Category Archives: Research Papers
academic source bibliography
create an annotated bibliography of three academic sources centered around MY course theme. These sources must all be from the social sciences.
business data model
A data model provides a view of how the data is structured throughout an organization. You’ve been provided with a set of data points from a local hospital.
Using the data points provided, develop a data model. Your data model should structure the data to support the business practices of a health care organization.
The data points should be grouped together under a category heading.
Each category should have a title that is descriptive.
Develop your data model using the symbols and notations found in entity-relationship diagrams.
Data Points
Consumer ID.
Last name.
First name.
Date of birth.
Sex or gender.
Street address.
Zip code.
Telephone number.
Social Security number.
Type of radiological test.
Date ordered.
Physician last name.
Physician first name.
Physician’s specialty.
Physician ID.
Physician telephone number.
Insurance name.
Insurance group number.
Insurance type.
Effective date.
Expiration date.
Signs and symptoms.
Presenting problem.
Time of arrival.
Time of discharge.
1)How do care coordination and interdisciplinary care improve quality and lower cost of care? Where and how can Informatics enhance care coordination? How can care coordination be measured? From one of the readings this week, what matters more – care continuity, or care coordination? Why? Provide an example through your research or your own experience where care coordination has impacted quality and/or costs (positively or negatively).
2)Build a SIPOC diagram for a process you know well. For more information, please refer back to the SIPOC diagram content page.
Select one of these processes:
- Obtaining internet for your home
- Filing and completing your taxes
- Purchasing a new refrigerator
- Buying a house, condominium or apartment
Submit either a hand-drawn or Visio created process map, that is scanned to a pdf file, via Canvas.
Estimated word count for the final essay is from 750-1000 words. However, there is no upper- or lower-word limit for the assignment. Write no less and no more than you need to write to accomplish the tasks associated with each prompt.
For a strong essay, include references to at least one class material that you have read in the context of this theme. Consider and think about readings/videos/podcasts that were important to your learning growth, articulate their relevance, cite them within your theme essay and then put them in your reference list. Please adhere to APA formatting conventions (paragraphs, in-text citations, and reference list of cited work).
In the body of the essay also refer to at least one artifact (materials that you’ve created for courses) in relation to this theme. Consider how this artifact was instrumental in deepening your learning in relation to this theme. Dip liberally into your previous work and use evidence from your own learning throughout your essay.
Consider expanding your ideas beyond the single core course, include examples and artifacts from other courses and educational experiences in your reflection on each theme.
Threshold concepts are concepts that once learned, lead to a deeper and significantly different understanding of the theme. Threshold concepts are:
- Transformative. After learning a threshold concept a learner thinks about the theme in a fundamentally different way. Threshold concepts lead to significant new insights into the theme and may be accompanied by changes in values, or attitudes.
- Irreversible. Once learned, a threshold concept is not likely to be forgotten or unlearned. Because threshold concepts are transformative, it is impossible for a learner to go back to seeing the theme from the previous, untransformed perspective.
- Integrative. Threshold concepts reveal interrelatedness that was previously not recognized by the learner and lead to development of more elaborate and connected knowledge representations.
Threshold concepts are potentially difficult for learners to grasp initially, but once understood, they create a portal into a broader understanding of the world. Apply this idea of threshold concepts to your own learning for this theme. Threshold concepts may sometimes not be exclusive for transformative, irreversible and integrative. It can be one concept but you can demonstrate how this concept was transformative, irreversible and integrative for you. In other words, think deeply about your learning in relation to this theme and provide details. Consider using these prompts when articulating this section of your essay:
- What threshold concepts did you acquire (in this theme)?
- In what ways did they transform your thinking?
- How were they irreversible?
- How did they help you see interconnectedness or interrelatedness that you didn’t recognize before?
Think about the entirety of your experiences in relation to this theme. Go beyond the core classes and think about all classes, field experiences, and the work you have done related to this theme:
- What experiences or ideas or learnings did you find challenging or difficult?
- Discuss why and how these experiences were challenging.
- Were you able to work past the challenges or are you still working with them?
- How have these challenging ideas or experiences affected your professional development?
- What is your unfinished business from this theme? How have you worked with this and what are you working on right now?
- What do you want to work on next in your development related to this theme?
- How will your past challenges influence your future learning in relation to this theme?
- Where is your area of greatest strength and confidence related to this theme?
- What aspects of your development (from this theme) give you pause, or cause trepidation? How do you plan to engage with these issues?
Week 8: HR Final Project
You have acquired a vast knowledge about multiple topics relevant to managers and HR employees. Below, you will find a list of what some refer as pressing issues and trends facing HR professionals and you are asked by senior management to weigh in on—from educating and discussing the implications for the organization to providing solutions in which the organization can implement.
For your final paper, you are being asked to weigh in on an issue or trend (some examples below), defining and educating management exactly what the challenge or trend is, analyzing and discussing the implications for organizations, and what can be done. Do not limit yourself in your approach and elements, as you want to make sure that the executive management has the needed information to make a decision or take action. If you have questions or are unsure of your approach, please let me know so we can work on a solution that will be beneficial and give you the immediate takeaways you can implement if needed.
Examples of Issues and Trends:
- The Great Resignation
- Hybrid work environments and schedules
- Skill-based hiring
- Multiple generations in the Workforce (i.e., life longevity means multiple and long careers)
- Corona Virus Pandemic (e.g. the new normal, mandatory vaccinations)
- Closing the skills gap
- Modernizing employment-based immigration
- Creating organizational cultures that prevent workplace harassment and bullying
- Improving the employee experience (i.e. employee engagement)
- Use of artificial intelligence; fostering the relationship between workers and robots
- Creating flexible work schedules and environments
- Taking a stand on social issues, i.e., employer/employee activism
- Investing in mental health and wellbeing of employees
- Addressing the loneliness of remote workers
- Upskilling the workforce
- Focusing on soft skills
- Preparing for Generation Z in the workforce
- Preventing employee burnout
- Helping managers to manage (i.e. how HR can help managers manage)
- Holistic HR
- People Analytics to Analytics for the People
- Increase States’ Acceptance of Recreational Cannabis Use
Write an 8-10 page research paper in APA format, 7th edition (excluding the title page and reference pages) on your chosen topic. You are to create an analytical study to evaluate your recommendation, showing and demonstrating a measurable performance impact it would create for the organization. For example, if your intention and recommendation is to reduce turnover and improve performance, then you need to provide both hard and soft data to support your assertions and recommendation, and, in turn, anyone reviewing your report would draw the same conclusions. Whatever topic you choose, make sure that you connect it to “human resources” – whether it is the function, the department, or actual employees.
You will use a minimum of eight (8) sources, making sure that at least 80% (6) of your sources are peer-reviewed. You are, of course welcomed to use more.
Grading Rubric:
Please ensure that you review the grading rubric (select on checkerboard under grade details above) for this assignment carefully, to ensure that you receive the highest possible grade for your work! Read the instructions in detail before beginning this assignment. Please ask questions if necessary.
Week 6: Research Assignment 2 Pay-for-performance (PFP)
Pay-for-performance (PFP) continues to be a topic of debate. In America’s public school and health care systems, PFP is controversial issue. In some cases, such as law enforcement and the military, there is a belief such a system would not work at all.
Although the process has made inroads in business and is a means to help determine promotions, pay, and retention, pay for performance has not been consistently well received despite the successes experienced.
You have been asked by the organization’s senior leadership to explore the practicality of implementing a pay for performance program for your organization (i.e., merit pay, variable pay, discretionary bonuses, and non-discretionary bonuses) or one you are interested in working with. Before providing your summary and recommendations, you will want to include the following points:
- A brief background of the organization and industry.
- Identify and discuss which, if not all, PFP plans you will be considering.
- How the organization measure the effectiveness of the plan.
- Employees’ perspective – advantages and disadvantages of PFP.
- Employer’s perspective – advantages and disadvantages of PFP
- Include any additional information that will support your position and recommendation; do not limit yourself to these points.
Note: If you determine that PFP would not work for the organization, please make sure you the information you provide justifies your recommendation.
Additional Guidance:
- The assignment is due Sunday, 11:59 PM EST
- Submitted as an MS Word attachment in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
- Your paper should be a minimum of five (5) full pages of double-spaced content in 12-point font. This excludesyour title page and reference pages. An abstract is not required.
- Include a properly formatted APA cover page, a properly formatted Introduction and Conclusion, and a minimum of
As we discovered in our learning activities for Week 2, the topic of diversity is a mainstay in life. Organizations and individuals both work to educate those around on the value of understanding and embracing diversity with the hopes of ensuring the underrepresented received equal opportunities, fair treatment, and experience inclusive environments. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are independent concepts, but many believe to truly commit to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), all three must be successfully attained and sustained.
Diversity brings together the various characteristics of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, tribe, cast, socio-economic status, cognitive abilities, etc. but this is often where it stops for many. A diverse organization does not mean it is inclusive or equitable in the treatment of their employees.
Some of the underserved and underrepresented groups we have seen as the subject of articles, news, and social media are, but not limited to, the following: former felons, LGBTQ, Asian American, Hispanic, neurodiverse groups, law enforcement, veterans, Black African Americans, Arab Americans, long-term unemployed, just to name a few.
Some of the social movements that have brought attention for the need to strengthen an organization’s DEI programs include MAD Pride (users of mental health services), Men’s Rights Movement, Me Too Movement, Black Lives Matter, Trans Lives Matter, and Blue Lives Matter,
Choose one option. For each option, except Option 3, you will need to select a group or movement to be the focus of your paper.
Option 1: Develop a diversity initiative for your organization that targets your chosen group. In your learning material for Week 2, you will find a discussion on creating a diversity initiative, as well as provide you some examples of initiatives. Questions to answer: 1) history and treatment of chosen population 2) the value to organizations by increasing their DE&I efforts, and why this population and initiative is key to the success of the organization 3) complete description of the initiative and 4) how you will be able to determine the success of the initiative. Additionally, you will include an introduction, brief organizational background, and a conclusion.
Option 2: Develop a case study for your chosen group. The elements you will include are an introduction, background, literature review (minimum of 5 sources reviewed**), assessment/evaluation of your research, recommendations, and conclusion.
**The 5 sources are for the review and not necessarily what you will need to complete the paper.
Option 3: Conduct a DE&I audit for your chosen organization. An audit includes the assessment of the organization’s leadership, culture, policies, and procedures/practices for legal compliance with equal opportunity laws, as well as analyzing specific ways the same support or act as barriers. The parts of your paper include the introduction, brief organizational background, your audit, and a summary and recommendations.
Additional Assignment Guidance:
- Your paper should be a minimum of 5 pages in APA format (excluding title page and references) but encouraged use the number of pages needed to complete your assignment and address each of the elements effectively.
- Read the instructions before beginning this assignment. Please ask questions.
- Remember, Week 2 Learning Materials are a good resource.
- Submit your work as an MS WORD ATTACHMENT in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
- You are encouraged to use subheadings. A subheading reflects the content that follows. Subheadings provide a point of reference for the reader as well as guide the reader through your paper. If you do not have a clear thesis or your introduction is a bit complicated, the reader spends time guessing and is unclear as to what they are reading and why.
Wk 2 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Business Plan: SWOT Analysis [due Day 7]
In order to lead innovation, every business requires an evaluation of its current status. Perform a SWOT analysis and determine the need for change for your selected organization. Determine the problem and propose a solution (such as the introduction of new or updated process, product, or service).
In a 525- to 700-word document, complete the following in your analysis:
- Include the SWOT analysis you constructed and your complete SWOT graphic.
- Determine the current challenge(s) or dilemma you will address as part of your Business Plan.
- Justify how you determined the current challenge(s) or dilemma you will address as part of your Business Plan.
- Propose a solution (such as the introduction of new or updated process, product, or service) for your business’s challenge or dilemma.
- Justify the implications of your recommended solutions to enhance organizational outcomes.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
Wk 1 – Apply: Business Plan: Company Overview Assessment
Each week you will prepare an assigned deliverable as part of your capstone project, a final Business Plan for submission to senior leadership.
For the weekly Apply assignments, assume you have a senior management role within your organization or a company you are familiar with and would like to research. Your company is facing a dilemma that is technology-, operation-, service-, or manufacturing-based, such as the company’s inability to meet consumer demand. Senior leadership expects you, as the manager, to collaborate with staff on creating a business plan designed to reinvigorate internal and external customers. Guiding your team, you must either generate a new or update an idea, product, service, or process as a resolution to the organization’s current challenge.
In this assignment, you begin your capstone project by assembling a Company Overview Assessment. You will identify your selected organization, provide a brief historic overview, evaluate the strength of the competitors, and select organizational challenges to research.
Assemble your Company Overview Assessment as a Microsoft® Word document. In 350-525 words, complete the following:
- Compile a historic overview of your selected organization: your history (if relevant), company history (when it started and important milestones), management team structure, location, mission, vision, legal structure, flagship products or services, and competitive advantage (i.e., what sets it apart from competitors).
- Write an evaluation of the competitors’ strengths for your selected organization.
- Select an organizational challenge or dilemma you will research for your chosen organization
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
Week 10 Assignment – Quality improvement project (written paper)
This assignment provides students with the opportunity to design, develop, implement and evaluate a quality improvement project in their practice setting. The Model for Improvement is used for improvement and to test change(s) using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle on a small scale. See the criteria below for full descriptions.
- Write a Quality Improvement Paper using the criteria below and following APA Guidelines of 10-15 pages (excluding title and references).
- Attach paper below and Submit for Grade.
Criteria | Item Description |
Title |
Problem |
Aim Statement |
Project Objectives |
Background |
Design |
Model for Improvement (MFI) Part 1: Three fundamental questions
Part 2: Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle |
Results |
Conclusion |