Category Archives: Research Papers


  • Provide an example of a scenario where the measures of central tendency are skewed as a result of outliers. How can such a situation be identified and addressed? Next, provide an example of what information SS provides us about a set of data. Under what circumstances will the value of SS equal 0 and is it possible for SS to be negative?


  • What is a sampling distribution? What does the knowledge of σ contribute to a researcher’s understanding of the theoretical sampling distribution (regarding its characteristics and shape)? Contrast a t distribution from that of the standard normal distribution. In what ways might N affect the CI?



Counselors are increasingly required to demonstrate the efficacy of their interventions and treatment strategies. Within the helping profession, there is increasing pressure to provide treatments that are evidence-based. The essays provided in this course will assist you with developing meaningful contributions to scientific literature as you eventually develop your dissertation.


In EDCO 735 there will be 7 essay assignments you will need to complete. In each module there will be two essay prompts related to the textbook material for that specific module. For each essay assignment, answer both essay questions using a minimum of 300 words for each essay. A title page (no abstract) and reference page are required. Current APA 7 must be used to cite sources. Course textbooks and materials are allowed for the essay assignments

Project Management Software Tool Demonstration Presentation

For this assignment, you will be required to demonstrate the operation of the ProjectLibre software and analyze the uses and value of such tools to project management. The instructions to access and use ProjectLibre are provided in 3.4 Self-Study: Software Tool Familiarization and Initiation Phase. The video “Introduction to ProjectLibre” in Activity 3.4 provides appropriate procedures to complete this assignment.


Project Description

An airline maintenance organization is tasked to complete a special project. An airworthiness directive was issued by the FAA requiring certain aircraft to be inspected for possible fuel line chafing in the main fuel cell. The company has one such aircraft in operation. The company asks you to take charge of a project and complete the required inspection in 20 days or less. The aircraft cannot remain out of service for more than this time. The project will utilize a seven-day workweek.

A team meeting comprised of those who will be needed to complete the project was conducted. The team defined the project activities needed and developed estimated activity times as shown below.


Develop an audio-narrated presentation providing an overview of your project plan. Provide a screenshot or copy of your software-generated plan in the presentation. For assistance with preparing your audio-narrated presentation, view the Presentation Guide.

In your presentation, analyze the ProjectLibre output and include the following topics in your presentation:

  1. Define the project critical path. Which activities does the critical path include? (The critical path is identified by the red bars.)
  2. Will this project finish on time (20 days) according to the plan?
  3. In which ways would the project manager use the project plan/schedule and critical path to manage the project?
  4. How would the project be affected if the activity time estimates were too optimistic or too pessimistic?
  5. How valuable do you think a software-developed project plan like this is to project managers?


Leadership and Power

Leadership and Power

Create either a 2- to 4-minute podcast’

7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, a 1- to 2-minute video, or other presentation on the interaction and influence among leadership tactics according to the following criteria:

  • Explain power and compare how it relates to leadership



The subject of power is a complex one. There are many types, levels, and definitions of power. But in general, it can be defined as the control over something or someone which is exerted because you have more force or capacity. The question that arises then is how does power come about? How do people gain power in society?

When someone has a position of power over others through coercion or force, there are often negative consequences for these individuals and those around them.

  • Analyze the five sources of power


What are the five sources of power?


The Five Sources of Power are as follows:

– Influence: Power to persuade others, attract them, and make them want what you have.

– Wealth: The ability to generate a large amount of money and purchase anything or anyone.

– Authority: The power to control people’s behavior by giving commands and enforcing rules.           – Security: Reliability in your life, whether it be security at work or in personal relationships.

  • Summarize the relationship between influence and power
  • Determine how relationships between leaders and staff affect influence and power

Cite a minimum of two references other than the text.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.



  • Provide an example of a hypothetical study that would use a one-way between-subjects ANOVA. Be sure to describe the different groups, conditions, and hypotheses involved. What would the null be and does successful rejection indicate a mean significantly different from every other mean? How would you decide on the necessary sample size (one which provides adequate statistical power)?


  • State two common post hoc procedures for the comparison of means in an ANOVA. How do these differ from planned contrasts? Given a situation where a researcher intends to demonstrate that a treatment variable will have a significant difference on outcomes, which would the research want to be larger: MS between or MS within? Explain.

Unit I Essay


Write a 2-3 page essay (two page minimum) on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), following APA style with at least two scholarly references using the CSU Online Library.

The essay should address all of the following:

  • summarize the need for regulation and SOX’s impact on the relationship between individual business and financial institutions;
  • compare and contrast the major differences between financial and managerial accounting; and
  • identify how SOX affected managers, managerial accountants, along with managerial reporting regulations.

Your essay must be at least two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. You are required to have at least two references that come from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

Write a methods lab report

Please follow directions in the document

Objectives for Lab 11:

  • Describe your participants

  • Describe your materials

    • Calculate internal consistency reliability for your existing scale

  • Describe your procedure

Outline for Method Section

Read and complete this outline prior to starting the lab. You may write in fragments (words, phrases) or in complete sentences. Please note that thinking about paper construction and outlining your thoughts will aid in writing each section of your lab report, so take advantage of this process!

Participants & Procedure

  • Who were the participants? How many participants were in OUR study?

    • Gender:

    • Age:

    • 3rd demographic question (of your choice): _______________________

    • 4th demographic question (of your choice): _______________________

  • How did you collect the data?

(Note. We will combine these two sections because the Procedure subsection will potentially be too short to stand on its own).


  • Describe the existing DV scale that was provided by your professor/TA.

    • Name of scale (don’t forget to cite your source), number of items, sample item, response options, internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha)

  • Describe the items in the survey that was created by you and the class

    • Number of opinion questions and an example (one you used; include response options)

    • Number of demographic questions and an example (one you used; include response options)


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Architecture project

part 1

this part is all about data and project statistics. You are given site plan designs with design proposals that require planning and policy analyses that your team will summarize in a Planning and Policy Report for each site. At minimum, your team must determine if the project proposals meet the intent of the Official and Secondary Plans, Zoning By-Laws, and any other applicable regulations or guidelines.

Deliverables: Your report shall include both a written summation (not cut and paste) and a Zoning Matrix (chart) for each site. Your summation must include move-forward and potential design recommendations after determining whether the proposal meets planning ordinances, and if not, what form of amendment would be required.

Part 2

This part of the project is about applying findings from Part 1 in the development of fully resolved and dimensioned site plans and site sections, using AutoCAD, as well as 3D massing diagrams, using Revit.

Deliverables: Site Plan, Site Section, 3D Axo Diagram, 3D Streetscape Diagram

Note: the 3D diagrams are not developed architectural designs or renderings – they are massing models. You are to include 3 digital images (max) that define architectural intentions.


Political Science Question

Students striving for a A, B, or C will write a research report about one of the two projects they will complete this semester. The literature study and methods section of the report are submitted here.

With your teammate, write the literature study and methods section of the paper.

For the literature study, use solid sources:

• at least 5 peer-reviewed articles

• at least 3 other reliable sources (.gov, .edu, national news + use your own judgment. NO BLOGS!!!)


• Use APA style! (Links to an external site.)

• Process your sources into a 2500-word literature study of your team’s research topic.

• Write 1250 words to explain every step you will take / have taken (methods), but write it in the past tense, as if it has already happened.

• Use the helpful resources posted in “files” in your group page.

This is a pass/fail assignment!

In order to pass and receive credit for this assignment, all work must comply with the highest or second-highest box of each rubric row. Work that falls short on one or more of these rows will receive zero points. See “Course policies” in the syllabus for rules on revision and resubmission.

Watch the video to learn how to find peer-reviewed articles:


Social science writing question

Assignment 1: Week 6 Blog

Refer to the topics covered in this week’s resources, and incorporate them into your blog.


Post a blog post that includes:

  • An explanation of potential challenges for intervention during your field education experience (Redeem Healthcare Medical Systems located in Baltimore, MD)

  • An explanation of personal action plans you might take to address intervention in your field education experience


Respond to the blog post of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

  • Make a suggestion to your colleague’s post.

  • Expand on your colleague’s posting

Colleague 1: Ashlynn

During my field placement, I have come across many challenges during the intervention phase. Some of these challenges consist of families/ parents agreeing to participate in services however when services are ready to begin, they either stop responding to calls or indicate that they have changed their mind.

Additionally, I have families that make it very difficult to make contact with them so getting to the intervention stage is hard within itself. However, I diligently make efforts to contact the families.

When Safety Plans are created to ensure the child’s safety, due to it being voluntarily we never really know if the parents are being complainant.

Since the start of covid-19, a lot of the refers we make to families are home-based. Due to this many families are very leery in letting strangers in their home. This is completely understandable considering the severeness of covid. Therefore, when I refer parents to services in the assessment phase I ask would they mind home-based service or if they are looking for something that could be done over video.


Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th

ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Colleague 2: Sharon

Potential challenges for intervention during your field education experience:

Some challenges that I have experienced working with clients at field placement, is that they have agreed to work on specific program goals and after they have agreed to participate in the treatment programs they drop out. For example, substance abuse treatment programs, parenting, or harm reduction classes. My clients would start either of these recovery or treatment programs that run for six weeks to improve their circumstances and then drop out two weeks later. After noticing that the client did not show up, I would follow up with a phone call and usually told something like they are not feeling well. For example, one of my clients that were registered in the parenting program did not show up and after following up, I learned from her that she was not feeling well and that she would return the following week. I offered the client an opportunity to catch up by letting her know that I am willing to spend one-on-one time with her to bring her up to speed with the other students. This was in consideration to help her stay in the program if she was coming down with an illness. The client didn’t call me back to make further arrangements. I phoned her a couple more times and was unable to get her on the phone. Neither, did she return any of my calls thereafter? I had to withdraw her from the program, notify my supervisor, and add her to the no-show list. I tried to connect with her thereafter, but she seemed busy and kept avoiding me. The situation became a bit frustrating for me knowing willingly that I wanted to help her. I later came to a realization that I cannot do it for the client and that they have to be willing to take the steps on their own. I also learned, that they sometimes face internal barriers and challenges that limit participation. Garthwait, (2017) mentioned that “understanding the social problems addressed by your agency will help you analyze them and begin the work necessary to reduce or eliminate them,” (p. 94). I find that this is a profound statement because the agency deals with clients who are homeless and are struggling emotionally and faces various psychosocial symptoms. Moreover, clients don’t always fully disclose. I spoke with my field supervisor who informed me that these circumstances happen all the time and he finds it challenging as well.

Personal action plans taken to address intervention in your field education experience:

In order to address no shows issues with treatment programs drop-outs, we normally issue transportation allowance before the program starts for clients to prepare themselves for the program. Now we issue the transportation allowance one week after the start date of the program. Also, new boundaries were established to go over clear guidelines with the clients from the beginning of the program so that they know what is expected of them and go over the program agreements. For example, clients are made aware that they will not receive a certification of completion to show a third-party agency until they complete the program and accomplish their goals. For instance, some clients need the substance treatment workshop, harm reduction or parenting program to either get their children back from the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) where their children are in temporary care or to help them to become sober and practice safe needle usage.

An additional step that I added to the program is to follow up with a third-party call to the agency to let the agency know that the clients have dropped out. Garthwait, (2017) mentioned that “one social problem can lead to or exacerbate others, or how several problems clustered together can overwhelm clients.” Having this awareness helps me to better put the client’s situation into perspective and offer empowerment and support.


Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Colleague 3: Amber M

  • An explanation of potential challenges for intervention during your field education experience

A challenge that I have during my intervention process is that not all patients are receptive and of interventions. My preceptor asked if I could lead a processing group for a particular unit that had four individual patients attempt suicide in one weekend. Although most are receptive not all patients want to be bothered or participate. I helped the clients create a safety plan and process the events of the past weekend, it was difficult at first because one client tried to take over the group and was cynical of the interventions, which in turn affected her peers being receptive of the group. She eventually stopped her cynical and smart comments but initially it was hard trying to motivate the group with so much push back from this individual.

  • An explanation of personal action plans you might take to address intervention in your field education experience

It was easier to work with her dark humor and sarcastic tone than against, to avoid power struggle. My preceptor used the clients remarks to address serious issues and it was obvious later that her remarks were a reflection of her being uncomfortable with the topic. But by allowing her to express herself and using her comments as a way to address the suicide attempts, it ended up being a win win. Suicide and depression is growing problem, to fix the problem tit is useful to listen to those who experiencing these issues first hand, which my preceptor and I did, “one of the most important perspective on social problem is that of the clients who are experiencing them” (Garthwait, 2017p.93).

Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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