Of those who responded, 86 percent said they no longer subscribe because they read the paper online. In response to the survey results, the publisher calls the editor in chief into her office and says, “Jax, I want you to pull together a cross-functional team that will prepare the paper to go entirely online within two years. Put them in the wing of the building we don’t use anymore since we had to let a third of our reporting staff go. They’ll report directly to you.”

If the publisher of Central Times wanted to use reverse innovation to increase profits, what might she do?

Figure out a way to print and distribute a very inexpensive newspaper that people want to read in Haiti, then use the same technology and processes to revamp Central Times in the United States

Gradually reduce the size and coverage of Central Times while developing another business, such as book publishing, and then ending the newspaper

Benchmark best practices at newspapers that are facing the same competitive pressure from the Internet but have maintained their profits

Exactly what she is doing: appoint a cross-functional team to operate independently from the rest of the company so the newspaper can



Environmental Science Question

In today’s class, there will be a guest lecturer who gives a seminar about global climate change in the perspective of atmospheric chemistry.

1. For the class activity, please list 10 surprising facts that you learned from this class. For each fact, you need to write at least three sentences to describe what the fact is about.


Objective: Using the Clorox Company, you will need to investigate the Revenue area in their financial statements.

Part I: Written Deliverable
In approximately 2 pages (single-spaced), please answer the following questions regarding the account
you’ve selected from the list above.
a) Briefly describe the U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles relevant to the revenue
account (e.g., when is revenue recognized?).
b) Review the guidance provided by the Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (PCAOB and
AICPA standards) related to auditing the revenue account. Describe procedures that would be
useful to test the relevant assertions.
a. PCAOB Auditing Standards:
b. AICPA Statements on Auditing Standards:
c) Using the most recent 10-K, describe the information provided by the Clorox Company regarding
the revenue account. What is the year-end balance? How does it compare to the prior-year
balance? What risks are associated with the revenue account from an audit perspective? Have
recent events from COVID-19 significantly impacted the revenue account balance in any way?
Part II: 3 Minute Presentation
For the presentation, please share the information specific to the Clorox Company from Part I (i.e.,
section (c) above – it is not necessary to include discussion of GAAP or GAAS). Discuss the nature of
the Revenue account, balance fluctuations, and risks identified. In addition, please include a brief analysis of the Revenue account as compared to that of a close competitor. An example you can use is Procter & Gamble.
*** Since we are in a remote format, you will need to create a script of what you would have presented to the class, hitting on all the topics mentioned in the paragraph above. You must time yourself reading it aloud and make sure it hits a ballpark of 3 minutes. This should be roughly a page, give or take single spaced.



Environmental science report

Your task in this Research Project is to:
 select a problem from the list provided by the municipality
 conduct some ‘scoping’ research that helps you understand and address the municipality’s specific
 search the literature for examples of ‘best practices’ that have been applied to similar problems
 transfer insights from your research to the municipality’s problem and review options for addressing
 recommend one or several preferred options and explain your reasoning
 write up a professional Research Report for the municipality in which you detail your findings
o be sure to incorporate feedback at every stage of the report writing
 give a professional presentation to the municipality in which you summarize your findings



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