Category Archives: Research Papers

Fermat’s Last Theorem

Exercise 5.2. Fermat’s Last Theorem says that there are no positive integers a, b, and c such thatan + bn = cnfor any values of n greater than 2.1. Write a function named check_fermat that takes four parameters—a, b, c and n—andchecks to see if Fermat’s theorem holds. If n is greater than 2 andan + bn = cnthe program should print, “Holy smokes, Fermat was wrong!” Otherwise the program shouldprint, “No, that doesn’t work.”2. Write a function that prompts the user to input values for a, b, c and n, converts them tointegers, and uses check_fermat to check whether they violate Fermat’s theorem.


Interactivity Research Assignment

  1. Select 5 chart type options from the gallery of 49 presented in Chapter 6

  2. For each, select 3 of the 5 most often used data adjustment features and for each describe in detail how you would apply each to each of the 5 chart types. Example for one: Chart Type Selected – Word Cloud. The 3 Data Adjustments selected: Contributing – force input from the viewer/user to select one word from a drop-down list before moving forward with the display. The results would display the visualization with the stats for the word the viewer/user selected. The format for this information should be in a table format with no attempt for full sentences.

  3. Immediately following this table, provide your perspective related to any problems, issues or constraints in selecting 3 data adjustment features for each chart type selected. You do not have to use the same data adjustment features for each chart type. An example of issues could be after selecting a Stream Graph and a Framing data adjustment feature, any example I developed did not make sense. I also had to change the data adjustment feature of navigating as my first choice because I could not think of an example to fit the data and chart type. Do NOT use any suggestion if any is provided in the text for interactivity. Do not copy my examples. You must not copy and paste any information from the text from the pages in the gallery. You must apply what you have learned from the previous chapters and not copy and paste from other sources. When you do use other sources to help gather any knowledge such as the text and other online materials such as the book companion site or the library, include each as a source on the reference page following APA formatting.

  4. For each chart type selected, provide examples for each of the 3 Presentation adjustments and why those examples fit the data and chart type. Again, use a table format instead of attempting sentences.

  5. Immediately following this table, provide your perspective related to any problems, issues or constraints in developing the examples of the 3 Presentation adjustments for each chart type selected. An example could be after selecting a Waffle Chart and a Focusing presentation adjustment feature, I had to develop 4 examples before the final choice made sense. Do NOT use any suggestion if any is provided in the text for interactivity. Do not copy any example I provided. You must not copy and paste any information from the text from the pages in the gallery. You must apply what you have learned from the previous chapters and not copy and paste from other sources. When you do use other sources to help gather any knowledge such as the text and other online materials such as the book companion site or the library, include each as a source on the reference page following APA formatting.

  6. In a conclusion, provide your reflection on the chapter contents, the material and discussions in the discussion forum, and the efforts to complete the above requirements to include how these activities and knowledge will assist you in the future for your data visualization projects. These future projects could be the possible initiations at your organization or personal effort or maybe an upcoming class or degree requirement.


ACT 201 Role of Management Accountants; difference between financial and managerial accounting and cost – benefit analysis calculations

ACT 201

  • Chapter 1: Review Role of Management Accountants; difference between financial and managerial accounting and cost – benefit analysis calculations

  • Chapter 2Review the following schedules in the appropriate format as illustrated in the problem solutions

  • Chapter 3:Cost Behavior:

  • Chapter 5Job Costing and Pre-determined Manufacturing Overhead Rate

  • Chapter 4: Cost-Volume-Profit: The following topics should be reviewed:


General Survey


General Survey

Purpose of Assignment:

Learning to make purposeful observations is an essential skill for a nurse. The general survey is the observation a nurse makes during the initial client interaction. The nurse must provide nonbiased, descriptive documentation of these observations. 

Course Competency:

Identify the foundations of health assessment.



  • Use the provided form as a guide to the information that should be collected.

  • Short descriptive paragraph of findings. Remember, this is objective information, so only what you observe. Avoid stating why you know or think something is.

  • Actual or potential risk factors for the client based on the assessment findings with description or reason for selection of them.



Write the podcast script about “WILL ROBOTS HELP AMERICAN WORKERS?”

Write the podcast script about “WILL ROBOTS HELP AMERICAN WORKERS?” . The script can be written in a paper format. You do not have to specify in the script who will be speaking each part. In other words, the script can be written like a paper. If interviews are being used, students can summarize those interviews in the script. Students must cite at least five sources in the script in APA format.


Organizational Behavior- HRM 214

Organizational Behavior- HRM 214

I. Do you agree that decision-making can be overwhelming? (2.5 Marks)
II. Using information from the video, discuss how emotions impact our decisions.(2.5 Marks)
III. Using information from your textbook, discuss some common errors or biases that people make when making decisions? (2.5 Marks)
IV. What are some disadvantages to having a large number of choices when it comes to purchasing a product like a television? (2.5 Marks)



ACC4013 Excel project to prepare the consolidation work sheet

ACC4013 Excel project to prepare the consolidation work sheet

this is the project for Advanced Accounting 4013, and we have to prepare the consolidation work paper and the consolidation financial statement using equity method.


System Analysis

  1. Define the concepts involved in your solution:

    1. Who are the stakeholders involved (personnel, staff members, employees, etc.)? What are their main roles, relationships, and set of activities performed?

  1. What are the components involved in your system (e.g. reports, machines, documents, processes)? Provide a general description, list and define each item, use a context-level data flow diagram and level 0 to model these components. Include also their relationships (input and output data from each component)

  2. List at least 10 use case scenarios to exemplify how a given user can interact with the system you are proposing in your project (i.e. what are the features and functionalities available in your project for specific actors). Use a table to specify the use case scenarios.

  3. Define a workload table to compare how your proposed solution improves the current practices

  4. Describe a set of requirements for hardware, software and personnel (at least three for each) needed to implement your solution. Justify your choices.




Lao-Tzu & Machiavelli

1-Lao-Tzu & Machiavelli :

How can you compare these two totally different men?

Do they have any common ground?


Final Project: New Location Network

Final Project: New Location Network: You were hired as part of the Vision 2020 program and have been working at Newton for some time now. You have spent a considerable portion of your time troubleshooting and analyzing the organization’s computer network to keep it running smoothly. Your direct supervisor and lead network administrator have been very impressed with your skills and fast learning abilities. In order to determine if you are ready to take on more responsibility, you have been asked for your input in regard to the new office location setup project.

Newton is considering adding a new office and is exploring potential locations in Tacoma, Washington; Rochester, New York; or Fayetteville, North Carolina. Your task is to choose one of the possible locations and deliver a report to the team with key considerations and recommendations for the setup of the network infrastructure at the new office. This office will be home to 50 employees, including the new executive vice president of sales and marketing. All the possible sites have offices located on the third floor of an office building with access to fiber, cable, and T1 internet service providers. In addition to the standard network, the site must support live video teleconferencing calls with employees based at the other sites, as well as reliably send print jobs to billboard printers located in the satellite office in Austin.

Assignment (1-2 pages total):

  1. Potential Errors: In this section, you will discuss common network errors and how your recommendations will minimize and address these issues.

    1. Based on your previous recommendations, describe common network errors that the new location may encounter.

    2. Describe effective troubleshooting approaches to the errors you identified.

    3. Explain how the approaches you described would ensure rapid resolution of the errors. Be sure your response is specific to the business location.

  2. Conclusion: Summarize your recommendations for the new location, being sure to support your suggestions using networking concepts.

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