Category Archives: Research Papers
CRMJ-1020-Intro to the Legal Process
Answer questions 1-11 separately with 4-5 sentences for each question.
If you use a source make sure to cite your work, NO PLAGIARISM!
1. For purpose of an aggravated assault or aggravated battery charge, explain what may constitute a “deadly or dangerous weapon.”
2. List and explain the defenses available to a defendant charged with the crime of assault or battery.
3. Compare and contrast the crimes of kidnapping, hostage taking, and false imprisonment.
4. List the three exceptions to the rape shield laws and explain their purpose.
5. Explain how robbery differs from extortion, Provide some examples of extortion.
6. Compare and contrast bribery and extortion. State an example of a crime which includeds both bribery and extortion.
7. Explain the clash between the federal government and several states over the medical use of marijuana.
8. List the elements the prosecution must prove to obtain a RICO conviction.
9. Explain the purpose of the offense of obstruction of justice. Provide examples of how this crime may be committed.
10. State the definition of white-collar crime. List some examples of this type of crime. Provide an example of a famous white-collar criminal and explain his or her crime.
11. Explain the difference between DUI 1st and DUI 2nd offense based upon Tennessee Law.
CS 461/561 Computer Architecture
A complex number consists of a real and imaginary component and is usually written in the form where and are either integer or floating-point values and (the imaginary value) . Sometimes in engineering, the letter is used in place of because is used for other values.
Multiplying two complex numbers is done by applying the FOIL (Firsts, Outers, Inners and Lasts) method, similar to that of binomial multiplication. For example, multiplying (a + bi)(c + di) is accomplished as follows:
Firsts: a * c
Outers: a * di
Inners: bi * c
Lasts: bi * di
This produces (a+bi)(c+di) = ac + adi + bci + bdi2. The terms are combined to produce the product back in the form a + bi. Keep in mind that i2 = -1.
An example using actual values: (2.5 + 3i)(4.0 + 2i)
Firsts: 2.5 * 4.0
Outers: 2.5 * 2i
Inners: 3i * 4.0
Lasts: 3i * 2i
This produces 10 + 5i + 12i + 6i2 = 10 + 17i + 6(-1) = 4 + 17i.
Some contemporary programming languages natively support complex numbers (Python, MATLAB). Newer revisions of some older languages (C, FORTRAN) have added support for complex numbers. Some programming languages have no native support for complex numbers.
Assignment Definition
Consider the following high-level language code which multiplies two vectors that contain single-precision complex numbers:
Values a, b and c are vectors; _re is the real component element and _im is the imaginary component element in each vector.
- Convert this loop into pseudo RV64V assembly code using strip mining assuming the following architectural features:
Register s0 = loop counter & array index [i]
Vector registers: v0 – v31
MVL (maximum vector length) = 64
Instructions: vld (vector load)
vst (vector store)
vadd (vector add)
vsub (vector subtract)
vmul (vector multiply)
bne (branch if not equal)*
blt (branch if less than)*
j (unconditional jump)*
addi (integer add immediate)*
ori (logical or immediate)*
Note: instructions with an asterisk indicate the instructions are used only for setting initial index value and increments, and for loop control.
- If the vector processor implements chaining with two lanes and has a single vector load/store unit, using the pseudo assembly code from question 1, show how convoys would be constructed to execute in the vector pipeline. How many chimes are required to execute the convoys?
- Assume in the vector processor, the functional units have the following startup overhead: load/store unit: 12 cycles, multiply unit: 7 cycles, and the add/subtract unit: 6 cycles. How many clock cycles are required for each iteration of the loop, including startup overhead?
- How many iterations are required to complete processing the vectors?
Instruction Formats
vld (vector load): vld vD, vec_ref
vst (vector store): vst vD, vec_ref
vadd (vector add): vadd vD, vS1, vS2
vsub (vector subtract): vsub vD, vS1, vS2
vmul (vector multiply): vmul vD, vS1, vS2
bne (branch if not equal): bne x1, x2, target_label
blt (branch if less than): blt x1, x2, target_label
j (unconditional jump): j target_label
addi (integer add immediate): addi xD, xS1, xS2
ori (logical or immediate): ori xD, xS1, const
Format Definitions
vD = destination vector register
vS1 = first source vector register
vS2 = second source vector register
vec_ref = vector reference (name)
x1 = first general purpose register for comparison
x2 = second general purpose register for comparison
xS1 = first source general purpose register
xS2 = second source general purpose register
target_label = label of the target instruction for branch
const = an integer constant
Geographical Information Science MSc
The personal statement needs two sections.
- Please give a short statement that describes your academic interests, purpose, objectives and motivation in undertaking this postgraduate study. (500 words)
- Relevant Knowledge/Training Skills (500 words)
- Part A: Describe the selected organization/healthcare system. What is the purpose and/or mission of the organization?
- Part B: Discuss the organizational leadership chart. Who is the leader or leaders? What is their responsibility? How are they chosen? What is their term of office? How is their accountability/productivity measured?
- Part C: What are the significant components, divisions, departments, or units of the organization? How is each unit organized in terms of leadership? What are the primary services of each unit?
- Part D: How is performance measured within the system or organization?
- Part E: In relation to healthcare, what has been the organization’s significant impact within the last ten years?
- Part F: In terms of your critique, has this organization significantly impacted healthcare? If you could change anything within the organization, what would that change be; how would you accomplish the change, and how would you measure the impact of the change?
The concept of law under Greek and Roman law
The rule of law is a political principle that establishes that all citizens are subject to the same set of legal rules, influencing various societies worldwide. Moreover, the rules can only be decided through a constitutional figure and cannot be nullified by a single individual (Miller, 2010). First established in ancient Greece, the theory of the rule of law originated from Aristotle’s philosophy on whether it was better to be ruled by the best laws or the best man. Aristotle recognised that law is supreme over all other forms of authority and that legal principles should be just towards the people without putting the rich above the poor. He claimed that there might be many forms of government, but the worst would be the governments that rule without the rule of law. Another principle he established was that if individuals ruled without a set law to follow, such leaders would bend the government to their interests and benefits (Waldron, 2020). Greek law established the need for positive and natural laws to exist in harmony without contradicting each other. However, natural law established equality for all, whereas positive law in ancient greek allowed slavery. Moreover, the concept of the rule of law can be found in ancient Greek theories of law such as Nomos, which discussed political power issues such as miss-using power and how that affected the citizens’ rights. The main principles of Greek law are accountability, just law and complete justice. Today, the rule of law established under Greek law is still followed, providing modern societies with a stable system enabling resolutions to all conflicts between citizens. In many nations, including the United States, no one is above the law, including the president, and everyone must follow the rules.
-Rule of law under Roman law
The concept of the rule of law under Roman law was established in ancient Rome, introducing many legal rules from the twelve tables, roman private law and the Justinian code. The rule of law dealt with many issues, such as property, persons, family, crime and punishment. Roman law prioritizes natural law over positive law. The main principles of roman law were strictly only applied to the citizens introducing a significant disadvantage to the foreigners in Rome. Foreigners in Rome were treated horribly as they were unprotected against violent acts towards them, as even their property could be taken away from them in a heartbeat (Stein, 2022). However, Rome had several treaties protecting foreigners with many different foreign states, and the magistrate’s courts applied the system of law of nations (jus gentium) to grant them justice. A law in roman times allowed slavery, as enslaved people were treated as property and were not granted legal authority. Unlike the roman citizens, they would be subject to torture, execution, and sexual exploitation. They would be bought and sold and were unable to get into contracts or legally marry (Shumway, 1901). Civil law (jus civile) was first developed exclusively in roman law, mostly under Justinian compilation. The Justinian law displaced all the existing legislation, eliminating conflicts which left a lasting legal imprint on the Roman Empire. One of the Justinian rules discussed the punishment for robbery, as the penalty for a robber is three times the value of the stolen property. Another guideline addressed is that the amount of money granted to the victim of an attack is determined by the victim’s character and class. Roman legal rules significantly affected the law’s development in many western and eastern civilizations and are still applied today.
-Significance of the Rule of Law
The Rule of Law introduced important principles that affected our lives and civilisations. One of the principles of rule of law is equality before the law, which protects many people from injustice by absurd rules and rulers throughout the years as both the government and the citizens become subject to laws. Without the rule of law many people would not be able to take free consultation in legal matters, as the rule of law implied certain qualifications of laws before they are imposed on society. These qualifications of laws are that the law should be clear, general and accessible to all, the law should be consistent and stable and any changes must be announced. Such characteristics of laws enhance the resolution of legal disputes in jurisdictions. As the absence of accessibility to laws will result in imbalance of powers between parties. Another principle of the rule of law, is that courts must be free from any internal or external influence and judges should be unbiased towards any party either personally or politically. Such a principle ensures that the law is implied fairly.
MGMT 681:GE Innovates from the base of the Pyramid Case Studies
M&A’s have emerged as the primary mode of foreign market entry for Chinese and Indian as investment levels have been rising among both Chinese and Indian firms. Second, prospective investments are not equally cost effective across different countries so it becomes necessary to undertake strategic diversification through acquisition activities.
Q 2
According to the case study, the information shows that in the Chinese market, multinational acquirers are determined to follow the resource-based view (RBV) to succeed in its operation. On the other hand, Indian multinational acquirers followed industry-based view (IBV). The countries have a preference for building long-term relationships with their clients and also strive to gain good reputation within their industries. However, the two countries are growing have different views and practices among multinational acquirers.
Q 3
First, it is necessary to consider two basic reasons for the criticism. One is that shareholders dislike the irrational spending of their money. The other is that shareholders are worried about losing control of the company’s future when it expands into new markets or acquires other firms. From a financial perspective, if opponents do not have power to force a deal’s cancellation, the shareholders will try to undermine it in every way possible. Therefore, even I feel this acquisition is worth doing, I should expect strong opposition to my plan. For the sake of stakeholders’ trust, I should consider how to handle opposition by using moral leadership.
Ozobot Shape Tracer
Browse to and investigate the “line tracing games” there. After you become familiar with the coding tasks in “Shape Tracer 1,” browse to “Shape Tracer 2” – and complete levels 1, 2, and 3. [home for these and others is,]
Using a screen capture app (and not your phone or camera), capture your code for each level after you successfully complete it. Ensure both your code and the path traced by the ozobot are visible in the screen capture.
Insert your screen images into a Microsoft Word data file. Save your file with the name assignment 1.3 and upload it here. Be sure your name is in the document and you have labeled the images with the level number.
Homework Assignment 1.3 is worth 10 points and will be graded based upon accuracy and completeness of information along with properly inserting the images into the document.
Using your Ozobot, create code, load it into the robot, and execute it to perform the following:
A – travel in a square
B – travel in two “back to back” triangles [imagine a crude bow tie shape]
C – travel in the shape of an infinity sign [imagine two crude circles back to back]
Upload your code pasted into a document here. You can test out your code before downloading it to your Ozobot (or in the absence of a real robot) by using the simulator or by using and “ignore” the challenge and just code the assignment
application writing
Post-MBA Plans Essay
This essay is required. Include the essay title “Post-MBA Plans” and your name at the top of
each page. Observe the limit (750 words maximum), use font 10 or 12 and double space. The
essay question is: Tell us your ideas about what lies ahead for you in your career. What are the
gaps or deficiencies currently preventing you from pursuing these potential career paths? How
do you plan to use your time in the Foster Full-time MBA Program to fill these gaps and advance
your career?
Inspiring Experience Essay
This essay is required. Include the essay title, “Inspiring Experience”, and your name at the top
of each page. Observe the limit (500 words maximum), use font size 10 or 12 and double space.
The essay question is: “Please tell us about an experience that inspired or confirmed your
decision to pursue the MBA.”
Optional Essay
Include the essay title, “Optional Essay”, and your name at the top of each page. Observe the
word limit (500 words maximum), and use font 10 or 12 and double space. The essay question
is: “Please include this essay if you have additional information that you believe would be
helpful to the admissions committee in considering your application.
Entry Level Excel
Case Studies
Independent Project
Please answer the following questions. Share screenshots from your work on Excel and/or graphs or other work and email the Excel files as well. This must be your own work only. This is due on December 6th by 11:59 pm EST.
Conducting an Apple focus group survey
The marketing group for Apple plans to conduct a telephone survey to determine consumer attitudes toward a new cell phone that is currently under development. In order to have a sufficient sample size to conduct the analysis, they need to contact at least 300 young males (under age 40), 140 older males (over age 40), 200 young females (under age 40), and 250 older females (over age 40). It costs $2.4 to make a daytime phone call and $3.20 to make an evening phone call (due to higher labor costs). This cost is incurred whether or not anyone answers the phone. The table below shows the likelihood of a given customer type answering each phone call. Assume the survey is conducted with whoever first answers the phone. Also, because of limited evening staffing, at most one-third of phone calls placed can be evening phone calls. How should the marketing group conduct the telephone survey so as to meet the sample size requirements at the lowest possible cost?
Who Answers? | Daytime Calls | Evening Calls |
Young Male | 10% | 20% |
Older Male | 15% | 30% |
Young Female | 20% | 20% |
Older Female | 35% | 25% |
- Formulate and solve a linear programming model for this problem on a spreadsheet.
- Formulate this same model algebraically.
- Use the graphical method by hand to solve this model.
Class Diet Problem
The cafeteria manager for Baruch High School is trying to decide what to feed its students. She would like to offer some combination of milk, cheese, and apples. The goal is to minimize cost, subject to meeting the minimum nutritional requirements imposed by law. The cost and nutritional content of each food, along with the minimum nutritional requirements, are shown below. What diet should be fed to each student?
- Formulate and solve a linear programming model for this problem in a spreadsheet.
Milk (gallons) |
Cheese |
Apples |
Daily Requirement |
Niacin (mg) | 3.2 | 4.9 | 0.8 | 13.0 |
Thiamin (mg) | 1.12 | 1.3 | 0.19 | 1.5 |
Vitamin C (mg) | 32.0 | 0.0 | 93.0 | 45.0
Cost ($) | 2.50 | 0.10 | 0.22 |
- Formulate this same model algebraically.
Bidding for Classes
In the graduate program at Baruch, students bid for electives in the second year of their program. Each student has 100 points to bid (total) and must take two electives. There are four electives available: Management Science, Finance, Operations Management, and Marketing. Each class is limited to 5 students. The bids submitted for each of the 10 students are shown in the table below.
Student |
Science |
Finance |
Management |
Marketing |
George | 60 | 10 | 10 | 20 |
Fred | 20 | 20 | 40 | 20 |
Ann | 45 | 45 | 5 | 5 |
Eric | 50 | 20 | 5 | 25 |
Susan | 30 | 30 | 30 | 10 |
Liz | 50 | 50 | 0 | 0 |
Ed | 70 | 20 | 10 | 0 |
David | 25 | 25 | 35 | 15 |
Tony | 35 | 15 | 35 | 15 |
Jennifer | 60 | 10 | 10 | 20 |
- Formulate and solve a spreadsheet model to determine an assignment of students to classes so as to maximize the total bid points of the assignments.
- Does the resulting solution seem like a fair assignment?
- Which alternative objectives might lead to a fairer assignment?
Macroeconomics Simulation
For this discussion, play your second run of the Macroeconomics Simulation: Econland (from Harvard Business Review), in which you act as a the chief economic policy advisor for the fictional country of Econland. Select either the Rollercoaster or Stagnationscenario option. You may play the simulation as many times as you like. This will directly support your success in your course project, due in Module Eight.
In your initial post, include an image of your simulation report. (See Module Seven Simulation Discussion Screenshot Instructions PDF.) Then address the following:
- Share your experience in the simulation. In your opinion, which policy decisions were more successful and why?
- Why does the simulation provide you with a global economic outlook for each year? How does an open economy versus a closed economy impact government policy decisions? Use information from the textbook or the news to support your answer.
- At the end of each year, the simulation highlights changes in consumer confidence. Why is the economic indicator “consumer sentiment” relevant for making successful policy decisions? Use news sources to support your answer.