Category Archives: Research Papers

What is the demographic make-up (i.e., age, gender, ethnicity, and class rank) of the study participants? For this research question make sure you include all relevant descriptive statistics.

Research Questions
RQ1: What is the demographic make-up (i.e., age, gender, ethnicity, and class rank) of the study
participants? For this research question make sure you include all relevant descriptive statistics.
This should ONLY be a written paragraph (no charts or figures).
RQ2: Is there a difference between participants’ gender and influencer likeability?
RQ3: Do male participants significantly differ from female participants on perceived
RQ4: Is there a significant gender difference for influencer credibility?
RQ5: Do perceptions of influencer authenticity significantly differ between male and female
RQ6: Is there a significant difference in influencer likeability based on the influencers’ industry
in which they operate?

RQ7: Does the participants’ perceived influencer trustworthiness significantly differ by
influencer industry?
RQ8: Does influencer credibility significantly differ by industry?
RQ9: Does perceived authenticity significantly differ among the industries influencers operate
RQ10: Is there a significant difference for likeability, trustworthiness, credibility and
authenticity perceptions among the influencer “follower” categories (number of follower
range)? For this research question you should treat each “follower range” as a unique group
for comparison



What alternative process can be used in Woodart factory?

  • Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this:

  1. Describe the operation process of the production system ( input, transformation and output).

  2. Identify operations decisions (process, quality, capacity, inventory and supply chain).

  • A Plastic manufacturing

  • An external accountant office

  • Take a tour of the Woodart factory answer the following questions:

    1. Describe the process used? (Marks 1)

    2. What alternative process can be used in Woodart factory? (Marks 1) (word count maximum: 100)



Determine the reactions to Beam D in the structure of Question 1. Assume that the average dead and live load is 50 lb/ft2.

  1. Find the forces in Columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the following structure. Assume that the average dead load and live load is 50 lb/ft2

  1. Determine the reactions to Beam D in the structure of Question 1. Assume that the average dead and live load is 50 lb/ft2.



Describe the roles of alumina and alkali oxides in ternary Al2O3-Na2O-SiO2 glasses?

3. Describe the roles of alumina and alkali oxides in ternary Al2O3-Na2O-SiO2 glasses? Answers to all the questions are expected to be exhaustive and should run into several pages instead of paragraphs. Take help of tables and figure.


Capacitance – PHY 232

3.a) What is the effect of increasing plate separation on capacitance?
3.b) What is the effect of increasing plate area on capacitance?
3.c) What is the effect of increasing dielectric constant on capacitance?
3.d) What is the minimum number of individual measurements necessary
to find the values of the dielectric constant κ and the spurious
capacitance Csys?
3.e) What is the advantage of using the fitting instead of individual
measurements to determine the dielectric constant κ and the
spurious capacitance Csys?
3.f) How would you build a capacitor to maximize the amount of stored
charge? What practical limitations do you foresee?



A sample of 100 newborns has a normal distribution with an average of 5kg and the standard deviation of 0.5kg. The standard error is 0.05. A newborn named Richard is heavier than 84.13 percent of the newborns in the sample. Richard’s weight is

  1. A sample of 100 newborns has a normal distribution with an average of 5kg and the standard deviation of 0.5kg. The standard error is 0.05. A newborn named Richard is heavier than 84.13 percent of the newborns in the sample. Richard’s weight is_______

  2. 3 kg

  3. 45 kg

  4. 55kg

  5. 4kg

  6. Not enough information.

  1. Professor Pham surveys a random sample of 100 households in a community of 10,000 households. The average household income in this sample is $86,000. The sample standard deviation is $5000. The sampling distribution of the sample means has the mean of ___

  2. $81,000

  3. $85,500

  4. $86,000

  5. Not enough information

  1. A company of 10,000 employees buys 100 raffle tickets for the company’s holiday party. The HR head checks the value of 16 random raffle tickets. She finds among the 16 raffle tickets that she checks, the average value is $22, and the standard deviation is $24. Assume that the sampling distribution of the sample means is normal and the population standard deviation equals sample standard deviation. The 95% confidence interval is ($16, $28).

    1. This confidence interval is not valid because N=16<100, so the central limit theorem does not apply.

    2. We are 95% confident that the average value of the 16 raffle tickets that the company buys is between $16 and $28.

    3. We are 95% confident that the average value of the 100 raffle tickets that the company buys is between $16 and $28.

    4. b&c.

    5. None of the above

  2. ., z-obtained= 2.5, significance level . Assume that the sampling distribution is normal. We ____________

  3. Reject the null hypothesis because if the null hypothesis is true, we would be more likely to obtain a sample mean further away from 12.

  4. Reject the null hypothesis because if the null hypothesis is true, we would be more likely to obtain a sample mean closer to 12.

  5. Reject the null hypothesis because5>0.05

  6. Cannot decide because we do not know the sample mean.

Part II (75 points total): Short Answers

  1. (10 points) The General Social Survey (GSS) has been administered to randomly selected samples of adults Americans since 1972 and explores a broad range of characteristics and issues, including confidence in the Supreme Court, attitudes about assisted suicide, number of siblings, and level of education. Please visit the GSS website for more information (

The “GSS_2018.dta” data on Blackboard is the GSS data in 2018.

Variable “natrace” in GSS_2018 records the answer to the following question: “In your opinion, are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount of money on improving the conditions of Blacks?” You can see part of the 2018 GSS questionnaire here:

Please summarize the opinions of the American adults in GSS_2018 on the amount of money the US is spending on improving the conditions of Blacks from the natrace variable. You can present your finding in the format of a table, a graph, or both. Please be sure to also explain your finding in words.



How does Tacitus describe the physical characteristics of Germans? What does Tacitus say about women in Germania?

1. How does Tacitus describe the physical characteristics of Germans?
2. What does Tacitus say about women in Germania?
3. How does Tacitus describe the German religious practices, and rituals?
4. What about their warfare activities?
5. Knowing that Tacitus is presenting a very positive image of Germans overall, why do you think this representation might be problematic (or even dangerous) to study history? Give specific examples?


What the FCC does and its importance to electronic and digital media

  1. In your own words, describe what the FCC does and its importance to electronic and digital media.

  2. Of the social media platforms mentioned on pg. 269 in your textbook, which do you (as a consumer) look to the most for business influence? Which platform do you use to follow, review, and/or interact with businesses and brands online?

  3. What has been your favorite part of this class?


Practical Connection Assignment

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Choose a Greek temple from the Archaic through the Classical age (660-323 BCE) and research the internet for information on it.

Inspired by Egyptian buildings, the Greeks went on to build their own stone temples, and as they did so they created what is often referred to as Classical architecture, a legacy that has lasted down through today. Their pediments, repetitious columns, and symmetrical designs still evoke a sense of grandeur and restrained sophistication.

But what did these temples represent to the Greeks? What did the design, decoration and placement say about their religion and culture? To what extent did they owe their style to Egyptian temples and what innovative elements did they add?

To address these questions, choose a Greek temple from the Archaic through the Classical age (660-323 BCE) and research the internet for information on it. Provide a citation/link to the site you found most helpful, an image of the temple, and provide a summary of your findings divided up into 3 paragraphs for context, function & style. Be sure to present the information in your own words.

Some questions to consider include: What was a Greek temple used for? Are there any interesting myths or stories associated with it? Since the Greeks were inspired by the Egyptians to build stone temples, how does it compare with Egyptian architecture? Is your example typical for a Greek temple or not? Finally, is there a building near where you live that you think was inspired by Greek classical architecture? Briefly share it with the class.

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