Category Archives: Research Papers
Essay assignment CRN: 13436
Write an essay with the range of 500 to 1000 words explaining what did learn during the semester. Mainly, you need to forget the point that you are a student and you are now a professional investor. Each part of investment you choose need to be clarified why you selected that. Thus, you can
- explain some investment strategies that you will follow.
- Resources you can get information for your investment.
- What kind of financial assets and real assets (you can exclude real assets if you want with some explanations why you think so); the assets you would like to invest should be precise meaning you can’t just say government bonds (need to specify what country). Also, general stock need to be specified like Apple, Microsoft …. Etc and why you think it is profitable.
- Mainly, you need to construct a portfolio of different financial assets and if you would like real assets.
- What factors that might affect your portfolio?
Assembly Line Balancing in Automobile Manufacturing project
Literature review and historical context
Assembly Line Balancing is a crucial step in the production line for vehicle manufacturers, and it takes time. It is one of the trickier optimization challenges and a fundamental issue in continuous manufacturing lines. The task allocation stations found in (ALB) are numerous, and each station has a number of activities that help to complete the job work. The fundamental issue with the Assembly Line Balancing is the congestion between stations as tasks are completed, which interferes with an effective assembly line. In this research, the queuing problem will be reduced using the Multi-Objectives Model and Genetic Algorithm. By coordinating the duties at each workstation, the mixed model results help to decrease queuing. Additionally, balancing the transfer of work to the stations is necessary to arrive at the best option.
We will be using the number of Assembly Line Balancing with the duration and the due date for each station.
Data collection and Analysis:
Arbitrary data will be used to find balancing the transfer of work to the stations necessary to arrive.
Expected Outcomes:
Thus, we have calculated the duration and due date of each station, we will be minimizing the delay by using the best decrease queuing sequence.
organization behavior Mgt301
1 | Define the impact of company’s culture, structure and design can have on its organizational behaviour. (CLO3). |
2 | Assess challenges of effective organizational communication and share information within the team in professional manner. (CLO4). |
3 | Examine the differences and similarities between leadership, power, and management.(CLO5).
Part:-2 Discussion Questions: – Please read Chapter 12, 13 & 14 “Teams: Process and Communication — Leadership: Power and Negotiation & Leadership: Styles and Behaviour” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.
Principles Management 3185
Write a report on whatever you use to research and what you write in a different document because we will discuss it separately in class
Write at least 7- references using the APA style.
Please use simple language
Put the in-text quote in each.
Additions within the document
QUESTIONS (Each of your answer should be around 100 -125 words)
Q1. What is the underlying problem in this case from the perspective of Hospital administration? (2 Marks)
Q2. What role did extrinsic and intrinsic motivation play in this case? (3 Marks)
Q3. What are the major motivation issues at play in the health care industry according to the major needs-based theories of motivation. (Maslow’s need Hierarchy theory, McClelland’s acquired needs and Deci & Ryan’s self-determination)? (3 Marks)
Q4. What do you think were the major equity issues faced by health care workers during the pandemic? (2 Marks)
QUESTION (Your answer should be around 200 -300 words)
Q5. Describe the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation, and how these needs affect work behaviour. Review the hygiene and motivators in the two-factor theory. Are there any hygiene factors that you would consider to be motivators and vice versa? (05 Marks) (Min words 200-300)
Introduction to Operations Management (MGT311)
Describe the concept of operations functions, supply chain strategy, process selection,
forecasting, capacity planning, production forecast methods and schedule operations.
2.3 Implement technological tools in production models like forecasting, lean
manufacturing and world class manufacturing (WCM) to enhance the productivity and
communication with other persons involving in operation and also to review their
contribution to the profit.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) refers to the technique of handling a string of operations involved in the transportation of raw materials from the source to an enterprise to develop a desired product or service, which will eventually be delivered to its intended customer.
A properly functioning supply chain is crucial to the development and growth of any country. It gives countries a competitive edge over others in the marketplace. Supply chain management is aimed at cutting down costs, maximizing efficiency, and increasing productivity.
To strike a fruitful balance between supply and demand, supply chain management must join hands with technology to improve supply chain processes and provide solutions to eliminate existing supply chain constraints.
To keep in view the above importance of Supply chain answer the following questions.
Q1. What are the Major Challenges in Supply Chain Management today? How Can you Overcome them? 5 Marks (500 words Minimum)
Q2. Define the role of E-logistics in supply chain operations. 4 Marks (400 words Minimum)
Q3. Explain the role of technology in Supply chain Management with special focus on Block chain technology. 3 Marks (300 words Minimum)
Q4. Assume yourself as an advisor of Supply chain discipline, suggest ways and means through which supply chain efficiency can be improved? 3 Marks (300 words Minimum)
ECN500 Global Economics
Module 06: Discussion : Part 1
Trade Policies for the Developing Nations International trade provides benefits to a country’s producers and consumers. However, some economists warn that developing countries are disadvantaged by the current international trading system.
Module 08: Discussion : Part 2
The balance of payments is the record of the economic transactions between a country’s population and the rest of the world. International trade can be affected by a nation’s balance of payments. In a critical essay, please:
- Select a country of your choice (other than Saudi Arabia) and observe the last balance of payments issued by that country. Does the country run a current account deficit or surplus?
- What are the driving factors for the deficit or surplus?
- What policies should the government implement to improve the external position of the country?
Module 11: Discussion : Part 3
Economic and monetary policies and/or sanctions have a direct impact on international trade. For this week’s discussion, please:
- Discuss the Russian-Ukrainian war that began on February 24, 2022, and the subsequent economic sanctions against Russia. Specifically, appraise the effect for Russia of being disconnected from SWIFT, losing the Most Favored Nation status, losing its oil export to the United States, and being barred from obtaining loans from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
- Distinguish the implication of these sanctions for Russia’s trading partners.
- Appraise how the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can navigate the new economic climate caused by this crisis.
MKT520: Social Media Marketing
Section 1: Social Listening Analysis
Summarize the primary intelligence gained by conducting a social listening analysis
According to the primary intelligence collected in the social listening analysis on social media, Hilton hotels receive an average of 1.5 thousand mentions on Twitter daily. Most of these tweets are related to their special offers, promoted by advertising, guests sharing pictures, tourist companies, and news.
Various positive sentiments appeared in social listening. This was common on most social media platforms. This is good news for Hilton and is a strength since it places Hilton at the top of ratings in the hospitality industry (Hilton Worldwide, n.d.). The Hilton group of hotels’ social media campaign is considered the essential method for a Hilton group hotel to generate interest in the public and promote the new and improved services offered by the Hilton group of hotels (Geheren, 2022). However, we have many different social media marketing strategies and mediums to reach the public. The most helpful notion for most Hilton groups of hotels in the industry is to adopt and implement several approaches so that one can be in a position to create a diverse marketing mix (Hilton Blends Corporate Strategy With Brand Expertise for Social Media | Marketing Dive, n.d.). I chose a post in a journal on social media marketing for the Hilton group of hotels, and I believe this ad is the best because it meets several marketing standards. It is in a position to convince customers.
There are more positive comments on most social media platforms, which is good for Hilton. The most popular social media platform for discussions about Hilton hotels is Twitter. Hilton then uses these insights to build their social media strategy.
According to what consumers are saying about Hilton Hotels, it is evident that it indicates an opportunity for them since the comments are positive. Its competitor, Marriott Hotels, has a weakness in online management and social media use. This makes Hilton shine since, When it comes to online customer service, Hilton is reported to be interactive. He has a reasonable response rate (Hilton Blends Corporate Strategy With Brand Expertise for Social Media | Marketing Dive, n.d.).
This helpful strategy incorporates the power of social listening, enabling Hilton’s staff and social media teams to engage and interact with their customers. Social media marketing is the name given to a collection of various showcasing systems which are used to promote the Hilton group of hotels and their administrations (Geheren, 2022). Eventually, the fundamental reason behind hospitality promotions is to portray the Hilton group of hotels in a positive light and interface with a targeted gathering of people. This can influence them to turn into customers. Social media marketing is frequently convincing in nature, where it focuses on a group of people and is proposed to create upgrades to business results for the time being or the long term.
Most people posted about their positive experiences when they visited Hilton: this is evident, especially when it comes to comments on Hilton’s cozy rooms, beautiful rooms, and the best hospitality services by having happy and friendly staff (Hilton Worldwide, n.d.). The central role of social media marketing strategies is to increase business. Social media marketing is significant for various reasons (Hilton Worldwide, n.d.). For example, through publicizing, numerous Hilton hotel groups can develop customer mindfulness, pass on their qualities, and feature their characteristics. Social media marketing material is one of the fundamental ways that the Hilton group of hotels can emerge from their rivals and impart an attractive selling focus. A successful Hilton group of hotels’ publicity will likewise empower custom unwaveringness.
Hilton hotels have over 1.5 thousand Twitter mentions daily. Most of these relate to Hilton’s unique features and offers. Using the slang ‘To New Memories, ‘ Hilton can offer its clients exciting experiences (Hilton Worldwide, n.d.). It is critical to comprehend that the Hilton hotel group incorporates different methods and orders.
Recommendation and Conclusion
Besides being a critical stage in completing customer administration, web-based life is a fantastic channel for advertisements and other limited-time content. The key is to make different web-based social networking showcases blend with a mix of Hilton Group of Hotels content, web content, video content, and other limited-time material. Hospitality must perceive the different scopes of social media platforms, from Facebook and Twitter to Instagram and LinkedIn.
China’s relations with Senegal and Ghana
task is to examine China’s relations with Senegal and Ghana on the following issues;
- Culture.
- Natural resources.
- Security.
- Economy.
- What is China doing to help the above countries in the four aspects? Are they a threat to peace? So research on the above
Put it this way:
- Senegal and China.
Analyze the four aspects and indicate your findings in point form. How has China helped Senegal in the four of them
- Ghana and China.
Same thing.
Then identify threats or negative impacts of the above relations. Let each aspect be on its own page. That will be 8 for the both and two for the negative impacts/threats of the relations, especially to peace. That will be a total of 1500 words
Writing for Nurses M2-A1
Instructions for Selecting the Country or Community of Interest
You need to select a country from the list below (or US immigrant/refuge community) that will serve as the focus for the final paper. The same country/community will provide a focus for assignments that occur prior to the final paper. The thought is that the earlier assignments will assist to clarify aspects of the final paper. The chosen country/community will be the focus of the following assignments: (a) NGO Business Letter, (b) SDOH Impact Analysis which includes an email to another professional, (c) Annotated Bibliography, and (d) Informative/Persuasive paper.
The choice of a country or US immigrant/refugee community will provide the focus for several assignments in this course. The country you choose will be the focus of the NGO Business Letter, the Email to a Healthcare Professional, and the Informative/Persuasive paper.
1. Choose one of the following countries/communities
- Kenya
- Botswana
- Ecuador
- Peru
- Thailand
- Jamaica
- Yemen
- Paraguay
- Sudan
- Haiti
- Somalia
- A specific immigrant or refugee community within the US, e.g. immigrant children from the southern hemisphere or a Muslim group who has recently arrived in the US or non-vaccinated individuals as a population.
Note 1: If you have an interest in a country or community that does not appear on the list, seek approval from the TA/instructor before starting work on this assignment. In your request, please state your reason for your desired choice.
Note 2: Occasionally one’s choice of a country does not develop as expected. Consult with the TA/instructor of the course about changing countries. The final decision must be made during Week/Module 3.
2. Use both the list of suggested resources found in the Instructional Materials folder and other sources to learn about the selected country, the health of the citizens and/or the healthcare issues in the selected country/community. Helpful resources are:
- Website of the World Health Organization (
- Website of the Pan American Health Organization (
- Websites that addresses immigrant populations is:
Directions for how to use this website are below the map of the US that appears on the website.
3. Write a paragraph explaining why this particular country/community was selected. Specifically, what drew you to this country (or population)?
4. Write a paragraph specifying three (3) major health concerns or healthcare issues in the chosen country/community. Explain why these issues are a concern in the chosen country/community. COVID is not an acceptable health issue.
5. Choose ONE of the identified health concerns/healthcare issues to serve as a focus for the Informative and Persuasive paper. Discuss why this issue was chosen over the others. Make sure that your reasons are explicit.
6. The assignment will be four (4) to six (6) paragraphs in length. Support your reasoning with two (2) peer-reviewed references and citations. A properly formatted title page and a reference page are required.
7. Consult the following website if you are unsure about how to find peer-reviewed articles (
8. Remember to use APA Manual 7th edition formatting and MUGS (Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling) guidelines when writing the paper.
Note: If upon completion of the country/community selection assignment, you find that you and the country are not compatible contact the TA/Instructor. Discuss the situation and determine if a change in selected country is appropriate.
MRKT 394 Customer Journey Best Practices
Choose a company that you interact with and write a two-page paper in Word on its customer journey. Identify acquisition and retention practices, and best practice recommendations you have for them. Use at least two external references and APA formatting.