Outline of paper

You will have 2 options for completion: the Rogerian or the Classical Outline structure.

  • Because you likely do not have all of your sources yet, this is a preliminary plan.
  • In either outline, your main arguments must be clear.
  • You must find at least 1 piece of literature to support each argument
  • You must dentify 2 viewpoints opposed to your thesis.
  • In each outline, the required information is highlighted in yellow. The rest of the outline will help you to stay focused and organized as you continue to add source information each week, but will not be due as an additional assignment.
  • Regardless of which you choose, you must also submit at least 5 scholarly sources in APA format. This is the same citation style used in the Annotated Bibliography. Include the 4 from that assignment, and add at least one more that you’ve found since then.

Please note: If you turn in paragraphs that are NOT in outline format,

  • I will just assign the document a ZERO and will not grade it.
  • The point of creating an outline is to get your thoughts in a logical format before writing. If you ignore the purpose of the assignment, I will not work to pluck your thoughts out of the paragraph format.


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