Category Archives: Research Papers

Simulation Assignment #2

Simulation Assignment #2: Member Profile By this point in the simulation, each of you is assigned to play the role of a member of the United States House of Representatives. In order to play the part as thoroughly as possible, your first assignment is to draft a profile of your member of Congress. The profile should be written as if the member him/herself actually did the writing (so it should be written in the first person (for example: “I am a member of Congress from the second district….”). Your profile should include the following information: • The member’s personal background (age, race, gender, religion, education, occupation, legislative style, etc.) • The location, size, and population demographics of the member’s congressional district • The main industry or enterprise within the member’s district, if any • The member’s primary concerns and issue positions (stances on public policy) • The length of time the member has serviced in Congress You should be able to find all of this information on the representative’s webpage and/or through simple Google searches.


Provide the name of a penicillin antibiotic. Is this penicillin natural or semisynthetic? What is the clinical use of this penicillin?

Penicillins are important antibiotics. The core structure of penicillins contains a β-lactam ring, which is a cyclic amide, fused to a sulfur-containing thiazolidine ring. There is another amide attached to the β-lactam ring. It is at this amide where the structures of penicillin compounds differ. Some penicillins are naturally occurring (isolated from molds), and some are semisynthetic (altered in the lab from naturally-occurring structures). Read the information about semisynthetic penicillins in the “A Medical Perspective” box on page 540) of your textbook. For this discussion, you should start a thread to answer ALL parts of the following question. If you use any sources other than your textbook, make sure you cite them.

  • Provide the name of a penicillin antibiotic.

  • Is this penicillin natural or semisynthetic?

  • What is the clinical use of this penicillin?

  • Provide some useful information about this penicillin (e.g. allergy information, other drugs taken with it, method of administration, etc.)


Course Project- Corporate Finance – Generation Serve

You are being contracted as a financial consultant for a local non-profit agency. Your goal is to review the organizations financial statements and analyze their financial position from those statements. Using the tools and theories from this course, you will provide the organization with a sustainability plan for the next two years on ways that they may increase profits. Consider their debt management using ratios learned in the course, to give at least two areas of opportunity you see that could increase their profits.


What is your favorite part of the novel The Gangster We Are All Looking For? 

What is your favorite part of the novel The Gangster We Are All Looking For? What stood out to you? If a “favorite” part does not ring true, then what are some parts you struggled with? Feel free to probe any aspect of the novel that stands out to you.


Select a fast-food company of your choice, research the impact of Covid-19 on that company. Explain why you have come to your conclusions.

Critical Thinking

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest supply chain process/logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should Study chapter 1, 2 and review Fast food industry /Food companies through secondary available information. Think about how you can apply the concepts/tools that you learned in this course.

Select a fast-food company of your choice, research the impact of Covid-19 on that company. Explain why you have come to your conclusions:



Types of Chemical Reactions- Report

After watching the video, answer the following questions for each demonstration.



Experiment 1:
(a)What type of chemical reaction is demonstrated in this lab?
(b)Write the balanced chemical reaction.
(c)What precaution should we take while burning magnesium?
(d)How do we know that the reaction is complete?
Experiment 2:
(a)What type of chemical reaction is demonstrated in this lab?
(b)Write the balanced chemical reaction.
(c)What gas is produced?

(d ) How is this gas confirmed? (Write the balanced chemical reaction)
(e)What is the solid remaining in the tube? Write down the name and chemical
formula.(Hint:He does not use the correct naming rule which we learnt in class)
Experiment 3:
(a) What type of chemical reaction is demonstrated in this lab?
(b) Write the balanced chemical reaction.
(c) What gas is produced?
(d ) How is this gas confirmed?

Experiment 4 (He says it’s experiment 5 by mistake in the video):
(a) What type of chemical reaction is demonstrated in this lab?
(b) Write the balanced chemical reaction.
(c) What is the solid formed? Write down the name and chemical formula.
Experiment 5 (He says it’s experiment 6 by mistake in the video):
(a) What type of chemical reaction is demonstrated in this lab?
(b) Write the balanced chemical reaction.
(c ) What is the name and chemical formula of the acid?
(d) What is the name and chemical formula of the base?
(e) What is the color change when base is added to the acid solution?
(f) What is the color change when acid is added to the basic solution?


Exp19_Access_Ch04_Cap – Foodies Forms and Reports 1.1

Exp19_Access_Ch04_Cap – Foodies Forms and Reports 1.1

You will create a form so that users of the database can enter and edit suppliers of products to your business easily. You create an attractive report that groups the products that you purchase by their suppliers, and then export it to PDF format for easy distribution. Finally, you create a Navigation Form so that database users can switch between major objects in the database readily.



The figure of Spartacus is both a gladiator and a slave – in what ways does the film explore the intersection of these two sides of his character?

  1. The figure of Spartacus is both a gladiator and a slave – in what ways does the film explore the intersection of these two sides of his character? Remember to include specific examples of scenes from the film in your analysis.

  1. Do you think the film is a ‘call for revolution’? Or, to put it another way, is the figure of Spartacus in the movie a ‘revolutionary hero’? You should consider the historical context of the time of production and support your answer with examples from the film.



How does the film adapt Hercules’ birth and childhood story? Do you believe these are ‘acceptable’ adaptations?

  1. How does the film adapt Hercules’ birth and childhood story? Do you believe these are ‘acceptable’ adaptations?

  1. What do you think of Disney’s depictions of the Greek gods and goddesses?

  1. The scene in which Hercules meets Megara represents a conflation of a number of Herculean myths – list the various references to the ancient material in this scene and comment on how this material has been adapted.


In response to these questions, remember to comment on the points of similarity AND difference between ancient myth and the film. There should also be consideration of the intended audience of the film in your answers.



Read the selections of the Iliad posted in the ‘additional readings’ folder. How accurately does the film capture these key moments of the narrative?

  1. Read the selections of the Iliad posted in the ‘additional readings’ folder. How accurately does the film capture these key moments of the narrative?

  1. What does it mean to be “a hero” in this film? Does it live up to the Homeric notion of heroism, as explored in this week’s class slides?

  1. The film drastically condenses the timeline of the events of the Trojan War – in your opinion, how does this condensed timeline effect our interpretation of the unfolding events? Do you think this was a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ choice for the screenplay?




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