Category Archives: Research Papers

MIS201- Management Information System

The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/ information technology (IT) used by selecting any organization of your choice locally or internationally

The idea is to investigate the selected organization using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles, websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to discuss:








Project Report Structure: Part 2

Marks: 13 Marks

  1. Analysis of Existing System (5 Marks).

Analyze the key problems of the existing system used by the company (2). Also, discuss the Information Systems used within the company (3) for example:

  • Transaction processing systems (TPS)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
  • Functional Area Information Systems
  • Business intelligence
  • DSS

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and it’s related to your selected organization)

  1. System Evaluation (2 Marks).

Evaluate the current system that the company use (your chosen company) with one of the following options (1):

  • Success
  • Partial failure/partial success
  • Total failure

Then, State the reasons for your choice (1)

  1. Suggestions for the company (3 Marks)

Design or choose a system to help the company solve its main problems. State the following:

  • The new system name (1)
  • Its features (1)
  • Problems that will be solved (1)

(If the system that the company uses is successful and does not need to be changed, you can mention that (1), mention its features (1), and mention the problems that it solved or prevented from happening (1).)

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and it’s related to your selected organization)

  1. Conclusion (2 Marks).

 Summarize your report (including part 1)

  1. References (1 Mark).

 Use APA referencing style format











Guidelines for the assignment:

  • Make sure to include the cover page with all information required. One mark will be deducted if there is no cover page
  • This is a group project (2-3 students), which is part of your course score. It requires effort, research, and critical thinking.
  • Use font Times New Roman, 12 font sizes
  • Use 1.5 line spacing with adjust to all paragraphs (alignment).
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.
  • The minimum number of required references is 3 for each part (1 and 2).
  • Your project report length Part 1 should be between 1500 to 2200 words & Part 2 should be between 1000 to 2000 words.
  • You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the assignment.
  • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment (Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count).
  • Assignment must be in Word format only NO PDF
  • Your file should be saved as Word doc [Example]: [Your Name] [CRN] MIS201 – Project Assignment Part 1.doc


Useful links:


HIST 2620 Section 004 – United States History Since 1865


The discussion responses you submit for each Discussion Post should all follow the same format and style. These should be 250-350 words, and are meant to be written in a “blog style,” as opposed to more formal writing. The intention behind this is to map the process of learning and analyzing history–therefore it should have a tone of personal reflection in addition to analysis. Reflect on the content you’ve learned in this unit. Then, consider your position/experience and how you relate to this material (yes–you can use first-person). Though there is an overall informal tone to these posts, your answers should employ critical thinking (as opposed to regurgitating material) and effectively apply reading and media sources from the unit’s module within your overall analysis. Include several specifics from course material, offering really simplistic citations in parentheses such as: (name of textbook chapter), (name of primary source), (name of historian video).


The 1920s was a time of great change. The American identity was destabilized, and especially marginalized Americans took this opportunity to redefine themselves and their culture in American society. As change continued, tensions mounted. Drawing on this unit’s material, write a 250-350 word post considering the below questions in your response.


  1. How did both women and African Americans attempt to redefine themselves in the 1920s?
  2. How did various groups push back against these changes?
  3. Why is it significant to appreciate both the social changes occurring at that time in American history as well as the protests to change?


Grading Rubric
100 Response is turned in on time, meets the length requirement, makes several references to course material, answers all prompt questions, and offer a critical analysis of the prompt material.
80 Response is turned in on time, but lacks one of the following: the length requirement, several references to course material, answers to all prompt questions, and a critical analysis of the prompt material.
60 Response is on time but lacks two of the following: the length requirement, several references to course material, answers to all prompt questions, and a critical analysis of the prompt material.
40 Response is late and lacks three of the following: the length requirement, several references to course material, answers to all prompt questions, and a critical analysis of the prompt material.
20 Response is late and lacks proper length, analysis of subject, and references to course materials.

Individualized Marriage

Strong/Cohen; The Marriage and Family Experience 14th Edition
Chapter 8 Create Activity

Individualized Marriage
Some argue that the advent of the individualized marriage has steadily eroded marriage as an
institution designed to meet the needs of society. With individualized marriage, personal
happiness takes a primary role. This sometimes results in divorce or even the choice not to marry
in the first place. For this activity, use a sociological lens to examine the generational changes to
the institution of marriage.
Report on the marital beliefs of an older married couple, a middle-aged, married couple, and a
young couple not yet married. The couples can be from television, the news, or your personal
experience. Use one to two major concepts and theories and appropriate terminology from the
text to explain what has changed in the purpose of relationships and marriage from one
generation to the next. Be sure to (1) explain each concept, theory, and term applied, (2) explain
how each concept and theory applies to the ideals of traditional marriage versus modern marriage
in the United States, and (3) evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of marriage in each generation
from a societal standpoint

Requirements for paper:
– Paper must be in MLA Format
– Font is Times New Roman with 12 for the size
– Paper should be double space


Question 1 (20 points) Design a divide and conquer algorithm that returns the height of an input binary
tree with ? nodes. Analyze the running time of the algorithm.
Question 2 (20 points) Design a divide and conquer algorithm that returns a pair (x, y), where x is the
largest number and y is the second largest number in an array of n numbers. Analyze the running time of
the algorithm.
Question 3 (15 points) Consider the following modification of the algorithm Merge Sort. The
algorithm first divides the input array A[low..high] into four parts A1,A2,A3, and A4 instead of two. It
then sorts each part recursively, and finally merges the four sorted parts to obtain the original array
in sorted order. Assume for simplicity that n is a power of 4. Analyze the modified Merge Sort
algorithm running time.
Question 4 (20 points; 10 points; 10 points) Find the time complexity of the Select algorithm if it
divides the array A into q groups of:
a) 4 elements.
b) 7 elements.
Question 5 (15 points) Apply the Quick Sort algorithm on the array
A = [32, 65, 40, 11, 18, 29, 37, 32, 53]
Clearly show the pivot and the subarray contents after the split terminates.
Question 6 (10 points) What is the running time of Quick Sort algorithm when all elements of array
A have the same value?

review 5 competitors

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications exercise and need support to help me learn.

  • Social media benchmarking [3.5 marks]
  • Review the social media accounts of five local competitors and pay attention to their tone and personality and analyze your competition’s social media platforms. Base your analysis on what you’ve observed on your competitor’s social media accounts across all platforms.
  • After completing the benchmarking, think about the results and act accordingly, how can a benchmarking analysis help your business?
  • Look at the data you’ve collected and identify the areas that need improvement (Explain).

For each competitor answer the following questions:

  • How your competitors use each platform?
  • What type of content are they posting? And social media platforms used?
  • What content is getting the highest engagement [e.g. retweet, likes, comments]?
  • How many followers do they have?
  • How often do they post [daily, weekly, or monthly]?
  • Do they respond to comments? And how?
  • Are your competitors successful on these platforms?

ECN500 – Discussion

Question 1.

International trade is subject to trade regulations and industrial policies. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is also subject to these regulations because of signed trade treaties or membership in various trade organizations. For this week’s discussion, please:

  1. Discuss Saudi Arabia’s participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO).
  2. Then, compare and contrast the Kingdom’s WTO involvement with its participation in the Gulf Cooperation Council, League of Arab States, and the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) Saudi Arabia signed with the United States.
  3. Which membership or trade agreement benefits Saudi Arabia the most?
  4. Please explain your position.


Question 2.

Trade Policies for the Developing Nations
International trade provides benefits to a country’s producers and consumers. However, some economists warn that developing countries are disadvantaged by the current international trading system.

  1. Select an Eastern European country that belongs to the European Union (Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia).
  2. Provide the most recent economic data for that country, then discuss how membership in the European Union affected the economic conditions in the past 10 years in the country you selected.
  3. Discuss the economic trade policies would you implement to continue the economic rise of the country you analyzed?


Question 3.

The balance of payments is the record of the economic transactions between a country’s population and the rest of the world. International trade can be affected by a nation’s balance of payments. In a critical essay, please:

  1. Select a country of your choice (other than Saudi Arabia) and observe the last balance of payments issued by that country. Does the country run a current account deficit or surplus?
  2. What are the driving factors for the deficit or surplus?
  3. What policies should the government implement to improve the external position of the country?




Question 4.

Economic and monetary policies and/or sanctions have a direct impact on international trade. For this week’s discussion, please:

  1. Discuss the Russian-Ukrainian war that began on February 24, 2022, and the subsequent economic sanctions against Russia. Specifically, appraise the effect for Russia of being disconnected from SWIFT, losing the Most Favored Nation status, losing its oil export to the United States, and being barred from obtaining loans from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
  2. Distinguish the implication of these sanctions for Russia’s trading partners.
  3. Appraise how the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can navigate the new economic climate caused by this crisis.



Communications question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Writing Essay, 4 paragraphs, (350 words).

I have an assignment and I need someone to help me with it by writing it, please.

The assignment is below, please read carefully and answer it as it should:

We all will have different life paths. We will endure different challenges, some will be super successful, some will be happy, some will be content, most will have regrets, but we all will live….our own lives.

With that being said, what do you want people to say about you when you have reached the end of your life span and leave this earth. Sounds morbid I know, sorry. But what would you want your obituary to say about you??

Give this some good thought and write at least one page minimum for this assignment.

What goals to do you have? What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to be known for? What kind of person do you want to be remembered as? These are just some examples of questions you can answer but feel free to go in any direction you choose.

Investment securities and markets

he Single Index Model (SIM) is one of the cornerstone models in asset pricing. The objective of this project is to use Excel to test the implications of the SIM. A sample of the excel file will be provided. In this sample file, the SIM will be estimated for one company. Then we will use this developed excel file to extend the test for two companies and conduct a comparative analysis. The two campanies that we use are Microsoft and Apple.

Your report should:

  • Briefly discuss the selected companies
  • Explain the theoretical justification of the SIM
  • Outline the method and data used
  • Evaluate the findings
  • Discuss the implications for asset pricing

A high standard report will:

  • provide clear, concise explanations
  • provide critical analysis rather than a description
  • incorporate both theory and evidence in your analysis
  • use appropriate scholarly research
  • recommend strategies for investors

1,500 words is the maximum length of the report. A 10% tolerance applies.Tables, diagrams, footnotes and appendices are allowed and are not included in the word count; however, they should be used sparingly and all key arguments must be in the main body of the report.

you are expected to write in complete sentences and well-structured paragraphs with introduction and conclusion sections. Headings and subheadings are encouraged. The coursework must be presented in PDF or Word format. You should use Times New Roman 12 point font, setup your page size to A4 paper, 1 inch (2.5cm) margins from each side (top, bottom, left, right), 1.5 line spacing, justified margins with footnotes on the same page rather than endnotes. Use the same paragraph format throughout. Number all your pages, tables and diagrams sequentially. Tables and diagrams must have a title and relevant description. Graph axes must be clearly labelled. Readers should be able to understand all tables and diagrams without referring to the main text.

Data Summary Statistics Regression Results
Month S&P 500 IBM S&P 500 IBM
2001m1 0.030345 0.313355 Mean -0.00177 0.002927 Source SS
2001m2 -0.09636 -0.11109 Variance 0.001864 0.009849
2001m3 -0.06789 -0.04092 Standard Deviation 0.04317 0.09924 Model 0.29791119
2001m4 0.073589 0.193905
Residual 0.283156511
2001m5 0.002074 -0.03085
2001m6 -0.02794 0.012297 Total 0.581067701
2001m7 -0.01367 -0.07596
2001m8 -0.06691 -0.05154 er_ibm Coef.
2001m9 -0.08392 -0.08454 er_sp500 1.64601
2001m10 0.016299 0.17646 _cons 0.005835
2001m11 0.073618 0.069346
2001m12 0.006166 0.045049
2002m1 -0.01695 -0.10943
2002m2 -0.02221 -0.0908
2002m3 0.035247 0.058435
2002m4 -0.06285 -0.19605
2002m5 -0.01052 -0.03907
2002m6 -0.07387 -0.10645
2002m7 -0.0804 -0.02362
2002m8 0.003531 0.071759
2002m9 -0.11138 -0.22781
2002m10 0.085132 0.352482
2002m11 0.056045 0.10209
2002m12 -0.06132 -0.10937
2003m1 -0.02839 0.008057
2003m2 -0.01798 -0.00223
2003m3 0.007416 0.005216
2003m4 0.080102 0.081552
2003m5 0.050007 0.037993
2003m6 0.010556 -0.06369
2003m7 0.015474 -0.0159
2003m8 0.017082 0.010589
2003m9 -0.01273 0.07628
2003m10 0.054195 0.012253
2003m11 0.006354 0.012904
2003m12 0.050016 0.022886
2004m1 0.016543 0.06994
2004m2 0.011434 -0.02671
2004m3 -0.01714 -0.04907
2004m4 -0.01757 -0.04074
2004m5 0.011233 0.005951
2004m6 0.016931 -0.00603
2004m7 -0.0354 -0.01336
2004m8 0.001054 -0.02651
2004m9 0.007989 0.011023
2004m10 0.012548 0.045303
2004m11 0.03687 0.050333
2004m12 0.030633 0.044228
2005m1 -0.02723 -0.05428
2005m2 0.016787 -0.00922
2005m3 -0.0214 -0.01525
2005m4 -0.02243 -0.16647
2005m5 0.027585 -0.01061
2005m6 -0.00262 -0.02034
2005m7 0.033285 0.122115
2005m8 -0.01409 -0.03457
2005m9 0.004099 -0.00781
2005m10 -0.02083 0.017601
2005m11 0.031953 0.085105
2005m12 -0.00419 -0.07861
Data Summary Statistics Regression Results
Month S&P 500 IBM S&P 500 IBM
2001m1 0.030345 0.313355 Mean -0.00177 0.002927 Source SS
2001m2 -0.09636 -0.11109 Variance 0.001864 0.009849
2001m3 -0.06789 -0.04092 Standard Deviation 0.04317 0.09924 Model 0.29791119
2001m4 0.073589 0.193905
Residual 0.283156511
2001m5 0.002074 -0.03085
2001m6 -0.02794 0.012297 Total 0.581067701
2001m7 -0.01367 -0.07596
2001m8 -0.06691 -0.05154 er_ibm Coef.
2001m9 -0.08392 -0.08454 er_sp500 1.64601
2001m10 0.016299 0.17646 _cons 0.005835
2001m11 0.073618 0.069346
2001m12 0.006166 0.045049
2002m1 -0.01695 -0.10943
2002m2 -0.02221 -0.0908
2002m3 0.035247 0.058435
2002m4 -0.06285 -0.19605
2002m5 -0.01052 -0.03907
2002m6 -0.07387 -0.10645
2002m7 -0.0804 -0.02362
2002m8 0.003531 0.071759
2002m9 -0.11138 -0.22781
2002m10 0.085132 0.352482
2002m11 0.056045 0.10209
2002m12 -0.06132 -0.10937
2003m1 -0.02839 0.008057
2003m2 -0.01798 -0.00223
2003m3 0.007416 0.005216
2003m4 0.080102 0.081552
2003m5 0.050007 0.037993
2003m6 0.010556 -0.06369
2003m7 0.015474 -0.0159
2003m8 0.017082 0.010589
2003m9 -0.01273 0.07628
2003m10 0.054195 0.012253
2003m11 0.006354 0.012904
2003m12 0.050016 0.022886
2004m1 0.016543 0.06994
2004m2 0.011434 -0.02671
2004m3 -0.01714 -0.04907
2004m4 -0.01757 -0.04074
2004m5 0.011233 0.005951
2004m6 0.016931 -0.00603
2004m7 -0.0354 -0.01336
2004m8 0.001054 -0.02651
2004m9 0.007989 0.011023
2004m10 0.012548 0.045303
2004m11 0.03687 0.050333
2004m12 0.030633 0.044228
2005m1 -0.02723 -0.05428
2005m2 0.016787 -0.00922
2005m3 -0.0214 -0.01525
2005m4 -0.02243 -0.16647
2005m5 0.027585 -0.01061
2005m6 -0.00262 -0.02034
2005m7 0.033285 0.122115
2005m8 -0.01409 -0.03457
2005m9 0.004099 -0.00781
2005m10 -0.02083 0.017601
2005m11 0.031953 0.085105
2005m12 -0.00419 -0.07861

Case Management

Community Case: Case Management- ANSWER QUESTION WILL FULL PARARGRAPH- No plagirism

Case Part 1

Florence Brown, a 67-year-old woman, recently spent 3 days in the hospital following a myocardial infarction (MI). Florence waited over an hour in the emergency room before it was determined that she had had an MI. She had two stents inserted while in the hospital. Florence has had hypertension for 20 years. Florence, who lives alone, will receive home health visits after discharge. The home health nurse, Judy Prescott, will provide the case management assessment for Florence and develop a comprehensive post-discharge plan to meet Florence’s physical, mental, and social needs.

Questions for students:

  • Why is continuum of care so important in the older population?
  • What are three key case management priorities that are evident from this brief description?
  • How do the signs and symptoms of MI differ between females and males?
  • Are women treated differently from men in regard to access to care?If so, what is the evidence?
  • What other information would be important to know regarding Florence’s hospital stay and discharge instructions to provide effective case management?

OP/ED and infographic on a human rights issue

Project Requirements: One op/ed article written by you and one infographic you create that is relevant to your human rights topic and article. See Creating Your Own Infographic.

  • Length: Word Count for final version of your op/ed should be between 700 – 1,100 words plus the infographic and any related text. The infographic text should not exceed 200 words. (Word count not including APA References page)
  • Genre: Op/Ed article and infographic. See example links below.
  • Audience: readers of the newspaper where you found your original op/ed and where your op/ed would be published; you classmates, your instructor, and anyone interested in the topic.
  • Research: 1-4 outside sources, popular and/or scholarly (one for the found op/ed and any other sources you use)
  • Citation: Cite the essay you chose as your basis for writing your own op/ed and any additional sources in APA format on an APA style references page (so you will have a APA References page with at least one citation on it). Any references to a source inside your paper must have an APA style in-text citation plus a citation on the References page.
  • Format:
    • Use 12-point font, Times New Roman or Calibri
    • Use 1-inch margins all the way around
    • Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and language usage
    • Effectively organized with paragraphs in a logical order; it should have a clear introduction and conclusion
    • Assignment Overview:
    • Opinion/Editorial:Using an opinion/editorial piece that you find about your human rights issue, you will write your own op/ed on that same topic. It can be an expansion of the source you’ve found or a counterargument to the source you found. You do not need to conduct additional research unless you want to but you can use the supporting evidence from the found source in your op/ed. Your op/ed should include a call to action
    • Infographic: To quote the Oxford English dictionary, an infographic is a “visual representation of information or data.” For your infographic, you will need to create a visual representation of the arguments you make in your op-ed piece, transforming them into a new mode. You can use pictures, icons, charts, graphs, and any other visual components to convey your arguments. You can also use text, but keep in mind that infographics are usually designed with minimum text and instead rely on visual clues to attract the audience’s attention and deliver the message in a convincing yet succinct way.
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