Category Archives: Research Papers

Complete the class provided below by implementing the missing details as required in the code.

Complete the class provided below by implementing the missing details as required in the code.



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 * @author eaus317


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Employee {

    private String empname, empdept, empid;

    private int depcount = 0; //used to maintain number of dependents added for an employee object



International market research involves gathering both market and competitive intelligence. For exporters both are critical to develop a better understanding of the opportunities and risks associated with a target market. In your opinion, why is the gathering of both market intelligence and competitive intelligence important for exporters?

Question 1:

International market research involves gathering both market and competitive intelligence. For exporters both are critical to develop a better understanding of the opportunities and risks associated with a target market. In your opinion, why is the gathering of both market intelligence and competitive intelligence important for exporters?

Question 2:

An American company that sells high-end sportswear is exploring the possibility of exporting to South America. Preliminary market screening and secondary research has narrowed the potential market to Brazil. The company has decided to do its own primary research in the country, and is sending two researchers to collect this data over a two-week period. Some of the primary objectives of this research are to determine where consumers buy their high-end sportswear, and what the consumer preferences are for product design and packaging. The potential challenges for the team will for language and cultural differences. In your opinion how can these two challenges be overcome?


EN101; Reflection journal

EN101; Reflection journal

Now that you have completed your Persuasive Rough Draft, reflect back on this process, how it went, what you’ve learned from it, and what you might do differently the next time. Write a brief reflection journal in which you address the following questions (from The Writer’s Way, p. P-6):

1.What just happened? (What did I/we do?)

2.What was the purpose of doing this activity? (Why did I/we do it?)

3.What did the reading in the textbook say about this activity? [For this question, identify one concept, idea, or instruction from the textbook that struck you as interesting or significant.]

4.What was the point of this reading?

5.How can I use this activity or information going forward?

Important: Do not write just one-sentence answers to the above questions. Write at least a paragraph for each. You might want to review the additional explanations on p. P-6 before your proceed.


BIOL122 – Human Biological Science 2

BIOL122 – Human Biological Science 2

Question 1.
Explain the following physiological processes that are important for blood glucose control:
• Insulin synthesis and release
• Insulin binding to target tissues
Question 2.
Explain the pathophysiological basis for the type of diabetes your person/client has. Compare this to
one other type of diabetes.
Question 3. Answer both parts (a) and (b)
(a) Explain how long-term control of blood glucose levels would be measured in your client. Why is
this measure useful in the management of your person’s/client’s disease.
(b) The following drugs are used in the management of diabetes mellitus.
• Metformin
• Insulin
Choose ONE that is appropriate for your person/client. Discuss why it can be used by your person/client
by referring to its mechanism of action.
Question 4.
Explain the following consequences of long-term poorly controlled hyperglycaemia:
• Nephropathy
• Hypertension



Cryptography question

1. (a) Describe the scheme in steps.
2. (b) How do A and B know that the key is freshly generated?
3. (c) How could A and B know that the key is not available to other users in
the system?
4. (d) Does this scheme ensure the authenticity of both A and B? Justify your
5. Consider the following hash function based on RSA. The key < n, e > is
known to the public. A message M is represented by blocks of predefined
fixed size M1, M2, M3, …, Mm such that Mi < n. The hash is constructed by
XOR the results of encrypting all blocks. For example, the hash value of a
message consisting of three blocks is calculated by
H(M) = H(M1,M2,M3) = (M1
e mod n) ⊕ (M2
e mod n) ⊕ (M3
e mod n)
Does this hash function satisfy each of the following requirements? Justify
your an-swers (with examples if necessary).
(a) Variable input size (b) Fixed output size
(c) Efficiency (easy to calculate) (d) Preimage resistant
(e) Second preimage resistant (f) Collision resistant



MGT150 Managing Information

Managing Information

In this assignment, you’ll be developing the third section of the Camp Bow Wow Dog Park Summary Report that is based around the concept of the strategic importance of information. Businesses operate in an area where information is useful data that can influence customer behavior, and as such, information has a strategic importance.

One of the technologies that Susan is looking into for the dog park operation is an ID scanner system with an entrance door access reader. Similar to systems that are used to secure business entry doors for its employees, or for members of fitness clubs, a Camp Bow Wow Dog Park member would be able to scan their ID card to enter the dog park. In addition, the ID scanning system will be able to collect data on when and how long a member is using the park facility. The ID card also performs the function of a loyalty/reward card. Customers will be able to access their account via the Camp Bow Wow website and track their usage.

Taking into account these sources of customer data, discuss how the data that is gathered can be utilized to gain a first mover advantage, or help to sustain a competitive advantage if implemented. Can the data be mined to improve the customer experience and Camp Bow Wow and the Park and Bark operations, and, if so, what would be its benefits?



E-Marketing (ECOM301) Digital Marketing Plan Project

E-Marketing (ECOM301) Digital Marketing Plan Project

Create a campaign for your company to launch, starting January 2021 till December, that will be active for 12 months. Marketing budget: SR 450,000 to spend on digital advertising media over the next 12 months. The budget also includes up to SR 340,500 for advertising creative and content development, and for the company to manage the program.

  1. What is your campaign message? (about your digital campaign message)

  2. What is your digital marketing campaign Schedule: recommend digital marketing content and the schedule for the content? (Must include timeline for the content distribution, frequency of posts and ads).

  3. What platforms and digital media you will use to deploy your campaign, and for which purpose? Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat) and any other platform that might help achieve your goals, like google, YouTube, etc. (Must include screenshots of the platforms’ process of creating the campaign) . Also, include a table of the budget allocations for each platform on a monthly basis. Try to justify your selection.

  4. Monitoring and Optimization: describe how you will measure and improve digital marketing performance during the campaign. What tools you will use to monitor the campaign’s activity. (Must include screenshots of the monitoring tools that will keep track of your costs and activity).




  1. From Week 2, retrieve your Family History Project interview and notes to answer the following questions.

    • Did anything you learn from the Family History Project help you to see your life, your own biography differently? Use specific examples from their interview to explain.

    • Based on the responses of the person you interviewed, how would you describe their experiences with race? How were those experiences “socially constructed”?

  1. Watch the YouTube video, “The Myth of Race, Debunked in 3 Minutes.” Watch the 1989 hip hop video by Boogie Down Productions, “You Must Learn”. Reflect on readings and discussions learned in Week 2 and 3.

    • Identify the specific moments these videos have in common.

    • What do you identify as the overall theme to both of these videos?

  1. Listen to the podcast and read “Why Now, White People?” by Gene Demby and staff members of NPR. Reflect on readings and discussions learned in Week 4.

    • Summarize the specific examples that the podcast and article give as to why “white people” have awoken to racial injustice in the summer of 2020?

The article and podcast conclude with the idea, “So while much of the conceptual space and groundwork for this moment was laid by black organizers, these messages suggest that much of this political foment

  • among white people is happening because of contact with other white people.” Why is this problematic? What is the concern about white people’s commitment to fighting racism?

  1. Watch the video “Pocahontas Was a Mistake, and Here’s Why!” by Lindsay Ellis (on YouTube). Consider readings and discussions learned in Week 5.

    • Detail the examples Ellis provides of Disney appropriation of Indigenous culture in movies.

    • Does Ellis believe that corporate values and ideas about cultural appropriation are changing?

  1. Thinking about Week 6, read “There Was No Other Way” a fictional account of the Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead. Write a short story accounting for a day in the life of a slave using some of the information we’ve read and viewed in class. (Note: Questions #5 and #6 cannot be both answered. Choose one)

  1. Read “There Was No Other Way” a fictional account of the Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead, thinking about Week 6. Summarize the excerpt and explain how these stories are representative of “agency” slaves had in their quest to escape slavery.



Drawing on the emerging research evidence on the use of virtual teams in organisations, analyse the benefits and challenges associated with them and how their effectiveness can be increased.

Drawing on the emerging research evidence on the use of virtual teams in organisations, analyse the benefits and challenges associated with them and how their effectiveness can be increased.

  • Poor quality sources – you should primarily use peer-reviewed journals, ideally from the list on canvas, but can be any that are listed on the uni library website; limit use of the textbook to definitions and for your background reading rather than as a referenced source; be careful with books that they are for an academic audience, not ‘generalist’ management books
  • Not having a clear stance/ argument that runs through the essay – use a strong introduction, paragraph topic sentences and a strong conclusion to make your stance really clear.
  • Support your argument with evidence: make sure you are referring to academic literature throughout to justify what you are saying (and show your research skills). Minimize the use of quotes and primarily paraphrase in your own words.



Locate and post one quantitative study report and assess the adequacy of the data gathering process and statistics used, supporting your assessment with a research reference.

Locate and post one quantitative study report and assess the adequacy of the data gathering process and statistics used, supporting your assessment with a research reference. (Views, opinions, and thoughts must be supported with the references. For example, if an opinion is given, attempt to incorporate and support it with material from the published literature. Please provide the full reference at the conclusion of your post and/or critique.) PROPER APA format.

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