Category Archives: Exams

Chemistry Question

I’m working on a chemistry test / quiz prep and need an explanation to help me understand better.

hey I wanted to know if you could help me with a test. With my whole test please and thank you get back with me


CSC161 Lab Quiz II Version B Spring 2021

CSC161 Lab Quiz II Version B Spring 2021

You will be producing the report below from the data file given. If needed rename your data file to the format LQ2DataB.txt. Your report will read the file which contains the stock name, Symbol and closing price, previous closing price, low price for the day and the high price for the day. Your program must use Arrays, Scanner and PrintWriter. Your user must be able to send output to the screen, File or both Stock Report By Jeffrey Spector Version B Low High Previous Profit Symbol Company Price Price Close Close Per 100 Gain/Loss NRG NRG Energy Inc 37.90 38.73 38.15 38.39 -24 Loss The Stock with the greatest gain is: The Stock with the smallest gain is:



Public Health question

Chapter 6

     Every day your body needs certain essential nutrients that it cannot manufacture for itself.

The six classes of essential nutrients are _________________,_________________,_________________,


___________________ makes up 60% of the body.

___________________ is the basic framework for muscles, bones, blood, hair, and fingernails.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds that provide our brains and bodies with __________________

their basic fuel.

Fats carry the fat soluble vitamins which are _______,_______,________, and _________.

________________ is a dangerous dietary fat.

________________ are substances that prevent the damaging effects of oxidation in cells.

They include vitamins_________, ______________, and _________________.

A__________________________ is a specific amount of food that contains the quantity  of nutrients described on the Nutrition Facts label.

Chapter 7

     Two thirds of Americans are considered to be overweight.  A person is considered to be overweight if they have a BMI of ____________or higher.

A Healthy diet:  avoids ___________________fat

                             Eat fewer_______________ carbs and more _____________ carbs.

                             Eliminate ___________________ and drink water instead.

Many people use food as a way of coping with anger, frustration, and stress, boredom, and fatigue.

List some situations people eat emotionally____________________________________________




A ________________________________is a person who cannot stop putting food in their mouth.

___________________________ is the rapid consumption of an abnormally large amount of food in a relatively short time.

_____________________________________ is a psychological disorder in which refusal to eat and or extreme loss of appetite leads to malnutrition, severe weight loss, and possibly death.

_____________________________________ is episodic binge eating, often followed by forced vomiting or laxative abuse.



BEHS 343 Parenting Today

See Attachment

21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of high-school-age adolescents working part-time jobs during the school year? Include examples in your answer. (6 points)

22. Identify and describe 4 concepts of family systems theory. (6 points)



PRL3 Federal Remittances

  1. How is an organization’s remittance frequency determined? (3 marks)

  1. Complete the following chart: (5 marks)



For employers whose average monthly remittance is from $15,000.00 to $49,999.99

For employers whose average monthly remittance is less than $3,000.00

For employers whose average monthly remittance is $50,000.00 or more

For employers whose average monthly remittance is from $3,000.00 to $14,999.99

For new employers

  1. True or false. Deadlines for remitting the federal statutory deductions are based on the actual date of the payroll cheque/deposit, not on the pay period ending date. (1 mark)


  1. Complete the following chart with the remittance due date using the current year calendar, provided in your student guide: (10 marks)





January 12

January 19


February 23

March 2

Accelerated threshold 1

March 15

March 15


June 29

June 29

Accelerated threshold 1

July 13

July 20

Accelerated threshold 2

August 31

September 7




Advanced Pharmacology and Toxicology: 6PHYM003W

Advanced Pharmacology and Toxicology: 6PHYM003W

1. Using research-informed examples, evaluate how pharmacogenomics can
affect drug elimination and efficacy (and toxicity) using named examples of
drugs, genetic variants and mechanisms of action.
2. Evaluate in detail the pathophysiology of heart failure and discuss current
drug treatments (including recently approved medication), with precise
molecular mechanisms of drug action.
3. Using research-informed literature, discuss how drugs can lead to
cardiotoxicity. This should include drug examples, precise mechanisms of
toxicity and pathology caused by the drugs.



Chemistry question: CHEM 251

Chemistry question: CHEM 251

1) (10 points) A mixture is made of two weak bases. A 15.00 mL aliquot of the base
mixture is analyzed by titration with a 0.140 M strong acid. The resulting titration
data is plotted in the graph below. Use this graph to determine the answers to the
questions in the table below

2) (15 points) A 25.00 mL aliquot of a solution
containing 40.00 mM phosphoric acid is
titrated with a 0.200 M LiOH titrant. Determine
the pH of the solution during the course of the
titration at the volumes indicated in the table to
the right.

3) (12 points) A 30.00 mL solution containing 45.00
mM iodine and buffered to pH 8.94 is titrated
with a solution of Pb4+. The concentration of
lead(IV) in the titrant is 75.00 mM. The cell
potential is monitored with a platinum wire
cathode, and a S.C.E. (0.241 V) anode as the
reference electrode. Determine what potential
will be measured for each of the titration
volumes listed in the table to the right.
Use the half reactions below to determine the cell potentials.
Pb4+ + 2e– ⇌ Pb2+ E° = 1.69 V
IO3– + 3H2O + 6e– ⇌ I– + 6OH– E° = 0.269 V



Real Estate Question

There are about 20 multiple choice questions in the document, and you have to give the answers, and you have to give the steps to solve them



Biochemistry Question

Question 1:

  1. Maize plants are C4 plants undergoing C4 photosynthesis and carbon dioxide fixation occurs by this pathway. Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase is used to fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for maize plants to avoid photorespiration. In C4 plants, PEP is the primary acceptor of CO2 and after it accepts the CO2 (as CO2 enters into the mesophyll cells of maize leaves), it is converted to a four-carbon compound oxaloacetate (OAA). OAA is the transported to the chloroplast produce malate, and it can also produce aspartate in the cytosol of mesophyll cells. Therefore, after about 1 second of illumination, most of all radioactivity incorporated in leaves is found at C4 of both malate AND oxaloacetate (and aspartate in addition).

  2. As mentioned, the malate produced in the chloroplast of mesophyll cells is then transported from there to chloroplast of bundle sheath cells for conversion to pyruvate. The released 14CO2 then undergoes the Calvin Cycle – as it combines with RuBP (ribulose-1,5-biphosphate) – where the production of 3-phosphoglycerate occurs. This is why after 60 seconds, the 14C radioactivity appears in 3-phosphoglycerate.

Question 2:

  1. The decreased coenzymes NADH and NADPH differ by only one phosphate, but NADH provides catabolism power reduction in the cell, whereas NADPH is used in biosynthetic pathways. Enzymes almost always differentiate between coenzymes, but the functionally dual specificity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) from Leuconostoc mesenteroides is unusual. The structures of NADP(+)- and NAD(+)-complexed L are in order to elucidate the coenzyme selectivity. Including data at 2.2 and 2.5 A resolution respectively, and compared to unliganded G6PD crystallized in the same space groups, G6PD mesenteroids were determined. Coenzyme binding is also contrasted with that in a mutant ternary complex where Asp177 has been mutated at the active site to asparagine. Among the complexes, there are no gross structural differences. The enzyme interdomain hinge angle has opened up in both binary complexes. NADP(+) binds to the furthest open form; only Arg46 moves from the residues in the coenzyme domain, interacting with 2’-phosphate and adenine. In the binding site, NAD(+) is less well defined; smaller hinge openings are seen, but larger local changes are seen: Arg46 is displaced, Thr14 binds the 3’-hydroxyl and Gln47 bonds the 2’-hydroxyl. The hinge angle has closed in the ternary complex; only the adenine nucleotide is ordered at the binding site. Again, most binding interactions are given by Arg46.

  2. Major flux of carbon starting with glucose: Cellular respiration (the oxidation of glucose to produce pyruvate in glycolysis), Glycogenesis (formation of glycogen – polysaccharide of glucose)

  3. 1) Gluconeogenesis and glycolysis are not identical pathways running in opposite directions. Although they do share several steps, 7 of the 10 enzymatic reactions of gluconeogenesis are the reverse of glycolytic reactions. These 7 reactions are reversible and so catalyzed by their respective enzyme in both biochemical pathways. The 7 glycolytic reactions have a delta G near zero.

    2) 3 reaction of glycolysis is irreversible because these three reactions are characterized by a large negative free-energy change. In gluconeogenesis, the three irreversible steps are bypassed by a separate set of enzymes, catalyzing reactions that are sufficiently exergonic to be effectively irreversible in the direction of glucose synthesis. Thus, both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are irreversible processes in cells.



Philosophy class

Questions 1-10  Each is worth 2 points

  1. No one can come to the party unless they are invited.

  2. Whenever the Giants win the people are happy.

  3. Wherever there are cowboys there are horses.

  4. No one can pass the test unless they study.

  5. Only children are allowed to come to the party.

  6. Being a scientist is not enough to win the Nobel Prize.

  7. There are students who don’t study.

  8. There are no cats who are logicians.

  9. A few contestants will win a prize

  10. Only the winners will get a prize.

  11. Symbolize the following into a standard-form categorical claim and determine the three corresponding standard-form claims (use the Square of Opposition). Then, assuming the truth value in parentheses, determine the truth value of as many of the other three as you an.

              Logic problems are fun. (assume to be True)       10 points

  1. Assuming that “All Martians are friendly” write down its converse, obverse, and contrapositive (with their truth values—true, false, or undetermined.

  2. What is the contrary of the obverse of “All scientists are cats.”

  3. What is the contrapositive of the contradictory of No cats are dogs.

  4. Make these two claims correspond to each other.

All students study hard.

Some people who do not study hard are students.

  1. All engineers are scientists.

Some scientists are not friendly.

Thus, some engineers are not friendly.

Draw the Venn diagram for this categorical syllogism and state if it is valid or invalid.

  1. No cats are musicians.

Some musicians are curious.

 Thus, some cats are not curious.

Draw the Venn diagram and state if valid.

  1. Consider this statement: Some women are not biologists.

Is “women” distributed or undistributed?

Is “biologists” distributed or undistributed.

Symbolize the following arguments in propositional logic and state if valid or invalid (Use capital letters to symbolize the statements and state what the letters mean).  Use the arrow (à) for :if…then”
19.  If today is Monday then there is a test.  Thus, today is Monday because there is a test.

  1. There will be a party tonight because if there will be a party tonight then today is Friday and indeed, today is Friday.

  2. If the book is on the table then the pen is on the shelf Thus, the pen is not on the shelf because the book is not on the table.

22 Since Mozart was not a great scientist, Einstein is not a great musician because if Einstein is a great musician then Mozart is a great scientist.

  1. If I will pass the test then I will go to the movies tonight, because I will pass the test then I will be happy and if I will be happy then I will go to the movies tonight.

Symbolize the following sentences into propositional logic using capital letters (and say what the letters mean)

24.  Either Jones is President or if Matthews is Secretary then Peters is Vice-President.



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