Category Archives: Discussions

News Story Analysis

please find a formal news story, and make 500-words presentation slides with speaking notes, and 500 words analysis of the story. I also uploaded three examples. Thank you!

This assignment will help you to understand the processes behind the news you read and influence your own decision-making when writing news stories, as well as help you to understand the requirements for Assignments 2 and 3.

1. Analyse the story’s qualities in a 500-word presentation to class considering the effectiveness of its headline, lead, structure, credibility of sources, and range of voices.

2. Submit a 500-word analysis of the story’s journalistic style and ethics within 24 hours of having given the presentation.

Do NOT simply repeat the exact same information in the oral presentation and written analysis – make the 1000 words count to show your understanding both of the writing hard news style and the journalistic ethical approaches.

Your analysis will examine the following concepts:


does it attract attention?

does it tell you what the story is about?

does it entice you to read it?


does it tell you exactly and clearly what the story is about in 25 words or less?

does it tell you who, what, when, where, why and how the story happened?

is the language conversational?

is it written in active voice?


discuss the news values you identify in your story


how strong are the story’s quotes?

are they lively? Engaging? Informative?

how do the story’s quotes drive the story forward?

Narrative flow:

is the information presented in a logical structure?

do the sentences that follow substantiate the lead?


is the story fair?



does the story present a range of voices?


Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.

Select a Saudi company that operates in Europe and/or Africa, and write (a minimum of 500 word) report covering the following points

  • Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views.

  • Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.

  • Analyze the political, economic, cultural and legal challenges the company currently faces in any of the country it operates (select one country in which the company operates for this analysis).

Strengths: List the strengths of the selected company;

Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company’s operations;

Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the company’s chances of success;

Threats: List the external threats to the business company’s success.


  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.



Computer Science question

1)Write an essay in 250 words describing a major goal you have in life. The essay should be in 8 paragraphs, each paragraph in about 30 words. First paragraph is the introduction, and the next seven paragraphs each is about one of the SMARTER aspects: (3 points)

(Watch the following video for more details:

2)Watch the following video and write a report about the R.A.C. system of Time Management. Please make sure you separate and distinguish R., A., and C. in your report. (3 points)

(Watch the following video for more details:


computer science writing question

Discussion question:

1. Based upon the current state of the art of robotics applications, which industries are most likely to embrace robotics? Why?

2. Watch the following two videos: https://www. and for a different view on the impact of AI on future jobs. What are your takeaways from these videos? What is the more likely scenario in your view? How can you prepare for the day when humans indeed may not need to apply for many jobs?

Exercise Question:

1. Identify applications other than those discussed in this chapter where Pepper is being used for commercial and personal purposes.

7. Conduct research to identify the most recent developments in self-driving cars.

Chapter 11;

Discussion Question:

1. Explain why it is useful to describe group work in terms of the time/place framework.

2. Describe the kinds of support that groupware can provide to decision-makers.

3. Explain why most groupware is deployed today over the Web.

4. Explain in what ways physical meetings can be inefficient. Explain how technology can make meetings more effective

Exercise Question:

4. Compare Simon’s four-phase decision-making model to the steps in using GDSS


Literature Question

Directions: Students are to choose an approved topic for their research paper. Ideally, the topic should be a topic from the list of research interests the class generated during the first or second week of classes. Students will write a 6- to 8-page research paper on their chosen topic. The topic should be narrow enough to discuss within 6 to 8 pages.The due date for this research paper is Thursday, April 6, 2021.Format:In English courses, MLA format is used; absolutely no APA is accepted!Head your paper as indicated on the syllabus. Include your name, your professor’s title and last name, the course and the date in the following format: day of the month, the month spelled out, and the year (Example: 1 April 2021). All of this information belongs in the upper left-hand corner of the first page of your research paper. Do not include a cover page! Provide a title for your research paper, and center it. In the upper right-hand corner of all of your pages, include your last name and page numbers (Johnson 2). First, click on “Insert” and then “Page Number #”; then type your name in front of the page number on one page. Your name should appear on other pages after you do that.

2Sources:Students may use both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are original works, and they include eyewitness accounts, diaries, and historical documents. Secondary sources include scholarly reviews, biographies, and other sources that interpret primary sources. Students must use scholarly sources for this research paper; popular sources are undesired. Popular sources are those that are not written by experts in the field. They can be found on newsstands and are magazines such as PeopleTimeEbonyJet, and many others. Stay away from these. Scholarly sources, on the other hand, are not so readily accessible and tend to be found in college/university and local libraries’ databases. Scholarly sources are written by subject-matter experts and are published in peer-reviewed academic journals.Students are required to use a minimum of five scholarly articles. The articles should be articles that they accessed through Morgan State University’s database or a database of a local library system. Academic OneFile and JSTOR two are databases that can provide students with scholarly sources.Note-taking Methods: Students will employ all of the following note-taking methods while conducting research and drafting their papers: paraphrasing, summarizing/nut-shelling, and directly quoting. For paraphrases, summaries/nut-shells and direct quotes, students must provide parenthetical in-text citations and Work Cited entries for the sources used.

3 Paraphrasing:Paraphrasing is the note-taking method that you will use most often. If you want to include the author’s main points and details, use a paraphrase. Paraphrasing involves putting the author’s message into your own words. Do not simply change a few words around! You need to read the paragraph or passage a few times to yourself, then without looking at the source, put into your own words what the author has written. Summarizing/Nut-shelling:Summarizing/nut-shelling is another common method of note-taking. With summarizing/nut-shelling, you will provide only the main idea or gist of the passage in your own words. If you only find that the main idea of the passage is useful or necessary for your paper, then you may just want to summarize the passage. Once again, after you have figured out the main idea, it is best to close up the book or turn over the article, and put into your own words the main idea of the passage. Directly Quoting:Direct quotes should be used sporadically, and they must always be introduced.Direct quotes that are four (4) lines or shorter, must be enclosed in quotation marks. Direct quotes that are longer than four (4) lines, should be block formatted. To block format a direct quote, indent the entire quote. You can introduce a direct quote with a one-sentence summary of the direct quote. Then, insert a colon (:) after your one-sentence summary and begin to type your direct quote, formatting it appropriately according to the number of lines it contains. Direct quotes also need to be discussed so that readers see the importance of the direct quote to your research papers.

4Parenthetical In-text Citations:The first manner in which you must document or cite your sources is by using parenthetical in-text citations. Generally, when there is an author, in parentheses you will provide the author’s last name and the page number from which the paraphrase, summary/nutshell, or direct quote is taken. For example, if I am citing information from page 183 of Michael Jackson’s autobiography, Moonwalk, my in-text citation will be as follows: (Jackson 183). You must include the parentheses. Notice, that I did not include the word “page” or “pg.” or even “p.” Do not include page or any abbreviation for the word in your in-text citations either!If no author is provided, in the parenthetical in-text citation, you will provide the title or a brief portion of it and the page number if the source has page numbers. Make sure you format the title correctly in the in-text citation. Italicize the titles of longer works such as books, journals, newspapers, and other longer works. Put quotation marks around titles of articles, essays, and other short works. Within parentheses, the titles need to be formatted correctly, either italicized or put into quotations, based on the type of source the title is.Works Cited:The Works Cited will be the last part of your paper. Simply title the section Works Cited. The Works Cited must start on a page by itself. DO NOT try to conserve paper by adding it to the same page as the conclusion of your paper! The first lines of Works Cited entries are never indented. For Works Cited entries that run longer than one line, indent subsequently lines (the second, third, fourth, and any additional lines). This type of indentation is called a hanging indentation, and it is the opposite of paragraph indentations.

5Look up the format for each type of source you use in the 8th edition of the MLA Style Guide in Little Seagull Handbook or on Canvas. For sources that have authors, put the authors’ last names first, then insert a comma and add their first names and insert a period after their first names (Baldwin, James.) to start your Works Cited entries. All completed entries should be listed in alphabetical order. The last name of the author, or, for sources that have no author, the first letters of the title are what you will use to arrange your entries in alphabetical order.Do not use EasyBib or any other formatting programs because they do not always format the source correctly. Once you have access to the 8th edition of the MLA Style Guide and follow the format exactly as it is provided, you are able to format your own sources accurately.Submission of Research Paper:Finally, you will submit your research paper on Canvas

The due date for the research paper has been extended to April 6, 2021 since April 1, 2021 is one of the Reading and Wellness Days established by the Provost.

To permit students time to work on their research papers during class time, we will not meet again until April 8, 2021, after the research paper is due. If you finish working on your research paper early, start reading our novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, which is posted under Modules.

Please refresh your memory of the requirements of the research paper by re-reading the assignment sheet. The assignment sheet is posted under Modules and Assignments. We read the assignment sheet a few weeks ago and have had quizzes on it. Use subheadings throughout your research paper. Do not plagiarize; you will need to paraphrase or summarize a lot of the information you get from your sources. Do not forget to provide parenthetical in-text citations behind the information you paraphrase, summarize or directly quote, and format the in-text citations correctly using MLA format. Do not forget the Works Cited, which must be in alphabetical order and on a page separate from the rest of the assignment. NO COVER PAGES!!!


Computer Science class

Here is the code you need you fill in:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <limits.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <float.h>

#define NORM 0

#define DNORM 1

#define SPEC 2

#define BIAS 127


Declare a “typedef struct {} flt;” to contain data for a float

The data should include:

An integer for the sign

(1 for positive, -1 for negative)

An integer for the exponent value

(should be bit value to integer minus BIAS or -126 for denormalized)

A float to contain the value of the mantissa

(Actual float value extracted from the binary value)

An integer to contain the mode using the defines above


Example after processing: -15.375 = 1 10000010 11101100000000000000000

sign = -1

exp = 3

man = 0.9218750000

mode = NORM



Write a function get_flt_bits_int to return an integer with the

bits copied from a float.


for f = -15.375,

the bits of int n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

Look at the slides and code from the float lectures and use the

indirection trick. This can easily be done in one line of code.

The function should accept a float and return an int.



Write a function that returns the sign of a float as a char.

You should call get_flt_bits_int to get the bits in an int

and return ‘1’ if the sign is negative else return ‘0’. The

function should accept a float and return a string.



Write a function that returns the sign of a float as an integer.

You should call get_flt_bits_int to get the bits in an int

and return -1 if the sign is negative else return 1. The function

should accept a float and return an int.



Write a function to return a string containing the

actual binary value of the exponent of a float in a

char array. You should call get_flt_bits_int to get

the bits in an int and return the string.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

the exponent bits are “10000010”

The function should accept a float and return a string.



Write a function to return an integer containing the

actual integer value of the exponent of a float. You

should call get_flt_bits_int to get the bits in an int

and return the int with the exponent value.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

the exponent bits are 10000010

the actual value of the exponent is 3

The function should accept a float and return an int.



Write a function to return an integer containing the

mode of the exponent of a float. You should call

get_flt_exp_val to get the bits in an int and return

the int with the mode value.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

the exponent bits are 10000010

the mode is NORM

The function should accept a float and return an int.



Write a function to return a string containing the

actual binary value of the mantissa of a float in a

char array. You should call get_flt_bits_int to get

the bits in an int and return the string.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

the mantissa bits are “11101100000000000000000”

The function should accept a float and return a string.



Write a function to return a float containing the

actual float value of the mantissa of a float. You

should call get_flt_bits_int to get the bits in an int

and return the int with the mantissa value.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

the mantissa bits are 11101100000000000000000

the actual value of the mantissa is 0.9218750000

The function should accept a float and return an int.



Write a function to return a string containing the

actual binary value of a float in a char array. You

should call get_flt_sign_char, get_flt_exp_str and

get_flt_man_str to get the bits in an char and two

strings and return the concatenated string.


for f = -15.375

n = 11000001011101100000000000000000

The sign is ‘1’

the exponent is “10000010”

and the mantissa bits are “11101100000000000000000”

The string should be formatted as:

“1 10000010 11101100000000000000000” to clearly

separate the 3 parts.

The function should accept a float and return a string.



Write a function to separate the parts of a float

into a flt struct as described above. You should

call get_flt_sign_val, get_flt_exp_mode,

get_flt_exp_val and get_flt_man_val.

Hint: make sure to set exponent to -126 for

DNORM mode.



Write a function to print a flt struct to screen.

It should accept a flt struct and return nothing.

Hint: Use if statement to print mode.



Write a function to get the actual float value back

out of a flt struct.


The float value produced will depend on the mode.

To set a float to infinity use the math library constant INFINITY

To set a float to not-a-number use the math library constant NAN

Check the slides and text for conditions for NORN, DNORM and SPEC

You need to return (sign) * M * 2^e



Write a main function that calls an prints results for

each function when completed.












int main(){

return 0;




Statistics question


  1. (2.5 points) An article in Industrial Quality Control (1956, pp. 5-8) describes an experiment to investigate the effect of the type of glass and the type of phosphor on the brightness of a television tube. The response variable is the current necessary (in microamps) to obtain a specified brightness level. The data are as follows:

Phosphor Type

Glass Type
























  1. Is there any indication that either factor influences brightness? Show your ANOVA table. Use α = 0.05.

  2. Do the two factors interact? Use α = 0.05.

  3. Analyze the residuals from this experiment. Show the residual plots.

  4. (2.5 points) A study investigated the effects of cyclic loading and environmental conditions on fatigue crack growth at a constant 22 MPa stress for a particular material.  The data from this experiment are shown below (the response is crack growth rate).





Salt H2O























Management Question

Write an essay in about 1000-1200 words on the following topic.


Provide a statement explaining your own personal code of ethics. Include at least 4 codes in your answer with enough explanation and examples. Refer to concepts learned in class or in the textbook and link them to your justification.


In addition, discuss whether personal code of ethics could clash with organizational ethics. Some people believe, that personal ethics and organization’s ethics are two different and unrelated concepts. Others, believe that personal ethics should be applied to organization’s ethics. Is it possible that our personal beliefs and ethics are applicable to our work? Discuss.



Intro to International Business MGT-321

Intro to International Business MGT-321

Report Writing

Select a Saudi company that operates in Europe and/or Africa, and write (a minimum of 500 word) report covering the following points:

  1. Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views.

  2. Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.

Strengths: List the strengths of the selected company;

Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company’s operations;

Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the company’s chances of success;

Threats: List the external threats to the business company’s success.

  1. Analyze the political, economic, cultural and legal challenges the company currently faces in any of the country it operates (select one country in which the company operates for this analysis).

(Marks: 5)



Discussion board

For this discussion board address the following:

  • Make an initial post.

    • Discuss Normalization. In your own words, explain what Normalization is. You may use the scenario below to help demonstrate your understanding of normalization rules.

    • Apply normalization rules. Create an ER diagram to display the third normal form of the data set listed below. When done, attach your ER diagram to your initial post. The initial posts are due on Wednesday evening at 11:59 p.m.

  • Respond to 2 students. Look at your classmates responses and evaluate their ER diagrams so that you can get a better concept of Normalization; look at the differences and similarities in your ER diagrams. Create conversation by responding to 2 other students posts (2 different replies). Replies to your classmates are due on Sunday evening at 11:59 p.m.


A veterinary office collectsthe following data for every pet that comes in for a service from their office. Determine an ER diagram showing the data set below that has been normalized.

VETERINARYOFFICE(petName, petType, petBreed, petDOB, ownerName, ownerPhone, ownerEmail, serviceDescription, serviceDate, amountBilled)

  • Review materials posted in M03 Reading and M03 Supplemental Materials.

  • With the information provided above, create a normalized ERD (third normal form) in for the entities in the Veterinary Office Database. *Note: A tutorial for can be found at the end of this discussion.

  • Once you’re done, attach a copy of your ERD to this discussion board

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