Category Archives: Research Papers

Describe the roles of alumina and alkali oxides in ternary Al2O3-Na2O-SiO2 glasses?

Describe the roles of alumina and alkali oxides in ternary Al2O3-Na2O-SiO2 glasses? 

1. Write a detailed essay on the differences and similarities in the structures and properties
of B2O3, SiO2, GeO2 and P2O5 glasses?
2. What is “boron oxide anomaly”? Describe how it affects the properties of B2O3-based
3. Describe the roles of alumina and alkali oxides in ternary Al2O3-Na2O-SiO2 glasses?


With the Relationships window still open, modify the relationship between the AdRep and Advertiser tables to cascade update related fields. Do not make the relationship cascade delete related records. Save the relationships and close the window.

  1. Open the Relationships window and add the Billboard table to it. Create a one-to-many relationship between the BillboardID field in the Billboard table and the BillboardID field in the Rentals Make the relationship enforce referential integrity and cascade update related fields. Do not make the relationship cascade delete related records. Save the relationship.
  2. With the Relationships window still open, modify the relationship between the AdRep and Advertiser tables to cascade update related fields. Do not make the relationship cascade delete related records. Save the relationships and close the window.
  3. Open the Billboard table in Design View. Use the Lookup Wizard to change the Type field to a Lookup field. Type in the following four values (in the order shown) as the list of possible values for the field: Digital, Bulletin, Poster, and Junior Poster. Limit the field values to only the items in the list, and do not allow multiple values for the field.
  4. With the Billboard table still open in Design View, delete the Facing
  5. With the Billboard table still open in Design View, add a new field named SqrFt after the Width This field is a calculated field. Use the expression Height * Width to calculate the field values. Save and close the Billboard table.
  6. Open the AdRep table in Design View and move the PhoneNumber field so that it appears after the PostalCode Save and close the AdRep table.
  7. Open the Rentals table in Design View and make the following updates:
    1. Change the BillboardID field to a required field.
    2. Change the Field Size property for the Facing field to 6.
    3. Change the data type of the Cost field to Currency, and change the Decimal Places property to 0.
    4. Change the default value of the Months field to 1.

Save the changes to the Rentals table. (Hint: Because there was a change to a field size, the “Some data may be lost” warning message will appear. Continue saving the table. The data fits within the valid ranges, so ignore this warning and continue saving the table.)

  1. Switch to viewing the Rentals table in Datasheet View, and then add the Total row to the table. The Total row should average the values in the Cost Sort the records in ascending order by the AdvertiserID field. Save the changes to the table, and then close the datasheet.



Global Citizens Assignment

Part 1A (1%): Choose a Goal from the UN Topics list that you would like to have as the focus of your audit. Please choose a topic that you are interested in researching.

The deliverable for this part is to list the goal you choose. Please note, however, that once you pick a goal you cannot change it. If you change it, you will have points deducted. You need to be sure that this topic interests you and that you will use for your final report.

UN Sustainable Development Goals Topic List (Links to an external site.)

  1. No Poverty
  2. Zero Hunger
  3. Good Health and Well-Being
  4. Quality Education
  5. Gender Equality
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  10. Reduced Inequalities
  11. Sustainable Cities
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  13. Climate Action
  14. Life Below Water
  15. Life on Land
  16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  17. Partnerships

Part 1B (2%): Find a company that is doing something to help address this goal and research what it is doing. You will consider this your Exemplar Company. You want to find a company that others can use as a benchmark. The purpose of researching this company is to find ideas of what is being done in a given area or industry. Ideas that you can use in providing recommendations to your Case Company (see Stage 2 for details).

The deliverable should provide evidence that you have researched the Exemplar Company. This should include a list of at least 5 references that you will use in your report that provide information about either the company or the UN goal you have chosen. This can be any combination of references, but at least one has to be about a company or organization that is already doing something to achieve the goal. Meaning you can have 4 about the goal and 1 about the company. Or 4 about the company and 1 about the goal. The purpose of this process if to start the research process for your final report. Please see the Stage 3 requirements to give you a better idea of what the report requires to help guide your research.

You are not required to provide a write up. References should be provided in APA format. For details on APA formatting see (Links to an external site.).

Part 1C (1%): Find a company that you would like to help improve. This should be a company or organization that is not doing enough to address your chosen UN topic and that could benefit from what is being done by the Exemplar Company. This will be considered your Case Company. In your final report you will be providing recommendations to this company.



Concept Analysis of evaluation

Concept Analysis of Evaluation


Using APA 7 style, write a paper (no less than three pages, plus a cover page and reference page) explaining the role of Concept Analysis of Evaluation in the Nursing field and its integration in the practice of nursing. Avoid plagiarism.



ENVSTY230 journal article

ENVSTY230 journal article

How to read a journal article

Instructions here:

Google form to submit answer here:

Potential journal are:

journal of Sustainability


or Sustainability Science




Enterprise Cybersecurity Program Management Process


This week’s discussion focused on the Enterprise Cybersecurity Program Management Process (Page 243); how will this management process work with the security architecture of your chosen (project) company?

Directions: Based on your research, write a two- to three-page paper in APA format in which you answer the above question.


Emerging threats and counter meansers related to Practical Connection Activity

 Emerging threats and counter meansers related to Practical Connection Activity

  1. At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career. Assignment:
    Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements:

    • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
    • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
    • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
    • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
    • You should not, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.



Workplace Enhancement Proposal

Writing Assignment: Workplace Enhancement Proposal

Choose a company of which you are familiar with the culture and workplace policies. Perhaps

this is a company that you have worked in or currently work in. The chief people office (CPO) at

this company is aware that you are learning concepts of behavioral economics. She is concerned

about trends in a tight labor market and would like to increase employee retention. She is asking

you to outline one company policy/practice/benefit recommendation that relies on a tenet(s) of

behavioral economics and will be reasonably cost-effective to implement. In other words, the

savings in employee turnover reduction should more than pay for your recommended

policy/practice/benefit. The CPO is a busy person and wants your recommendation to be fewer

than 500 words. Addressed to the CPO as an internal memo, your paper should include the

following components:

• Name of company, number of employees, industry (for the instructor’s benefit)

• Identify the relevant current policy/practice/benefit (if you are recommending a

policy/practice/benefit change)

• The tenet(s) of behavioral economics that you are relying upon

• Link between your proposal and expected increase in employee retention


How did the geographic landscape of the Greeks influence their society? Discuss the importance of Greek drama on our understanding of events and politics during the Golden Age of Athens.

  1. How did the geographic landscape of the Greeks influence their society?

  2. Discuss the importance of Greek drama on our understanding of events and politics during the Golden Age of Athens.

  3. Discuss the importance of the hoplite.

  4. Do you think Periclean Athens can be considered a Golden Age?

  5. Explain the concept of arētē as portrayed in the Iliad and how it shaped Greek culture.?

  6. How did Alexander the Great’s conquests alter the political and cultural landscape of the Afro-Eurasian world? Was he truly ‘Great’?

  7. Discuss the major philosophies developing in Greece.

  8. Describe the development of democracy in Athens and the problems of imperialism.



Start-up Business Plan

Start-up Business Plan

 Assume yourself as an entrepreneur of a small startup business in Saudi Arabia.

Write brief notes on the following objectives:


  1. Owners

  2. Your Business Name, Address, E‐Mail

  3. General Business Description (300 – 400 words)

  4. What business will you be in? What will you do?

  • Mission Statement

  • Company goals and objectives

  1. Business Philosophy

  2. What is important to you in your business?

  • To whom will you market your product?

  • Describe your Industry: Is it a growth industry? What long term or Short-term changes do you foresee in the industry? How will your company take advantage of it?

  • Describe your most important company strengths and core competencies: What factors will make the company succeed? What do you think your major competitive strengths will be? What background experience, skills, and strengths do you personally bring to this new venture?

  • Legal form of ownership: Sole proprietor, Partnership, Corporation, Limited liability corporation (LLC)? Why have you selected this form?

  1. Products and Services

  2. Describe in depth your products or services. (Technical specifications)

  3. What factors will give you competitive advantages or disadvantages? Examples include level of quality or unique or proprietary features.



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