Category Archives: Discussions

Professional and Ethical Issues in Engineering

Project 2: Global Case Study Investigation.  The final project embodies much of the material covered in this course.  For this project, you are required to understand and apply the ethical and professional responsibilities of engineers, the Sustainable Development Goals that serve as a “blueprint” to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, and the application of critical thinking to assess scenarios for ethical, legal, and professional obligations in real-world and community or regional situations.

Final reports (10-15 pages excluding title page and refs, 12pt font, single-spaced) will consist of the following:

  1. A detailed description of the case study (see in assignment description linked below);

  2. The role that engineering practitioners play in providing a solution (design and strategy) to the case or contributing to the identified problem;

  3. A list of stakeholders including a detailed description of the challenges, benefits, and potential solutions of your assigned stakeholder;

  4. “Lessons learned” section that may change your original understanding of the case study.

  5. Reflections on the conduct of professionals (politicians, engineers, scientists, business owners, etc) in the case study; and

  6. Thoughts on actions you would want to have taken if you were involved.

  7. Your finished project should include at least 15 references.



Mathematics exercise

My topic is Pay dividends (sub topic of Risk Capital and capital allocation)

power point must include introductin and data and examples etc. the presentation need to be 5min long. Also give the speech draft.

the report must be 3 pages long and include the power point if you can. The report paper should follow point 4 in the file but do not write 10-15pages, just 3 pages.


Communications question


The Commencement address  “This is Water” by novelist David Foster Wallace lives on in popular consciousness, in social media, and in print, years after its 2005 delivery at Kenyon College. Reprinted in outlets from the Wall Street Journal to O, The Oprah Magazine, it has been recognized as one of the best commencement speeches, either in the past twenty-five years or of all time, by Time, Slate, Washington Post, USA Today and Elle magazines. It was also published in book form in 2009, after the author’s death.  For many who have listened, the speech “sticks.” See what you think.

  1. Watch/Listen to the speech by Wallace.

–      Describe what persuasive techniques he uses.

–      Why do you think the speech is widely recognized as one of the best speeches of all time?



  1. Then, watch/listen to an overview of some of the commencement speeches from 2018. Oprah Winfrey, Tim Cook, and Ken Jeong are just a few of the most notable people. Here’s some of the advice they gave to graduates.


–    What were the themes?

–    What stood out?

–    Describe the tone of voice of at least two of the speakers  – was it authentic, robotic, preachy?

  1. Finally, what makes Beyoncé’s commencement speech in 2020 stand out?



Urban Planning class

1. In about 250 words, explain why bottled water using PET is unsustainable and how the bottlers use greenwashing to convince us it is sustainable (1 mark)

2. In about 250 words, what are the environmental and gender inequality issues Dr.Hostovsky reviewed about drinking water and sewage treatment in India? (1 mark)

3. In about 250 words, based on the PBS Nova documentary, why is the Dead Sea dying and why is it the world’s largest water chemistry experiment? (1 mark)

4. bonus marks (2) in about 500 words, provide a review of Randolph (2011), Part 2, Chapter 7 – Water and Land Use, pages 178 to 187 (PDF here in Brightspace)


English question

Impact: Analyze with the help of your sources how this person impacted their filed, changed society, and/or changed history

Write a 3.2 paragraph with assertions and amplifications on Anne Frank using the sources provided.


Finance discussion forum questions

Discussion Forum 1 Questions: The Millionaire Next Door” Please Read Introduction and chapters 1-3

  1. Explain the following four concepts addressed in The Millionaire Next Door:

  1. “Big Hat, No Cattle”

  2. “Go to H*** Fund”

  3. “PAW”

  4. “UAW”

  1. What are the two concepts that you found most useful? How will you apply them into your life? In your own words, give your thoughts in a minimum of two paragraphs.

  1. As a group, we believe that education is extremely important, what percentage of millionaires referenced in the book hold college degrees?  Advanced degrees?

  1. What would be some of the ideal occupations for millionaire’s sons and daughters that are represented in the book?

  1. What is the formula referenced in the book to determine if you’re wealthy?

Discussion Forum 3 Mutual Fund Project

Please select your mutual fund and enter the ticker symbol into, all of the answers to these questions can be found on the Morningstar website.

Please answer all of the questions:

1) What is the name of your fund and what is the ticker symbol?

2) What is the fund’s investment strategy (i.e. large cap stock, small cap stocks, technology, etc.)

3) What are the funds past 1, 3, 5, and 10-year performance returns?

4) What is the fund’s appropriate benchmark?

5) What are the fund’s fees and expenses?

6) What is the fund’s 3- year standard deviation (risk) of the fund and do you think this is a good estimate of the risk going forward?

7) What is the mutual fund’s top 5 holdings?

8) What sectors is the fund overweight and underweight compared to its benchmark and category average?

9) Why did you select this mutual fund for this assignment?

10) Calculate how much money you would need to save every month in order to accumulate $250,000 in 15 years using the 10- year track record of returns from your fund as I/Y.



Management Question

Topic: a research on five different storage allocation strategies (Storage policies) in Warehousing

-Each storage allocation strategy have to be discussed with explanations of each strategy, tools- methods and their advantages/disadvantages and suitability according to different types of warehouse operations/volume


Knowledge Management MGT 403

Knowledge Management MGT 403

Assignment 3

Choose any organization of your choice (Preferably from Saudi Arabia) and write a detailed report with following headings.  (500-600 Words)

Report Title: Knowledge management systems in organizations. 

Part A. Introduction:                                                                                              (3 Marks)

The introduction part must highlight the following.

  • Introduction to knowledge management.

  • Brief description of the selected organization.

  • Complete description of the knowledge management system of the selected organization.

  • Major steps taken by the organization to improve knowledge management systems.

  • Highlight the major challenges faced by the organizations in Saudi Arabia to implement knowledge management systems.

  Part B. Recommendation and Conclusion:                                                           (2 Marks)

What suggestions/recommendations would you like to provide to the Saudi organizations in general for improving knowledge management systems.

Write down conclusion in one paragraph.



Accounting question


A. Choose and calculate eight ratios that would be helpful in assessing the performance of Al- Husan Company. Use end-of-year values and calculate ratios for both 2018 and 2019. (8 marks)

B. Using the ratios calculated in (A) and any others you consider helpful, comment on the company’s performance. (2 marks)

C. Compute the number of days in the cash conversion cycle for each year. (4 marks)

D. Did the company manage cash more effectively in the current year? Explain. (1 mark)

2. Shams company is considering two projects. Each requires an initial investment of OMR 100,000. The company cost of capital is 14%. The cash inflows associated with each project are as follows:

a. Calculate the NPV for each project. (2 marks)

b. Which project you would recommend to the management. Explain why. (1 marks)

3. Write a short note about one of the current trends and issues in finance. (2 marks)


Do demographics drive the economy?

Tell a consistent story/narrative.

How Demographics influence the underlying growth rate of the economy, structural productivity growth, living standards, savings rates, consumption, and investment, etc.

Provide data visuals when possible.

Full speech draft is also required

Also, at the end list 3-4 questions for the audience to consider.……………

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