Category Archives: Research Papers

Mathlab exercise

Consider a digital communication system using the 16-QAM IEEE 802.11 mapping that was shown in class1 . (a) Express the last 4 digits of your student ID in Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) format to obtain a bit string of 16 bits. Sketch the associated waveform s(t) for the pulses below. For the purpose of your sketch, you may assume that T = 1 and Es = 5. (Hint: 4 symbols. s(t) = s1ψ1(t) + s2ψ2(t).)



Communications question


Under “Past” number 1-10 and list ten things you think you may want to discuss while talking about your past in your Autobiographical Speech. Do the same for the “Present”, and “Future”. When you talk about your future, I want you to think of your hopes,


Online Speech Preparation Worksheet

Name ____________________________________Section_____________________________________

1. What is the topic of your speech?_______________________________________________________

2. Are you delivering a recorded or real-time online speech?____________________________________

3. What is your specific purpose statement?_________________________________________________


4. What is your central idea?_____________________________________________________________


5. What method of organization will you use in the speech?____________________________________

6. State in full sentences the main points to be developed in the body of your speech.




7. What steps will you take to control the visual environment of your speech? Explain with regard to each of the following. Be specific.

a. Setting:___________________________________________________________________________

b. Lighting:__________________________________________________________________________

c. Framing:__________________________________________________________________________

d. Eye contact:_______________________________________________________________________

e. Personal appearance:________________________________________________________________

8. What steps will you take to adapt your nonverbal communication to the online environment? Be specific.




9. Will you use visual aids in your speech? If the answer is yes, explain the content of each aid and how you will work the aids into your speech.




10. Who is the audience for your speech? What steps will you take to adapt your remarks to their background, knowledge, attitudes, and interests?




11. How will you practice your speech for online presentation? How will your practice differ from rehearsing for an in-person speech?




12. What software will you use for your online speech? Even if you have used the software before for other purposes (Skype, for instance), what steps do you need to take to make sure you can use it expertly for your online speech?




13. Can you answer yes to all the questions on the checklist for Presenting an Online Speech found in your textbook?



Portfolio Analysis


Using then this term structure model to value DBPF’s assets. The assets are exclusively bonds. You also use the model to value DBPF’s obligations towards its policyholders. Once you have the value of assets and the value of obligations, you compute DBPF’s current funding position. Furthermore, you assess the sensitivity of this position to changes in interest rates using the modified duration.




1. (20 pts) Suppose that the total demand for products in Maryland is given by the equation Q = 450 – 5P, where Q is in millions. Suppose that the total supply function for products in Maryland is Q = 4P. For all answers in this question, round to two decimal places.
a. Suppose that there is currently a 10% sales tax on products in Maryland. What
are the equilibrium prices received by firms and paid by consumers? What are
the current consumer surplus, producer surplus, government revenue, and
deadweight loss associated with this tax? Who bears more of the tax burden?
b. Suppose there is a proposal to enact a 5% sales tax on services in Maryland and
also to lower the tax rate on products to 5%. Suppose that the total demand for
services in Maryland is given by the equation Q = 160 – P, and the corresponding
supply function is Q = 3P (Q is in millions here as well). What would the new
prices and quantities in each market (products and services) be? Would total
government revenue under this proposal be higher or lower than it currently is as
described in part a? Assume no sales tax on services in part a. Would total
deadweight loss be higher or lower?



Biology question

Calculated molecular weights for the three DHFR fusion proteins analyzed

SDS-PAGE Gel code blue gel image

Western Blot images for the four primary antibody blots performed

Tag locations for each tag, each of the three DHFR fusion proteins analyzed

Procedures to include that were done for you: SDS-PAGE and Western Blot

Other than preparing your DHFR protein sample for protein loading, provide the basics only – e.g. procedure performed, samples analyzed, and the detection method used, citing the lab manual as described previously

You only need to write procedural stepwise details out for procedures performed yourself (calculation/computational analysis here)

*For this Part II draft, this includes:

Calculations for preparation of GST-DHFR-His gel loading

Calculation of protein molecular weights

Determination of protein tag locations

Include Title page, a draft of the Materials & Methods and Results sections covering SDS-PAGE, Western Blot, and Computational protein analyses, and a Reference section. You do not need to include material from the M&M/Results Part I draft. You will use feedback from part I and II drafts to combine these into your final M&M and Results in sections for the full report.

The Reference section included here should have the Lab Manual referenced in your materials and methods section and any other sources used to write sections of this draft. Written Rough Drafts will be graded on the following:•Complete and accurate content at the time of draft (10pt)•Writing and mechanics: clarity, logical flow of information, spelling/grammar (10pt)•Support and sufficient references (5pt)

The reference for the lab manual: Lab Manual example (be sure to update for your manual version’s specific semester and year):CMMBDepartment. Production of Recombinant Dihydrofolate Reductase. Cell Biology Lab Manual PCB 3023L, Spring2021. University of South Florida, Tampa.


Engineering Question

In this set of experiments you will design and build simple circuits on Emona
netCIRCUITlabs board. In experiment 1, given a logic function as a minterm list you are asked to find the corresponding minimal sum-of-products expression. You will analyze the circuit by drawing the waveforms and eliminate the static-1 timing hazard preset present. In experiment 2, the circuit with the timing hazard eliminated will be implemented in hardware. In experiment 3, a second circuit will be also analyzed starting from its hardware implementation. In the final report, please organize your content in a good format along with sufficient explanation.



Accounting Question

Tax Inversion
The client would like to complete a tax inversion by acquiring a foreign company in
Switzerland and moving the domicile of the combined company overseas in order to
significantly reduce the company’s corporate income tax burden and seeks our
– The client is a US corporation subject to income tax in the US at a 21% rate
– The client is seeking to acquire a Swiss-domiciled company
– The client believes the Swiss corporate income tax rate is 5%

(although this is generally not included in a good form tax research
memorandum, it is included as required in the grading rubric for the assignment)
In order to identify the primary sources of tax law related to tax inversions, I conducted a search in Checkpoint querying “Inversions”. Based on that search I identified the relevant IRC section related to inversions is IRC Section 7874. I also identified secondary sources that help me better understand the implications of IRC Section 7874.
Corporate Expatriation, Inversions and Mergers: Tax Issues (Updated March 12, 2019, Congressional Research Service R43568, Retrieved from:
Checkpoint Catalyst Library International (U.S. Income Tax), 2112 Inversions.



NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare

The purpose of this assignment is to (a) explore and present an information technology used in the healthcare system that supports the patient care experience and (b) develop the skills of team communication, collaboration, and production.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO 1: Describe patient‐care technologies as appropriate to address the needs of a diverse patient population. (PO 1)
CO 5: Identify patient care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support safe nursing practice. (PO 5)
CO 6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy. (PO 6)
CO 8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO 8)



Uber app design (Human-Interaction-Design)

This project is to evaluate the Uber app. The direction is attached below. Please make sure to include the design pictures of the design parts and apply those rules below:

1. Screen Resolution: labeling, visualization, page title

2. Apply Fitts Law

3. Apply Gestalts Law

4. Apply Affordance & Manipulation

5. Apply 9 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design

  • Feedback or visibility of system status

  • Use of users’ language

  • User control and freedom

  • Consistency and standards

  • Error prevention and error messages

  • Recognition rather than recall

  • Flexibility and efficiency of use

  • Aesthetic and minimalist design

  • Help and documentation

6. Interface Design

7. Prototypes


Data Engineering Question

Problem 1 (20 points):This problem illustrates the classification approach by using decision trees using the Lupus data (you can download the data file “sledata”, sledata.txt from D2L site). The data consists of 300 patient records. Each record contains 12 elements. The first 11 elements stand for different symptoms and the final element of each record indicates the diagnosis. Build a decision tree and report:

1)The decision tree and the criteria used for building the tree for deciding the best split and the stopping condition (such as which impurity measure, how many cases for parents and children per node, etc)

2)How many nodes the final tree has and how many of them are terminal nodes;

3)What are the most important three Lupus data features in building the tree?Explain your answer.

Problem 2 (30 points):This problem illustrates the effect of the class imbalance of the accuracy of the decision trees. Download the red wine quality data from the UCI machine learning repository at:…

1.Report how many classes (treat each quality level as a different class) are and what is the distribution of these classes for the red wine data is.

2.Repeat Problem 1 on the red wine data.

3.Now bin the class variable in such a way that data is not so imbalanced with respect to the class variable. Repeat Problem 1 but on the wine data with a smaller number of classes (the binned class variable).

4.How the performance of the best classification model on the original class variable compares with the accuracy of the best classification model on the binned classification variable?

Problem 3 (5 points): Given the decision tree in Figure 1, show how the new examples in Table 1 would be classified by filling in the last column in the table. If an example cannot be classified, enter UNKNOWN in the last column. For each example, explain your answer by writing down the path from the root to the leaf that corresponds to that specific example.

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