Category Archives: Research Papers


What kind of change do we see in the text? What does the text seem to suggest about how we face change or about the human capacity to deal with change? How might these texts teach us more about how to face or deal with change today?
choose from

Tagore’s “Punishment” and “Kabuliwala”

She’s “An Old and Established Name”

Borges’ “The Garden of Forking Paths”

Yeats’ “When You are Old,” “Easter 1916,” and “The Second Coming”

Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler

Ramabai’s “Married Life” and “Legal Rights”

Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Illyich

Length and Content Requirements

Your essay response must be a minimum of 750 words (there is no maximum but try to avoid writing a book).



FIN 250 Final Project Milestone One

Worksheet 1: Personal Financial Goals Worksheet
Within this spreadsheet, you will have the opportunity to prioritize and organize your goals and expectations. Note that the establishment of an emergency fund
and the elimination of credit card debt are listed as potential considerations. Refer not only to Chapters 1 and 2, but also Chapters 5 and 6 and contemplate how
you might prioritize use of your resources. Complete this spreadsheet and use it as the basis for your plan.

Worksheet 2: Financial Objectives Worksheet
Within this spreadsheet (located in a Word document), you will have the opportunity to document personal financial objectives, specifically those that are longer
term plans. Noting the relevancy to most individual’s long-term plans, this document allows one to consider not only present but future anticipated requirements
of resources for education, family, health, and retirement needs. Complete this comprehensive list and consider any relevant planning requirements that you will
need to initiate today.

Worksheet 4: Balance Sheet Worksheet
Within this spreadsheet, you will document your net worth by completing the required elements of a personal balance sheet. You may refer back to Chapter 2 of
your textbook for a model that mirrors this document. Include your assets, liabilities, and assess your equity position. Complete this file and consider the necessity
for change in various areas. There are two tabs, so be sure to complete both tabs. (Hint: In the future you will be revising your plan according to anticipated
changes that you have identified in Worksheet 2 or in future weeks when we consider the impact of home ownership and other major financial decisions.)

Worksheet 5: Simplified Income Statement Worksheet
Within this spreadsheet, you will document the distribution of your take-home pay by completing the required elements of a personal income statement. You may
refer back to Chapter 2 of your textbook for a model that mirrors this document. Include your assets, liabilities, and assess your equity position. Complete this file,
and consider the necessity for change in various areas. (Hint: In the future you will be revising your plan according to anticipated changes that you have identified
in Worksheet 2 or in future weeks when we consider the impact of home ownership and other major financial decisions.)



ERM Strategy

The reading this week discusses strategy and how ERM can be integrated with an organization’s overall strategy. Prepare a research paper on some of the various issues, protocols, methods, frameworks you found and discuss how – if possible – organizations can use ERM as strategy. It is perfectly acceptable if you deem ERM cannot be used as strategy, just back up your claim with scholarly research and justifications.

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.



• You are required to do a report. This is an individual task
• The assignment consists of a case study which is attached
• The task will cover the contents from week 5 to week 8.
• Please ensure your address all the points are covered in your responses
• Format to be submitted: A word document
• Include a Cover, Table of Contents, References



Organizations can use ERM as strategy.

The reading this week discusses strategy and how ERM can be integrated with an organization’s overall strategy. Prepare a research paper on some of the various issues, protocols, methods, frameworks you found and discuss how – if possible – organizations can use ERM as strategy. It is perfectly acceptable if you deem ERM cannot be used as strategy, just back up your claim with scholarly research and justifications.

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.



Frederick J. Ruf’s position in Bewildered Travel: The Sacred Quest for Confusion.

Frederick J. Ruf’s position in Bewildered Travel: The Sacred Quest for Confusion.

Religious Traveling & Absolute Interruptions

Interpret, in your own words, what the following statements and claims might entail. In other words, write a well-organized, argued, and theoretically persuasive essay about the nature and significance of ‘bewilderment’ in Religious Studies.

Please consider Frederick J. Ruf’s position in Bewildered Travel: The Sacred Quest for Confusion:

It’s not the only way to see travel, but it’s what this book will urge: that what travel means is not just misfortune but seeking misfortune. In some sense, wanting it. And it is of such crucial importance to us that we must call it religious. (4)

Citing William James, Ruf describes such religious travel thusly:

Fronting life. Looking for a beating. Wanting to be robbed. Craving the sacred. (4)

More specifically, argues Ruf:

The definition of religion as “absolute interruption” suggests that we are halted and even intimidated. (67)

And therefore Ruf asks:

Why do we seek the confusions of passage, the prolonged encounter with danger, discomfort, disequilibrium, stupor, and failed activities? (94)

Seeming to answer his own question, Ruf states:

Why do we travel? In part it’s in hope that we’ll see a man change into a goat in the Djemaa el Fna. What’s more, we always do. (102)

Please feel free to creatively and critically utilize all resources provided thus far by the course, including the centrality of Ruf’s Bewildered Travel, daily lectures, as well as any image/video material shown in class thus far. Of course, you may use outside resources – just cite appropriately.



COMP 120 – Problem Solving Assignment 2

1. The program should maintain the address list as a Python list. (The choice of a list
becomes the natural choice after seeing the behavior of the buttons in the window.)
2. Each entry in the address list should be an object of type Address. So you need to
define a class called Address that encapsulates (with instance variables) the name,
street, city, state, and zip of a single address. The Address class should be defined in
the same file as the AddressBook class.
3. The “First” button displays the first address in the address list. The address is
displayed in the entry name, street, city, state, and zip fields. So the entry fields
double as display fields. If there is no first address (the address list is empty), the
button should not do anything.
4. The “Next” button displays the next address in the address list (the next address
after the one currently being displayed). This suggests that the program should
keep track of the index of the address currently being displayed. If there is no next
address (the last address is already being displayed, or the list is empty), the button
should not do anything.
5. The “Previous” button should display the previous address in the address list. If
there is no previous address, the button should not do anything.
6. The “Last” button should display the last address in the address list. If there is no
last address (the list is empty), the button should do nothing.
7. If an address is displayed in the entry fields, the user can edit it in any way they
want, and then add that address to the address book by hitting the “Add” button.
The address should be added directly after the current address that is being
displayed. If there is no current address (because the list is empty), then the added
address should go at the beginning of the list. After an add, the newly added address
should become the current address being displayed.
8. If the user hits the “Delete” button, the currently displayed address should be
deleted from the address list. If there is no currently displayed address (because the
list is empty), the button should not do anything. After an address is deleted, the
currently displayed address should be the address after the deleted address, and if
there is not next address, the previous address, and if there is also no previous
address (because the list is now empty), nothing should be displayed.
9. The user can load an address list from a file by entering a filename in the “Filename”
entry field, and hitting the “Load File” button. If the filename entry field is empty, or
if the file cannot be opened, then the button should not do anything. If the file can
be opened, the current address list should be deleted, and replaced by the contents
of the file. The format of the file is illustrated by the sample file in the repository. (5
lines for each address – one line for each field of the address.) You can assume that
an address file has the correct format, so you do not have to do any exception
handling while reading the file. After reading in a file, the current address should be
the first address that was read in from the file.
10. The user can store an address list to a file by entering a filename in the “Filename”
entry field, and hitting the “Save to File” button. If the filename entry field is empty,
or if the file cannot be opened, then the button should not do anything. If the file can
be opened, the current address list should be written to the file. The format of the
file is illustrated by the sample file in the repository. (5 lines for each address – one
line for each field of the address.)
11. All of your code must be written in the AddressBook class, and the Address class.
(The Address class should be very short – it is just a holding place for the 5 fields of
an address.)
12. Use descriptive variable names in your program, and use all lowercase letters with
underscores separating words. You should appropriately comment your program. It
should have a header (this is started for you – be sure to add your names, the date
you started it, and a description); each function should have docstring comments.
13. You should also comment blocks of code within your functions, explaining what the
code is doing. How much commenting to add is a judgement call – you don’t want too
much, or too little. If you have a block of code (say up to 10 lines long), put a brief
comment before it saying what is about to happen. Then put blank lines between the
blocks of code. Don’t comment individual lines of code, unless they are doing
something that the reader might not see right away.



Photosynthesis Virtual Lab

Complete the Photosynthesis Virtual Lab using the website listed below:

Photosynthesis Lab Website:

Please note that this virtual lab should take you about 3 hours to complete.

  • Answer the questions and type in all your answers using this bold blue font. Do not change the font size.
  • This font makes it easier for me to see and grade your answers. I will not grade answers that are not clearly printed in this color!
  • Check that your answers, graph, and data table are all neat and easy to read. Make your report look professional!


20200917185342graph_checklist__3___2_____ 20200917185404online_photosynthesis_lab__1____




  • Why does population growth and urbanization lead to an increase in “Natural Disasters”?
  • Vulnerability of population to natural disasters depends on several factors. What are some factors?
  • World population has doubled since ______ (decade, not year)?
  • Why are weather related disasters increasing when compared to geological related disasters?
  • Understand reason for decadal trends associated with natural disasters (why trends increase or decrease):

1) population affected        2) economic impact           3) deaths.

Origin of the Earth       only exam

  • Be familiar with these terms and they connect (could you use these terms to explain how the solar system formed):
  • supernova;
  • nebular theory:
  • Nebula:
  • Outgassing:
  • Differentiation:
  • Kuiper Belt:
  • Oort Cloud:
  • Asteroids and comets:
  • Where did they come from? 6 billion?
  • What and where is the Asteroid Belt? What are Earth-crossing asteroids?
  • Know the difference between asteroids and comets: composition and where they are found
  • What is a meteor? meteorite? Tunguska–what happened and where?
  • Shoemaker-Levy 9 (what and where?) “Meteor Crater”– where is this located?  Recent compared to age of Earth?
  • Early Earth’s atmosphere and oceans–how did they form?
  • What is the age of Earth? Age of oldest continental rocks?  why is there a difference between Earth and oldest rocks

Geologic Time Scale:  for lecture, there will be more for lab  only exam

  • Know the three Eras (Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic), and the age in millions of years ago they began.
  • Where would you place the Precambrian (when does this begin) and Phanerozoic on the geologic time scale?


Earth structure: quiz and exam

  • Know Earth’s layers and the physical nature of each: crust; mantle (upper, lower); core (inner and outer); Which 2 layers make up the upper mantle? What is the difference between the lithosphere and asthenosphere?  Know the difference between oceanic and continental crust.  What is the average thickness of oceanic and continental crust?   Why is the crust not considered to be a part of the upper mantle?


  • Radioactivity– Be familiar with the following terms and their connection: decay, half-life, isotope, parent, daughter element?
  • Why should you know something about radioactive decay? (2 reasons)
  • Alfred Wegener? Evidence supporting Wegener’s hypothesis?  Pangaea?
  • What is convection? Does convection occur in the lower mantle?  Driving force for plates?

PLATE TECTONICS: quiz and exam

  • Tectonic plate: composition (think of Earth’s layers)?
  • Where is ocean crust created and destroyed? Looking at the 3 major ocean basins, what is the approximate age of oldest ocean crust on the seafloor (think 3 major ocean basins)? –where can you find it in general (think in relation to the MOR)?
  • What is seafloor spreading? Harry Hess—evidence to support?
  • Where can we find extensive evidence that Earth’s magnetic field has periods of normal and reverse polarity? What is normal and reverse polarity?  Does the magnetic north pole always correlate with the geographic North Pole?  Why does the Earth have a magnetic field? Polarity today?
  • How does paleomagnetism support the theory of plate tectonics?
  • What are the 3 driving forces of plate motion? How do they work?
  • What is convection and how does it differ from conduction? Example of convection in Earth?



Network Security Engineer

Provide a 100 word description of your topic supported by references that demonstrate the Gap in the Research that you will address.

Propose a topic for Network Security Engineer in a 100 word description. Choose an article from the below journals. What is the research questions and the article that supports this gap. Attach the supporting article as well.

Journal of Cryptology

Software and systems Modeling

Journal of Systems and Software

Journal of information systems management



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