Category Archives: Discussions

Philosophy question

in 15 sentences please explain In your own words and as concise as possible respond to the prompt.

From the stereotype threat studies presented to you, does it appear that this line of research has converging evidence? Provide evidence for your stance. For instance, are the studies diverse or do they share similar limitations? How?


PSU Constitutional Protection of The Environment & the Human Rights Discussion

More and more constitutions around the world – from Bangladesh to Bolivia, and from the Philippines to the countries of the EU are explicitly protecting environmental rights and the values of a clean and healthy environment. Most of the world has undergone a rapid and remarkable shift toward constitutional protection of the environment. Every year since 1971, at least one nation has written or amended its constitution to include or strengthen provisions related to environmental protection. The first broad provisions focusing on protection of the environment appear in the constitutions of Switzerland (1971), Greece (1975) and Papua New Guinea (1975). Portugal (1976) and Spain (1978) were the first countries to recognize the right to live in a healthy environment. Today, more than three quarters of the world’s national constitutions (149 out of 193) include explicit references to environmental rights and/or environmental responsibilities.

Please analytically discuss the above statement by providing case and practical examples from the constitutional protection of the environment. Academic journals and books should be used to support your work.

Words limit: 800 words. 


Macroeconomics ECON201

Macroeconomics ECON201

Q1: You take $500 that you held as currency and put it into the banking system. The reserve ratio is

        equal to 20%.                                                                                             [1.5 Marks]

  1. Calculate the money multiplier.

  2. By how much will increase the total amount of deposits in the banking system?

  3. By how much will increase the money supply?

Q2: At the beginning of 2018, a town has 152,000 employed people and 8000 unemployed people.

       The remaining 40,000 people in the town are not in the labor force.                  [1.5 Marks]

       Based on these​ numbers:

  1. Calculate the​ town’s unemployment rate:

  2. Calculate the​ town’s labor force participation rate:

  3. Calculate Suppose that 10,000 people decide to join the labor force. Of these 10,000 people 7,800 find jobs. What is the unemployment rate at the end of 2018?

Q3: Suppose that the T-account for First National Bank is as follows: –                     [2 Marks]

The First National Bank



Reserves             $100,000

Deposits          $500,000

Loans                   400,000

  1. If the Fed requires banks to hold 5 percent of deposits as reserves, how much in excess reserves does First National Bank now hold?

  1. Assume that all other banks hold only the required amount of reserves. If First National decides to reduce its reserves to only the required amount, by how much would the economy’s money supply increase?




Change Management on Organizational Innovation

Structure Requirement – students are reminded work should have a beginning, a middle and an end, that each paragraph should contain one point which is explained well and reasoned through, and finally, that paragraphs are linked.

Content Requirement – students must demonstrate: [i] knowledge of the subject area in question; [ii] the ability to search out additional (relevant) material to that given in the lecture; [iii] the ability to marshal materials into logical and coherent lines of reasoning in a critical and analytical fashion; [iv] the ability to provide, if applicable, some discussion of any policy instruments; and [v] the ability to inform the reader whilst answering the assignment brief.

The paper must be written in formal English language. Please avoid any slang or unethical terms that could offend a second party.

Article structure

Subdivision – numbered sections
Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections must be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …), 1.2, etc. but note that the abstract is not included in section numbering.

In the introduction part, authors must carefully review the literature and provide the reason as to why we need to do this research. Authors must also clearly state the novelty of the paper in this part and specify the differences between this work and previously published works.

This part must explain the significance of the results of the work. Prevent extensive citations and discussion of published literature.

The main conclusions of the work may be presented in a short Conclusions section.

If the work contains more than one appendix, identify them as A, B, etc. Formulae and equations in appendices must be given separate numbering: Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2), etc.; in a subsequent appendix, Eq. (B.1) and so on.

Essential title page information

• Title. Informative. Titles must be used in information-retrieval systems. Prevent abbreviations and formulae where possible.


The abstract must state briefly the aim of the research, the basic principal results and major conclusions.


Right after the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 keywords.


put acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references.


Number them consecutively throughout the article, using superscript Arabic numbers.

Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text.


Network Management IT340

Network Management IT340

  1. Required work

Select one tool among the best network monitoring tools using SNMP presented in section 3 and perform the following tasks:

  1. Describe the monitoring tool and provide two arguments to support your choice (5 mark).

  2. Download and install the monitoring tool in your computer by giving the screenshot of his interface (5 mark).

  3. Configure the SNMP management tool by selecting the SNMP version, credentials, community name, context and so on by giving the screenshot for various selected parameters needed for configuration (5 mark).

  4. Make a discover of the network to know the connected devices in your network by providing the screenshot of the network map (5 mark).

  5. Describe three network analyzes provided by the monitoring tool by giving three screenshots and describe their network parameters (3 marks). Use three different analyze categories like Performance/Top 10, Log/SNMP Trap and Tools/SNMP MIB Walker.



Descartes Study Questions: Third Meditation

  1. What are Descartes’ preliminary considerations for the view that everything he very clearly and distinctly perceives is true?

  2. Why is it important for Descartes to determine whether God exists and whether he is a deceiver?

  3. Explain Descartes’ distinction between ideas (on the one hand) and judgments (on the other). Why is judgment the only area in which he must take care not to be mistaken? What kind of error does judgment most frequently lead to?

  4. What does it mean to be “taught by nature”? What does it mean to be “shown by the light of nature”?

  5. Descartes attempts to demonstrate that it was not a well-founded judgment that his ideas that he believes to be caused by things existing outside of him are actually caused by things existing outside of him. What is this demonstration

second part

  1. What is the relationship between the objective reality of an idea and the formal reality of its cause? After considering this relationship, what does Descartes “ultimately” conclude?

  2. What considerations does Descartes present to support the conclusion that God necessarily exists?

  3. What is Descartes’ proof for the view that God cannot be a deceiver?


Network Management IT340

  1. Objectives

The main objective of this project is to let you know in more detail the design and description process of a Management Information Base (MIB). A simple case will be studied and treated with the formalism dictated by SMI-v2 described by RFC 1213.

  1. Introduction

SMI-v2 uses only a very small subset of ASN.1 and has few templates to formally describe an information base.

RFC 1213 gives the formalism to use a description of a MIB that will be handled with the SNMP protocol. This project will therefore ask you to familiarize yourself with this RFC.



Logistics Management MGT322

Logistics Management MGT322


  1. Why Companies adopted Lean Thinking and JIT model? (1.5 Mark)

  2. Discuss major types of Waste, companies has to keep in mind during production. (1.5 Mark)

  3. Due to pandemic COVID 19 emergency, do you think agile supply chain is the right concept in this kind of situation? Give reason with example. (1.5 Mark)

  4. Reference (0.5 Mark)



Management Question

I’m working on a Management question and need guidance to help me study.

hello , i need a special and accurate answers with no similarity please.


Project Management MGT323

Project Management MGT323

Assignment Question:                                                  

Please read the Case-8.3 “Tham Luang Cave Rescue.”  from Chapter 8 “Scheduling Resources and Costs given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 304-307 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers. Answer the questions given below taken from the case study as deliverables where you should consider the milestones and technical requirements. Answers to all 3 Questions should be within 500 Words limit.

  1. How did the physical environment of the cave affect the rescue plan? (2 Marks)

  1. How did the rescue team respond to the risks of the project? (2 Marks)

  1. Some have called the rescue a miracle and that luck was the decisive factor. Do you agree? Explain. (1 Mark)



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