Category Archives: Discussions


  • Explain the imbalances in power that exist in interactions and/or relationships within the family featured in the case study you focused on this week.
  • Describe how you will use communication to demonstrate cultural humility when working with the family in this case.
  • Explain what internal/personal barriers could provide challenges to developing your cultural humility (e.g., fear, confidence, time pressures) and how you might address them

HIT172 Operating Systems and Applications

Setting up Remote Desktop Connection: (Marks 06)
You are working as HelpDesk Support for an organization where your usual
duty involves providing remote users various IT related supports. Majority
of these users are placed in locations where high-speed LAN (10Mbpds) are
not available. Assume they are using the Darwin VM at their end, and you
have Canberra VM at your end. Now you will have to set up Remote Desktop
Connection from Canberra to Darwin; so that you, with the physical access
to Canberra VM, can remotely connect to Darwin VM. You also have to ensure
the connection is optimized for low-speed broadband networks.
Follow the submission format and before starting this task ensure VMs can
ping each other.
TASK-02: Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
Creating Firewall Rules: (Marks 06) or has the IP address of Create
an outbound firewall rule in any of the VMs that will allow the VM’s browser
to access all other websites except that of CDU’s one.
Name the rule according to your own CDU student ID, for instance s298900.
But don’t use ‘298900’, use your own ID.
Before you initiate the task, change the VM’s Network from ‘intnet’ to ‘NAT’,
this will allow access to internet through your host (physical) machine. So
also ensure your physical machine is connected to internet.
You must provide all the necessary screenshots up until the creation of the
rule as well as results following the submission format. While providing the
result, include browser’s screenshot where it shows it can access other
websites but not CDU; plus in the same screenshot, include ping screenshot
where it shows – within one command box – a ping request to
succeeds whereas another request to fails (the format for
screenshot is given next page). is a public DNS server used and maintained by Google so it is always
up and running.
Now once you are done with the above and taken necessary screenshots for
the whole process and result; make required changes to the rule so that this
time, Ping requests to CDU goes through but the website still remains
unavailable. (hint: ping uses ICMP while Web Traffic uses TCP).
I’ve attached the following screenshot for reference, as you can see, the
browser and command box must be present within a single screenshot.
TASK-03: Linux Commands
Linux: (Marks 08)
Following are some tasks which should be executed in a terminal and the
corresponding screenshot should be included.
• Find out the ID of a specific process and cease its execution using that
• Show how to move two files, F1.txt and F2.txt from Device directory
(/dev) to Home directory. Just assume these two files are already
• Using Method-1* for chmod, set permission for a file in the format rwx
rw- -w- and rw- r-x –x.
• Using Method-2* for chmod, ‘Give Execute and Write’ permission to
group and owner for a file.
* Refer to the chmod section of Linux command file for Method 1 and
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Personality Theories

Working as a psychology consultant at a local prison, you have been tasked with creating a presentation on personality theories to a case manager that helps identify personality traits of offenders in an effort to find programs and services for them.

Create a 10-slide presentation with speaker notes.

Add the following in the presentation:

  • Discuss the role personality plays in general behavior and emotional interactions (2 slides).
  • Provide an overview of the selected personality theory (2 slides).
  • Describe the theorist of your chosen personality theory, including their background (1 slide).
  • Examine how the theorist views people and personalities (1 slide).
  • Explain which concepts of the theory are relevant to today’s culture (1 slide).
  • Examine how those concepts are valuable within this workplace (1 slide).
  • Analyze the emotional and behavioral interactions that make this theory relevant to this population (2 slides).


he final paper will reflect the student’s course participation and what was learned in the clinical setting, and the teaching project. Reflection papers are meant to summarize your impressions of a course in a few short pages (2 pages). They answer three basic questions: What, Why, and How. Most of the paper is aimed at explaining why what you have learned was important and valuable. Finally, the conclusion demonstrates how the course influenced you, as well as how you are going to use the material in the future.

In this final reflection paper, students are responsible for:

  1. How were your personal learning objectives accomplished?
  2. How did the course activities connect with the assignments done throughout the semester? Does it affirm, challenge, illustrate the concepts and strategies of community health nursing?
  3. What is your personal definition of service learning and your role in the community?
  4. What is your personal definition of behavioral change? Do you feel the service you provided as a community nurse brings some form of behavioral change and why?
  5. Please post a photograph/picture along with a summary describing how the photo/picture relates to your clinical experience and learning. Focus on metaphors, feelings, and how the experience reminded you of a prior experience
  1. This is for a health community class for nursing school. I did volunteer hours as first aid agent in Miami Youth Fair, volunteer in a church taking blood pressure and blood sugar to the community, and also I participated in a woman wellness event.
  3. Course Description This course focuses on the clinical application of Community Health Nursing Theory. Students will utilize the nursing process in the delivery of healthcare within the community environment. Students will assess the individual, family, and community, develop a plan of care, and deliver care to an individual, family and community within a multicultural envi­ronment. Minimum grade of “C” or better required. Co-requisite: NUR 4636. (144 hr. Practicum) Hours to be split evenly between simulation (Sentinel City) and Clinical practice. Course Competencies: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
    • 1.Apply historical and theoretical concepts to community health nursing practice by:
    1. Identifying nurse established community health models in a global society.
    2. Relating public health concepts to the practice and delivery of healthcare in the community.
    3. Transferring the theoretical role of the professional nurse to the community setting.

    2. Focus on the relationships between theory, evidence-based practice, and education as they relate to community health nursing in a global community by:

    1. Examining epidemiological concepts as they relate to global health.
    2. Justifying the nurse’s role as an educator, counselor, advocate and change agent in the community.
    3. Applying evidence-based principles relating to community health nursing.

    3: Transfer theoretical concepts of ethnicity and culture in the provision of nursing care in the community setting by:

    1. Assessing cultural differences by utilizing existing tools.
    2. Documenting assessment findings.
    3. Utilizing assessment findings while providing culturally competent care.
    4. Evaluating the plan of care for effectiveness in a selected population.

    4. Transfer concepts of community assessment, planning, education while promoting health and cultivating empowerment by:

    1. Negotiating with community leaders to empower selected underserved groups in the community.
    2. Educating the consumer on using available community resources.
    3. Assisting the consumer to navigate through the health care system.

    5. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility and quality of personal and population based health care services by:

    1. Locating existing health promotion programs within a selected community.
    2. Comparing disease processes and conditions occurring in underserved populations as specified by Healthy People 2030 indicators.
    3. Examining the effectiveness of existing programs in meeting the Healthy People 2030 initiatives.

    Collegewide Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of a program of study at the Medical Campus, graduates from Miami Dade College should emulate these outcomes. Participants in the community health practicum will incorporate all 10 of these outcomes in their experiences while in this course.

    1. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
    2. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data.
    3. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning.
    4. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information.
    5. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives.
    6. Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities.
    7. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society.
    8. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively.
    9. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities.
    10. Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment.

    *We will address learning outcomes #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, and #10 in this course.

Native American Boarding Schools Film Critique

Discuss the forced assimilation of Native Americans via “Indian Education Boarding Schools”. What was the cultural and psychology consequences of such a cruel method of indoctrination in regards to Native Americans. What has been the long term implications of this experiment on native people?

(87) Unspoken: America’s Native American Boarding Schools – YouTube

(87) Our Spirits Don’t Speak English: Indian Boarding School – YouTube

jumphost with public access.

Goal: Create a jumphost with public access (Public IP) and two instances (NFS server/NFS client) in a private network only

  1. Create a jumphost with public access.
  2. Create an instance called nfs-server in private network (with no public IP)
  3. Attach to the instance 4 volumes of 20gb each
  4. Using LVM tools create physical volumes, volume group and RAID10 logical volume.
  5. Create a Filesystem of the type ext4
  6. Mount it in the operating system at /data.
  7. Install and setup NFS server package, add the /data folder to exports list.

  1. Create a firewall rule to provide access from nfs-client to nfs server –…
  2. Create another instance called nfs-client in private network (with no public IP)
  3. Mount the NFS volume from NFS server to /data folder

The reason I put the price because I need to make sure there is someone who can acutally do this

grant proposal

Students will identify a problem/issue from a client they worked within 483A or with/in a local San Diego community, or you can focus on a problem you would like to work towards solving during your lifetime. Using the macro approach and technological advances, you are to expand this substantive area and address it through the development and evaluation of a community-based intervention proposal using an evidence-based approach. Students will identify a possible funding source (public or private) that matches their approach to addressing the issue. The finished proposal should be of a quality considered for submission to the actual funding source. Grant proposals must address all of the following points:

1.) Cover Letter (1 Page):

  1. Provide a clear, concise overview of the organization,
  2. Explain the purpose, reason for, and amount of the funding request.
  3. Be sure to show how your proposal furthers the grant maker’s mission, and goals, and matches the funder’s grant application guidelines.

2.) Executive Summary (Minimum 1 paragraph): Summarize all of the key information and convince the grantmaker to consider your proposal for funding.

  1. Introduce your proposal; present a clear, concise summary of, and the visual framework for, the proposed project/program.
  2. Include Applicant’s contact information,
  3. The purpose of the funding request,
  4. Need/problem, objectives, and methods,
  5. Total project cost and amount requested.

3.) Need Statement – may be called a statement of need or problem statement. (1-2 Pages)This is the meat of grant proposals, and where you must convince the funder that what you propose to do is important and that your organization is the right one to do it. Assume that the reader of your proposal does not know much about the issue or subject.

  1. Explain why the issue is important,
  2. Include a description of the target population,
  3. What research you completed to learn about possible solutions,
  4. How it fits with the grantmaker’s area of interest.

4.) Program Goals and Objectives (1-2 Pages):

  1. What does your organization plan to do about the problem?
  2. State what you ultimately hope to accomplish with the project (goal),
  3. Spell out the specific results or outcomes you expect to accomplish (objectives).

5.) Methods, Strategies or Program Design (2-2.5 Pages)This section is where you walk the grantmaker through HOW you will achieve the goals and objectives you’ve set out earlier.

  1. Describe the process to be used to achieve the outcome and accomplishments in a rational, direct, chronological description of the proposed project.
  2. Explain who will carry out the activities,
  3. Explain the time frame,
  4. Explain the sequence of activities in the order they will be completed.

6.) Evaluation Section (1-1.5 Pages)How will you assess your program’s accomplishments? Funders want to know that their dollars actually did some good.

  1. Decide now how you will evaluate the impact of your project,
  2. Include what records you will keep or data you will collect,
  3. Explain How you will use that data.
  4. If the data collection costs money, be sure to include that cost in your budget.

7.) Other Funding or Sustainability (1 paragraph):

  1. Have you gotten committed funds from other sources?
  2. Have you asked other sources? Most funders do not wish to be the sole source of support for a project.
  3. Be sure to mention in-kind contributions you expect, such as meeting space or equipment.
  4. Is this a pilot project with a limited timeline? Or will it go into the future?
  5. How do you plan to fund your program?
  6. Is it sustainable over the long haul? Explain how it is sustainable (not relying solely on the funding you are requesting).

8.) Organizational Information/Qualifications (1-1.5 Pages)In a few paragraphs:

  1. Explain what your organization does,
  2. Explain why the funder can trust your agency to use the requested funds responsibly and effectively,
  3. Give a short history of your organization, state its mission, the population it serves, and an overview of its track record in achieving its mission.
  4. Describe or list your Agency’s programs and staff personnel.

9.) Conclusion (1/2 Page)Present a brief, concise summary of your proposal that states:

  1. Your case,
  2. The problem,
  3. Your proposed solution,
  4. Your funding sources
  5. Uses of project/program funds.

10.) Budget (1 Page): This can be done on an excel/google sheets spreadsheet.

  1. How much will your project cost?
  2. Attach a short budget showing expected expenses and income.
    1. The expenses portion should include personnel expenses,
    2. Direct project expenses,
    3. Administrative or overhead expenses.

FBE 441: Investments

To carry out this problem set, you will need a computer running Microsoft Excel. Please use the data
provided in the answer template available on Blackboard. This problem set is due by 07:59am PT on
Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Your solutions should be in the form of a single Excel file with each
question answered in a separate sheet. Make sure to include the names of all people in your team
somewhere obvious inside the file. Submit the file on Blackboard. It is all team members’
responsibility that the problem set is submitted on time. It is sufficient if one of the team members
makes a submission.
Question 1
Please use data in sheet beta_portfolios for this question. The data description is included in the Excel
file which you should read carefully.
The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) predicts that differences in the exposure to market returns
should explain all cross-sectional expected return differences between different assets. In this
question, you will evaluate CAPM using annual data on portfolios sorted by CAPM beta from 1964 to
a) Compute the average return, volatility, average beta, and the Sharpe ratio for each portfolio.
b) As a mean-variance investor who needs to pick one of the five beta-sorted portfolios, which
portfolio would you choose?
c) Show graphically that CAPM does not hold. To do this, plot the security market line (SML) –
predicted by the data on the market return and the riskless rate –along with the average returns and
average betas of portfolios.
d) What does the relation between the expected portfolio returns and betas imply for mispricing
under the assumption that the CAPM is the right model? Which portfolios are overpriced, and which
portfolios are underpriced?
Question 2
Please use data in sheet beta_portfolios for this question. The data description is included in the Excel
file which you should read carefully.
In this exercise, we will implement a simplified version of the “Betting against Beta” (BaB) strategy.
For this purpose, we construct a zero-cost market-neutral (zero-beta) strategy by taking a levered
position in portfolio 1 (the lowest-beta portfolio) and a delevered short position in portfolio 5 (the
highest-beta portfolio) using the portfolio betas in each year.
a) Compute the returns of a levered version of portfolio 1 that has the same beta as the market
portfolio. What is the average annual return of this portfolio? Assume that the riskless rate can be
used for both borrowing and lending.
b) Compute the returns of a delevered version of portfolio 5 that has the same beta as the market
portfolio. What is the average annual return of this portfolio? Assume that the riskless rate can be
used for both borrowing and lending.
c) Consider a zero-cost strategy that is long in the levered portfolio from a) and short in the delevered
portfolio from b). What are the average return, Sharpe ratio, and beta of this strategy?
d) Interpret the results from c) in an economy where the only systematic risk is exposure to market
risk, and therefore the CAPM is the right model of risk and return.
Question 3
Please use data in sheet beta_portfolios for this question. The data description is included in the Excel
file which you should read carefully.
a) Some researchers have argued that the CAPM does not appear to hold due to high borrowing costs
for investors. That is, the cost of borrowing to lever up low-beta portfolios is higher than the riskless
rate. Repeat the exercise in a), b), and c) of Question 2 assuming that the borrowing costs of investors
is higher than the riskless rate by 6 percent.
b) How does your conclusion in d) of Question 2 change in terms of the feasibility of exploiting
mispricing in a CAPM world

gastroesophageal reflux disease

1. A young woman who is a full time college student presents with symptoms of chronic recurrent abdominal pain, diarrhea, excessive gas formation, abdominal distention, and bloating. She is very frustrated with her symptoms and wants to know what she can do to resolve these problems. What is the probable diagnosis of this patient, and what are some nutrition guidelines that would be effective to help her manage her symptoms?

2. A person has complaints of persistent severe heartburn after eating, which is minimally relieved with antacids. He is diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). How should you educate this pereson about GERD and the measures to prevent severe heartburn?

literature:religious and healthcare values

  1. Describe any religious and/or healthcare values that you have learned about this semester that do not align with your own. What strategies and insights helped you to engage sympathetically with these values and helped you think through them carefully?
  2. Tell the story of one example when you found a way to respect a religious practice or value that seemed to challenge your own values. When and how did you cultivate respect and compassion for other religions’ practices and beliefs? When did you notice your attitudes changing as you gained new knowledge? If your perspective or interpretations changed, what was it like for you? How might it be possible to live out the wisdom that you discovered or perhaps pass this new insight on to others?
  3. Describe what it has been like for you to read your classmates’ reflections and respond to them in your peer replies. How have unfamiliar religious and healthcare values been discussed? What is the impact of reading and responding to your classmates’ work on your own learning in this course? What reflection made the strongest impression on you? How did you reply to it? How did this dialogue affect your learning later on
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