Category Archives: Discussions

Writing Question

Goal : In 900-1,100 wordswrite an essay that analyzes and interprets samples of good writing, identifying and explaining an author’s use of rhetorical strategies and techniques.

When you write a rhetorical analysis, all you’re really doing is putting onto paper the strategies you discovered/ideas you came up with when reading the text critically. Below is a set of guidelines devised to help you organize the thoughts from your critical reading process.

Here is an example of a rhetorical analysis (Links to an external site.) for you to review .

The following guidelines detail the aspects of the text you might consider discussing, and they offer you some direction in terms of organizing your paper.

Remember that you do NOT have to cover all of these aspects when writing a
formal rhetorical analysis.

Your Title: The title of your essay is the first point of contact you have with your reader. What sort of title would describe your paper and distinguish it from other papers written on the same essay?

Example: The Rhetorical Fervor of President John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address


1. How would you describe the rhetorical situation? What will you say about the speaker, the subject, the context, the audience, and the principle aim/purpose of the text? Are there any claims that are subordinate/secondary to the principal aim?

2. How would you summarize the essay in one or two sentences? (Try not to digress into a lengthy paraphrase of the piece.) What is the speaker’s thesis?

3. What features of substance and style will you focus on in the body of your essay, and do they make the author’s argument effective or not? (This is your thesis .)

Your Essay’s Body: DISCUSSING THE CONTENT OF THE TEXT (2-3 Paragraphs)

1. How has the speaker arranged the discourse, and why has he/she chosen these patterns or methods of (Links to an external site.)development (Links to an external site.)over others?

2. If the essay is persuasive, which of the Aristotelian appeals (logos, ethos, or pathos) predominates, and how do these appeals strengthen or weaken the argument?

3. Are there any fallacies or other weaknesses in the argument? How do they affect the reader’s response to the work? What kinds of assumptions are at work here? Are they fair assumptions?

4. What are the particular strengths of the argument? How does the writer establish common ground?

5. Does the writer make effective use of concessionrefutation, and/or counter-argument?

Your Essay’s Body: DISCUSSING THE STYLE OF THE TEXT (1-2 Paragraphs)

1. Which of the following features of style do you consider most important to the argument and why? (Click HERE for Additional Information)

o point of view (including stance)
o language (including level of diction and tone of voice)
o organization/pattern of development
o figurative language, symbolism, allusion (biblical, historical etc.), irony
o humor (but be careful; some people might not “get it”)
o number and length of paragraphs
o length and style of sentences
o rhythm and repetition

2. How do these particular features of style enable the writer to achieve her/his purpose?

Your Conclusion: TYING IT ALL TOGETHER (1 Paragraph)

1. Use your conclusion to comment on the effect and effectiveness of the essay as a whole. How well does the writer achieve the purpose, appeal to the audience, and demonstrate the effect of style on content?

Note the following conventions of analysis:

1. Analyze a text in the simple present tense.
2. Enclose essay titles inside quotation marks.
3. Refer to yourself as “the reader” or “the audience” (i.e. no first or second person).

4. Support your claims with textual evidence (mostly summary & paraphrase with some direct quotes).


Four problems in Artificial intelligence

The subjects are:

1-adversarial search.

2-support vector machine.


4-with/without pruning.


Organization Design & Development MGT404

Organization Design & Development MGT404

Assignment Question(s):

Part 1:

Please read the case study entitled as “Top Management Team at Ortiv Glass Corporation.” available in your textbook “Organization Development & Change” 10th edition by Cummings, T and Worley, C and answer the following questions:

  • 1 Why it is important for a group design to be congruent with the larger organization design. Support your answer using two examples from this case study (1.5 marks) (Words 200-300)

  • 2 How the group design of Ortiv’s Glass Corporation could positively or negatively impact on the diagnosis of design components at the individual level. (1.5 Marks) (Words 200-300)

Part 2:

Discussion questions: please refer to chapter five in your textbook and answer the following questions on the basis of your understanding:

  • 3 Discuss why ‘alignment’ is fundamental to diagnosis in OD. (1 mark) (Words 150-200)

  • 4 Discuss how the rate of change and complexity of environments could influence organizations. (1 mark) (Words 150-200)



Knowledge Management MGT 403

Knowledge Management MGT 403

Assignment 3

Choose any organization of your choice (Preferably from Saudi Arabia) and write a detailed report with following headings.  (500-600 Words)

Report Title: Knowledge management systems in organizations. 

Part A. Introduction:                                                                                              (3 Marks)

The introduction part must highlight the following.

  • Introduction to knowledge management.

  • Brief description of the selected organization.

  • Complete description of the knowledge management system of the selected organization.

Major steps taken by the organization to improve knowledge management systems

  • Highlight the major challenges faced by the organizations in Saudi Arabia to implement knowledge management systems.

  Part B. Recommendation and Conclusion:                                                           (2 Marks)

What suggestions/recommendations would you like to provide to the Saudi organizations in general for improving knowledge management systems.

Write down conclusion in one paragraph.



Marketing question.

Assignment Questions:

  1. Are you loyal to some of the brands? If so, pick any one of your choice and explain why you believe you are loyal to, beyond that you simply like the brand. If not, pick a brand that you like and explain how you would feel and act differently toward the brand if you were loyal to it. Critically Examine.

  1. You have been sitting in the waiting room of your mechanic’s shop for more than an hour. With the knowledge that products are different from services, develop a list of the things the shop manager could do to improve the overall service delivery. Critically examine how the shop might overcome problems associated with the tangibility, separability, heterogeneity, and perishability of services.



Show the WIX implementation of the modification and/or extension to existing Business Model.

Show the WIX implementation of the modification and/or extension to existing Business
Model. Describe the new added technologies in the final report (word file of at least 8
pages). Predicted new market share. Competitive advantages, market forces, etc..
Screen shots from WIX that shows the “New Look” of the Business.
Final PPT presentation of the “New Look” of the Business
1. Presentation Skills – (5 Marks)
2. Introduction and Slide Contents – ( 5 Marks)
3. Conclusion – (5 Marks)
4. Q &A – (5 Marks)



Writing Question

In Modules 8 and 9, you reviewed Cause and Effect and Using Research, along with starting to work on your essay by writing the Rough draft of the Introduction and a Body Paragraph, putting together an outline, finding and using a source in your writing, and completing the Work Cited entry.

Now, you will continue onto the Drafting step of the Writing Process. In this Module you will work on the Rough draft of the essay. Read and follow all instructions and requirements.

Below are the guidelines for the assignment:

Topics: Choose ONE of the topics below, and write an essay which discusses the Causes and Effects of the topic.

  • Cheating

  • Cancel Culture

  • Virtual learning in public schools

  • Shut down and stay-at-home orders

  • Current immigration from South America and Mexico

All criteria for the essay rest on the concepts discussed in the assigned chapters and lectures.


  1. Essay will have a strong, academic title. Title should not just show the topic. You need to give more.

  2. Essay will have an introduction that contains

    1. A clear, sophisticated hook.

    2. A clear overview of the topic of the paper.

    3. A thesis statement that identifies the topic, makes an assertion, and suggests the essay’s focus.

  3. Essay will have body paragraphs (minimum of 3 and not more than 4) that each discuss the various claims you are attempting to make. Each will have:

    1. A clear topic sentence.

    2. Evidence and sources that support your claims.

    3. An analysis of the relationship between the evidence, claims, and overall thesis of the essay.

  4. Essay will have a conclusion that reinforces the deeper point of the paper without just repeating the thesis or the topics of the paper.


  1. Each body paragraph will have a clear point – that is, it will have a clear cause and or effect.

  2. Each body paragraphs will demonstrate your ideas.

  3. Each body paragraph will lead readers through your research clearly.

  4. As a whole, the body paragraphs must employ use of chronological, most-to-least, or least-to-most analysis of the topic.

Voice, Tone, and Language:

  1. Essay tone and voice is clearly academic.

  2. The style will be clear and direct (no wordiness or extra “fluff”).

  3. The sentences will vary in length.

  4. Essay will have minimal grammar errors.

MLA Formatting:

  1. The paper will be formatted in MLA, including

    1. One-inch margins

    2. Double-spacing (with no extra spaces between paragraphs; set Before and After to zero).

    3. 12-point Times New Roman font

    4. A heading with your name, the instructor’s name, the course, and the date, in day-month-year format (i.e., January 4, 2023 would be written 4 January 2023).

    5. A header ½ inch from the top of the page with your last name and the page number.

    6. A centered title.

    7. Paragraphs that are indented one tab (or ten spaces).

    8. Justify the paper left only—not both sides.

Other Details:

Essay 3 will be a minimum of four full pages to 6 pages of discussion in length; this means a full four pages and not three pages and some writing on page 4. Furthermore, this does not include the Works Cited page; the Works Cited page it an additional page.


Science question

  • Recording information (data, thoughts, ideas, questions, etc) is very important practice in conducting research experiments (and engineering design projects) and can make the difference between an illustrious or lackluster career depending on how serious you take this task and how inspired you are to put the time in. Now with electronic media being pervasive, there are a number of options which may supercede the need for pencil and paper in note taking. I personally asked myself a question a number of years ago about this (Is there is a difference between physical writing vs. typing or other electronic means of recording data on how the information is processed and retained?). It was just hypothetical musings but it turns out that this is a topic of interest in today’s neuroscience community.Please read the following article and associated information and answer the following questions.

a.) Using the scientific method as a guideline, highlight the key points of this study in the context of the scientific method. Describe the basic question(s) that is(are) being asked and why it is relevant. Is there a clearly articulated hypothesis? Describe the experimental design. Is it reasonable?

b.) Analyze the study and the data that was collected. What are the main conclusions? Is it reasonable and does the study support the conclusions? What are some of the problems with the study? Be as thorough as possible How would you improve the study to make it more Broad reaching?

c.) What new questions does this study bring up? Plan a follow up study based on one of your questions.


Understanding Individual Behaviors

Topic: Understanding Individual Behaviors

Thread: Select 1 question to answer for your initial DB response. What are some of the major challenges facing today’s and tomorrow’s health care organizations and health care managers? Why? Or Explain why and how changes in U.S. demographics affect the health care industry.


Cultural perspective

I need an explanation for this Social Science question to help me study.

please see attached directions

APA 7 format

3 pages not including title and reference page

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