Category Archives: Research Papers
Week 08 Assignment – Qualitative Research Article Critique
The Instructor will supply the student with a qualitative research article to critique.
This critique will be in APA format with a Title page, Reference page, and Level Headings separating the sections in the body of your paper. You will begin with an introduction. The body of your paper will answer the critiquing questions that are found in the Complete Qualitative Assignment Instructions. You will end the paper with a conclusion and a reference page.
Please upload your article in MS Word and submit using the ‘Submit for grade’ button. Please note this critique is graded using a grading rubric.
Week 7 Assignment – Case Study Analysis
Goal: Conduct a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that are related to your research topic. After a concise, but thorough, analyses of the cases, summarize the benefits of cross-cultural management in business.
Instructions: Students will write a 600-750 word case study analysis based on two case studies that involve cross-cultural management. Review the Case Study Analysis procedure as presented in a document located in this week’s reading resources (see Content). Obtain your case study articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals in the APUS online library. Use case studies that were published within the last ten years. After a concise, but thorough and clear delineation and analysis of the cases, complete the paper with a summary of what you gleaned from using the cases to understand management practice within organizations.
Write using the APA style format, including a title page and references page (no abstract is required). When you upload your paper, also upload pdfs of BOTH case studies, so the professor can check your analysis.
This assignment should be submitted as Word.doc attachment in the Assignment section of our virtual classroom. The file name of your paper should be named in the following manner: Last name–truncated Week Number-Assignment name (abbreviated if necessary)
For example: Smith-Wk07 – Case Study Analysis
The accompanying articles upon which your work is based should be saved to your computer as a pdf file and then uploaded along with your assignment, named as suits you, EXCEPT put your last name first in the following manner: Last name–the name of the respective article (abbreviate as needed)
For example Smith-YadaYada Research
Please note that this week you should upload three items into the same assignment area: your paper (.doc) plus the two case studies (each as a .pdf) upon which your paper is based.
The grading rubric is found in the Resources section of the classroom.
A document “Five steps case study analysis” is found in the Content>Readings & Resources as well as in the Resources
Week 6 Assignment – PowerPoint Presentation
For this assignment, you will complete the PowerPoint presentation you developed in Week 5. As discussed in Week 5, the PowerPoint will inform how social media can help an organization improve in areas such as sales, performance, culture, or positive image. Your audience is the same manager; someone who is familiar with social media but wants to learn more about how they can use it to help their organization reach its goals.
Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 12–18 slides including:
- A title slide.
- An agenda slide.
- Body content slides.
- Conclusion slide.
- A sources slide.
All slides count toward the required length. Start with your slide deck from the Week 5 assignment. Incorporate feedback you received from the professor and expand the presentation for this assignment.
- Revise your slide deck from Week 5 presentation, taking your professor’s feedback into account.
- Revise the title slide.
- Revise the agenda slide.
- Revise the introduction slide.
- Develop 10–15 body slides for your presentation that inform a manager how social media can be used to help an organization reach its goals.
- Overview of issue or opportunity.
- How a selected social media can be leveraged to resolve an issue or leverage an opportunity to help a company reach its goals.
- As you develop your presentation, refer to the general design requirements found in Chapter 12 of your BCOM
- Your presentation must be submitted in .PPT or .PPTX format. Other submission formats will be returned ungraded. Incorrectly formatted file submissions may be corrected and resubmitted for late credit.
- Focus your work on clarity, writing mechanics, professional language, and appropriate style.
The PowerPoint presentation must adhere to the following requirements:
- Content:
- Revise the first three slides of a presentation that addresses the use of social media in the workplace.
- Include the title of the presentation, your name, and the presentation date on the title slide.
- List the key points that outline the structure of your presentation on the agenda slide.
- Provide an overview of the presentation purpose and its context to the target audience in the introduction slide.
- Cover the purpose and key points of the presentation in 10–15 body slides with illustrations, images, and graphs/charts that reinforce the key points and purpose.
- Use Figure 12.1 Process for Planning, Preparing, and Rehearsing Presentation in the BCOM text as a guide for developing your presentation.
- Use Figure 12.2 Presentation Planner in the BCOM text to organize the content for your presentation.
- Use Figure 8.1 Inductive Outline Used in Persuasive Messages Sent in Written, Electronic, or Spoken Formin the BCOM text as a guide while developing the presentation purpose and key points.
- Conclude the presentation using a single slide for the closing that contains a one-sentence wrap-up statement reinforcing the purpose of the presentation.
- Provide the required number of two references; all references are peer-reviewed, academic references that are added to a sources slide after your closing slide using the Strayer Writing Standards.
- Revise the first three slides of a presentation that addresses the use of social media in the workplace.
- Format:
- The presentation should be a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 slides including the title and sources slides.
- Format your PowerPoint with headings on each slide, use 10–20 graphics throughout, and ensure the presentation adheres to visual best practices as outlined in BCOM.
- Use images, graphs/charts, and illustrations as appropriate to support the purpose and key points.
- Figure 12.3Designing Compelling Slides in the BCOM text as a guide to slide design.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Slides should cite any relevant outside sources in SWS format requiring in-text citations on slides and a sources slide at the end of the presentation.
Review your work with the rubric/scoring guide before submitting your assignment to check that your work meets all the grading requirements.
Remember to run a spelling and grammar check before submitting your assignment. Check with your professor if you have any additional questions.
Week 06 Reflective Journal – Planning a High Reliability Journey
High Reliability Mindset & Five Principles of High Reliability Organizations
In this video presentation, Frank Federico, BS, RPh, Executive Director, Institute for Healthcare Improvement brings it all together, in other words, the journey to high reliability. Mr. Federico introduces his presentation with the following question: Why do we want to take the journey to high reliability?
Federico, F. (n.d.). Bringing it all together: The journey to high reliability. Barnes Jewish Hospital, Washington University in St. Louis. (37 min)
NOTE: The link will show a warning in your browser. The CISO of Norwich University has checked and the link is safe to use. Click ‘advanced’ then click button to proceed to video.
Based on Mr. Federico’s presentation, How close or far away is your healthcare organization from the state of high reliability?
In your Reflective Journal answer the following questions:
- How do the characteristics of your own organization compare with the journey to high reliability as described by Mr. Federico.
- Describe your organization’s commitment to patient safety and high reliability.
- Where does your healthcare organization currently stand on the journey to high reliability?
- What is the healthcare organization’s plan or next steps on the high reliability journey?
Week 06 Assignment – Quantitative Research Article Critique
This critique must be in APA format with a Title page, Reference page, and Level Headings separating the sections in the body of your paper. You will begin with an introduction. The body of your paper will answer the critiquing questions that are found in the Complete Quantitative Assignment Instructions. You will end the paper with a conclusion and a reference page.
Please upload your article in MS Word and submit using the ‘Submit for grade’ button.
Week 06 Assignment – Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
This assignment provides students with the opportunity to identify a high-risk process in the practice setting and then conduct a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA).
The FMEA is a systematic, proactive approach to assess risk of failure and harm in a high-risk process, and identify areas for process improvement.
Criteria | Item Description |
Title |
High-Risk Process |
Process Map/Flowchart |
FMEA Table |
- Use the MS Excel table FMEA for High Risk Process to fill out your failure and effect analysis according to the IHI lesson.
- Attach your Excel table below and ‘submit for grade’.
Week 5 Assignment – Professional Experience: Presentation Summary
The Professional Experience assignments in this course are designed to help prepare you for communicating in a professional work setting. When you are writing in the workplace, it is essential to:
- Follow any specific directions you receive.
- Consider who it is you are communicating with.
- Consider what your overall purpose in communication is.
To earn full credit, make sure you complete all assignment requirements and follow the instructions exactly as written. See the scoring guide rubric for specific grading criteria.
If you submit your Professional Experience assignment before the due date and you are not satisfied with your grade, you may resubmit one time for an opportunity for full credit points. Check with your professor for the resubmission deadline.
For this Professional Experience, you will create the first three slides of your PowerPoint deck due in Week 6. This PowerPoint will inform how social media can help an organization improve in an area such as sales, performance, culture, or positive image to the public. Your audience will be a manager who is familiar with social media but wants to learn more about how its use can help an organization reach its goals. Review the Week 6 assignment to help guide your work for this assignment.
To complete this assignment:
- Download and review the Week 5 PPT Resources [PPTX].
- Save the file to your desktop using the following file name format:
- pptx
- Example: Smith_PE3_PPT.pptx
- pptx
- Identify a topic of how a company leverages social media in the workplace.
- Do not use any other topics.
- Develop the first three slides of your presentation
- Develop a title slide with the name of your presentation, your name, and the date of submission.
- Develop an agenda slide that lists the key information you might use in your body slides for Week 6.
- Develop an introduction slide that provides an overview of the uses of social media and your main idea for the presentation.
- Apply best practices for developing presentations as described in Figure 12.1 Process for Planning, Preparing, and Rehearsing Presentation in the BCOM text as a guide for developing your presentation.
- Apply best practices for planning presentation information as described in Figure 12.2 Presentation Planner in the BCOM text to organize the information for your presentation.
- Save all the changes you made to your presentation with the file name of LastName_PE3_PPT.pptx and submit the file to this Professional Experience: Presentation Summary assignment by the deadline.
Socioeconomic Factors: Literature Review
The research and application of psychology is influenced by external factors, such as what we discussed in the previous assignment regarding multiculturalism. Other issues that impact psychology are socioeconomic factors including such things as poverty, access to health care, education, and living conditions/quality of life.
- For this assignment, you will review three scholarly journal articles related to your interests in psychology and relevant to socioeconomic factors as described by (but not limited to) the examples above.
- The scholarly journal articles will be within the last 2–3 years.
- Search the South University Online Library databases. Other sources, such as textbooks, Wikipedia, and other online sources will not be accepted. Read and analyze each of the articles and create a synopsis.
In your synopsis, make sure to include:
- A summary of each of the journal articles.
- Your thoughts and perspectives regarding the concepts covered in each of the journal articles.
Week 03 Assignment – Problem, Aim Statement and Project Objectives
For this assignment, you will use the “Worksheet for Developing Your Quality Improvement Project” (PDF) to help you develop the problem, aim statement, and project objectives for your quality improvement project. Use the assignment’s guidelines as listed below to complete this assignment.
Students will create sections on:
- Problem Statement
- Define the nature and significance of the local problem, and the focus of your proposed QI project.
- Describe the local context:
- type and size of organization
- details about the staff members
- brief description of patient population.
- Aim Statement
- Time-specific and measurable; it should also define the specific population that will be affected (, 2017).
- Use the S.M.A.R.T. criteria:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Realistic/Relevant
- Timely
- Project Objectives
(what do you expect your project to accomplish)- Use the S.M.A.R.T. criteria to write each objective.
W7 Assignment Capstone Project Part VI: Final Report
- Capstone Project Part VI: Final Report
- [Due Saturday] Executive Summary — Provide an overview of the key content covered in the body of the report. Imagine a busy executive or potential investor who has just a few minutes to decide if they want read the rest of your report. Quickly give them the “meat” of your report, not fluff. (1-2 pages)
- Business Model — Present Final “Canvas” Table with persuasive written explanation from customer or internal perspective (refer to visual presentation created previously). (2-3 pages)
- Analysis and Insights — Describe analysis techniques employed and refer to appendices showing work performed (e.g., empathy map, MVP, etc.). Explain insights discovered about customers and business model (e.g., contrast original and final “Canvas” models). (2-3 pages)
- Design and Implementation Recommendations — Describe the essential characteristics of the product, process or technology you are proposing to address customer/user needs you identified in your analysis. And, identify specific implementation recommendations that will help the design be successful internally and externally. (2-3 pages)
- Impact — Describe the financial, ethical, and global implications of your proposed innovation. Quantify your financial projections in some way that shows why this is (or is not) worth doing (e.g., ROI). For ethical or global concerns you identify, suggest ways that they might be addressed. (2-3 pages)
- Appendices — Document depth of research through display of artefacts, analyses, and sources in support of the body of the report.
Rubric for Capstone Project Part VI: Final Report
Rubric for Capstone Project Part VI: Final Report | ||
Criteria | Ratings | Pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExecutive Summary — Provide an effective overview of the key content covered in the body of the report. (1-2 pages) | 2 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBusiness Model — Presented Final “Canvas” with persuasive written explanation from customer or internal perspective (refer to visual presentation created previously). | 2 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis and Insights — Accurately described analysis techniques employed and referred to appendices showing work performed (e.g., empathy map, MVP, etc.). Effectively explained insights discovered about customers and the iterations and refinement of business model over the course (e.g., contrast original canvas and final canvas models). (2-3 pages) | 4 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesign and Implementation Recommendations — Persuasively described the essential characteristics of the product, process or technology proposed to address customer/user needs identified in analysis. Identified specific, well-reasoned implementation recommendations to help the design be successful internally and externally (2-3 pages) | 4 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImpact — Effectively described key financial, ethical, and global implications of proposed innovation. Quantified financial projections appropriately to show why this is (or is not) worth doing (e.g., ROI). For ethical or global concerns identified, suggested useful ways they might be addressed. (2-3 pages) | 4 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppendices — Documented depth of research through display of artefacts, analyses, and sources in support of the body of the report. | 2 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReport meets academic writing standards including academic integrity, grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, and organization. | 4 pts | |
Total Points: 22 |