Category Archives: Research Papers

When you look at the letter “e” under the microscope, is the letter oriented in the same direction as when you look at the slide? If it is oriented differently, why do you think that might be the case.

Question 1: When you look at the letter “e” under the microscope, is the letter oriented in the same direction as when you look at the slide? If it is oriented differently, why do you think that might be the case (see the optics diagram in the pre-lab to help you out)

Question 2: How is what you see now different from what you saw under the 4X objective? Explain what that difference is?

Question 3: How is this view different from what you saw at 10X?  Write a short statement that describes what is happening in what you see as you change from the 10X to 40X objectives.

Question 4: When you move the stage from left to right, which direction does the image of the letter “e” move?  Why do you suspect this is the case?

Colored Threads Slide:

Question 5: Do all of the strands on the slide appear to be completely in focus at the same time at this magnification?

Question 6: Why do the strands appear to be in focus at some magnifications and not others? (Hint: are the threads really flat, or is there depth to them?)




Give an example of an interval estimate of an average or proportion you may use in your daily life. For instance, you may say that you are pretty sure your average commute time is between 25-30 minutes, or you are fairly confident that between 60-65% of the population love dogs. Collect some data to see how well your intuition is working. First, does your sample data meet all assumptions necessary to construct the confidence interval of the type you need? Even if it doesn’t, construct and interpret the confidence interval.



Critical Appraisal about Patients with Depression in Primary Care


– The paper is to be clear and concise. No outline needed, no title page needed.

– Goal: to conduct a critical appraisal about the journal selected.

– The paper should be formatted per current APA format and 2-3 pages in length.

– Plagiarism score less than 20%.

– This paper needs to discuss: abstract, introduction, purpose, ethical considerations, sample, data analysis, authenticity and trustworthiness, and findings, conclusions, and recommendations.



Earth and Space Science Lab assignment

Rocks and Minerals Webquest

Directions: Answer the following questions in the Word document using the websites provided for each question.

Rock Cycle

1.What are the three main types of rocks?

2.How does a sedimentary rock turn into a metamorphic rock?

3.How does an igneous rock turn into metamorphic rock?

4.How do metamorphic rocks change into sedimentary rocks?

5.How do igneous rocks change into sedimentary rocks?

6.What is the beginning of the rock cycle? The end?

View this Rock Cycle animation:…


7.Quick cooling forms many small what?

8.When you look at the desert monuments, what eroded away?

9.The microscopic view of sandstone contains what two components?

10.What two things are needed to run igneous rock into metamorphic rock?


11.List and define the 6 key characteristics that can help you identify rocks within three main classes.

Rock Identification Key:…

12.For igneous rock, when magma cools slowly the crystals…

13.For igneous rock, when magma cools quickly, the crystals…

14.Of the types of igneous rock formed underground, which one is most familiar?

15.When looking at sedimentary particle size, which material type has the largest particles and which has the smallest particles?

16.Which metamorphic rock forms under the highest temperature and highest pressure?

Mystery Rocks:…

17.How much of earth’s surface is made of sedimentary rock?

18.Give 4 examples of sediment that might eventually become sedimentary rock>

19.What caused the appearance in the sedimentary rock in picture B?

Mohs Scale:…

20. What is Mohs Scale used for?

21.What mineral is a 10 on Mohs Scale?

22. Give an example of mineral with a hardness of 7 (according to Mohs Scale).

23. If a mineral can scratch a penny, what number is it on Mohs Scale?


24. Sometimes the color and the streak of a mineral are very different. Which of the examples shows a difference between color and streak?

Sample Video:

Mount Nyiragongo is an active volcano in central Africa. Not much is known about how long the volcano has been erupting, but since 1882, it has erupted at least 34 times (onces every 4 years), including many periods where activity was continuous for years at a time, often in the form of a churning lava lake in the crater.

25. Watch the video. Would you get the sample? Why or why not?




Define what a percent is? Write your height in inches (my height is 6’4). Suppose it increases by 15%, what would your new height be? Now suppose your increased height decreases by 15% after the 15% increase; what is your new height?



Why might scarcity be a cultural concept?

1) Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet | Chapters 1-6

2) What Matters | Intro, Man vs Earth, and The distribution of wealth

3) Viewing: “salamanders”

4) Viewing: “The Triumph of Illusion”

Essay Question: Why might scarcity be a cultural concept?

Make specific references to assigned materials as appropriate and relevant to your points in your essay

The essay will be 750-1250 words each, not including bibliography and will address the topic specified in each part of the course. This length is a guideline, not a strict range. Should your essay diverge significantly from the suggested range, either substantially less or more, revise accordingly.



Specific barrier or border that had an important influence on your education.

Write a 300 – word narrative paragraph about a specific barrier or border that had an important influence on your education. The experience you choose should be one that you struggled to overcome or taught you a lesson. It could be an external barrier such as an experience with a teacher or poverty or an internal barrier such as a learning disability. Think about the experiences the student in First Generation faced. The experience may have helped you form a belief, change a belief, or strengthen your belief about education. You should describe the experience, reflecting on what happened as you tell of its effects.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that in this assignment, you should discuss ONE SPECIFIC barrier that you had. This paragraph should tell your reader about one experience, one day, one moment, which had a defining impact on your education. It should be a story, with a beginning, middle, and end.


This should be at least 300 words in length, double spaced, and typed in a 12pt font (Times New Roman).


This assignment may still be unclear. Here are some definitions to help clarify this assignment:

In a narrative, you recount an event or story in order to explain some insight or truth gained from an experience. The writer who narrates tells a story to make a point—your first trip alone, the passing of a family member, a fight with a parent. An expository narrative has a point, a lesson, or a message to impart to the reader through telling a story or recounting an event and framing it with analysis.

When you want to explain what happened, you will need to tell the story in some kind of chronological order, putting the most important events—I took the wrong turn, I entered the funeral parlor, she yelled at me—in the most prominent position. When you want to give the texture of the experience, you will need to select words and images that help your readers see, hear, and feel what happened, sensory details—the road snaked to a dead end, the crowd thundered into applause, the sunshine softened our scowls. When you show and tell in this way, you can help your readers see the meaning of the experience you want to convey.

It is the inclusion of a lesson that distinguishes the expository narrative essay from merely narrative description of events. Expository narrative essays feature a lesson or clear message that is shown to the reader through the recounting of events or information. This analytical purpose is stated in the thesis statement in the beginning of the essay. The lesson or message is then supported/explained/proved/demonstrated in the body paragraphs. It is finally restated in the conclusion of the experience.

For our purposes in this paragraph, the message or lesson is the takeaway or analysis you have about the barrier event. Put it into context for your audience. Why is this important? What makes this barrier significant to you? To your educational journey? Why is this barrier an important one to share with your audience?



In this assignment, you will propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved.

In this assignment, you will propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (750-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which the board will make its decision to fund your program or project. Include the following:

  1. The purpose of the quality improvement initiative.

  2. The target population or audience.

  3. The benefits of the quality improvement initiative.

  4. The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative.

  5. The cost or budget justification.

  6. The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Sample 3 PSYC3004


Pick a country, other than your home country, that you might be interested to go work in as a manager. How might the cultural differences in Hofstede’s dimensions affect how you as a manager working in the foreign country you chose (a) use work groups, (b) develop goals/plans, (c) reward outstanding employee performance, and (d) deal with employee conflict?

Compare the dimensions of a manager trained in the USA with those in the country of choice. How are they similar or different? You will compare the USA to another country that is not Canada or your home country if an International student.

Keep in mind that you are building a case for the country you choose, not deciding if you want to manage there or in your home country.



4 page paper on Marketing Management

prepare a 4-5 page essay (excluding cover page, abstract, and references) on the relationships and inter dependencies between marketing and other functional areas. APA methodology applies.



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