Category Archives: Discussions

Communications question

Write two paragraphs.

-The first paragraph is about a family business. What make a family business successful? What kind of business is it? How does it make money? Why is the business successful?

-The second paragraph is about nature in your city and my city is Dammam City which in eastern province of Saudi Arabia Country. So you will write a paragraph about Dammam city with your opinion, is there enough nature? Does this city need more? Give reasons to support your opinion.


Management Question

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.

  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.

  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.

  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.

  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.

  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


Java Question

I’m working on a java practice test / quiz and need support to help me understand better.

-There is a quiz/test posted, please check the attached documents.

Need the tutor to be online or available during 11:45 pm till 1:30 pm EST

-I will need the answer by 1:30 pm EST


Computer Science Question

Q1) Write a code in python that display the list:


  1. Print the list

  2. Find how many elements the list contains

  3. Add number 3 to the third element which is 5. It should be replicated by 8.(5+3)

  4. Print the new list. (The output should be [0,-3,8,100,5,10,30])

  5. Find the last element of the list using length

Q2) what is the difference between code 1 and code 2?

                Code 1:



Code 2:



Q3) deff(a,b=1, c=2)

This defined function prints values of arguments passed to the parameters, the write output of:

                F(2, c=2)

                F(c=100, a=110)

Q4) The syntax of opening file in python for both reading and writing format is:

Q5) write a code in python that welcomes the user when the username and password is correct.

  • Username: “python”

  • Password: “12345”

Output should be



Microeconomics ECON101

Microeconomics ECON101

  1. Explain the effects of low price-guarantee on the price. (1.5 Marks)

  2. Give reasons, when average cost increases as the total output increases for an increasing cost industry. (1.5 Marks)

Figure shows the market for a successful price-fixing arrangement (cartel) between two identical firms. When the two firms act like one and charge the same price (2 Marks)

  1. What will be the market price?

  2. How much each firm will produce and sell quantity?



Finance question

For each question in this set, you will need to use the data contained in the Excel fle “Homework 1 Data” found under the files tab. lt contains the 1995-2018 monthly returns for Microsoft(MSFT),Exxon Mobil (XOM), IBM (IBM),and Chevron (CVX).

Assuming you have data in cells A1:A10 andB1B10some useful Excel commands include:

Mean of series A:=AVERAGE(A1:A10) Variance of series A:=VAR(A1:A10)

Standard deviation of series A:=STDEV(A1:A10)

Covariance between series Aand B:=COVAR(A1:A10,B1:B10)

Coefficient of correlation between series A and B:=CORREL(A1:A10,B1:B10) Square root of a number in cell A1: =SQRT(A1)


Business discussion question

Think about a good or bad service experience that you have had. Briefly describe the experience. What factors contributed to this experience? What changes could have been made to make this an even better service experience? Why is service marketing important?


Writing Question

1. What does “function” mean in architectural discourse, especially in relationship to nineteenth century theories of evolution? Give two examples of functional architecture and the historic context from which they emerged

2. Describe two types of urbanism, or two very different examples of urban design. Use ideas from the course to describe the different landscapes created by these urban paradigms and their implications for the meaning of the city and it everyday life.

3. Explain some of the ideas of one of the following architect/writers: A. Siegfried Giedion B. Hermann Muthesius C. Denise Scott Brown What did she or he write about? What was she or he standing for or against? What kind of new architecture was influenced by these ideas?

4. Describe an instance when architectural discourse recognized a fundamental problem in how its practice related to the changing conditions of the built environment in its time, and give an example of one designer, writer, or movement that attempted to either solve this problem or reframe the issue in a new way.

5. How might a piece of writing change the nature of architecture, for instance as a history, a manifesto, or a critique? How does writing work in architecture, including strategies of tone and relationship to audience? Give at least one example of a piece of writing that influenced the architecture that came after it, and explain how this worked.

6. How does the idea of utopia relate to the social responsibility of design? Give an example of utopian or dystopian thinking from the history of architectural discourse, and explain how it worked as a proposal or critique of social conditions in its time.


Management Question

I’m working on a management Research Paper and need support to help me study.

a minimum of five (5) pages of substantive content

must be submitted in APA format – see information for APA 7th edition in the Resources

This is just the first half of the research paper.

Please use the attached annotated bibliography references and the outline to complete this.


MGMT5800 Effective leadership Reflection question

MGMT5800 Effective leadership Reflection question

Week 4 Leadership Reflection Questions – Chapters 7 and 8

Read Chapters 7 and 8, and the two attachments for this week’s questions, and then address the following questions in a Word document and submit.

Part 1: Followership

  1. Read the attachment Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, which is very relevant to the ideas of followership presented in Chapter 7.

    1. Using Covey’s model, discuss “doing your duty” vs. initiating new ideas such as product service innovation, improve account/client services, and influencing your boss to make helpful changes. Be sure you use language from the article on Covey’s model in your discussion.

    2. How can you make an impact in your organization using one or more of Covey’s seven habits?

 Part 2: Motivation & Empowerment

  1. Read the attachment (Levels of Initiative) and then:

  2. Identify and explain at least three differences between extrinsic and intrinsic motivators/rewards.

  3. Referring to the attachment (levels of initiative), explain why higher levels of initiative (leadership) require intrinsic motivators rather than extrinsic motivators.

  4. Using the theories and language in Chapter 8 in the textbook, explain your external motivation and internal motivation – please include the elements/language of the theories chosen.

  5. One major objective for this assignment is self-assessment of your level of initiative (leadership vs. management) within your organizational/department context. What is your level of initiative according to the attachment? Please include a specific improvement plan – how will you take greater initiative even if external rewards are not present (internal rewards only)?

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