Category Archives: Research Papers

Aphasia, apraxia and dysarthria evaluation

Aphasia, apraxia and dysarthria evaluation

There are four videos associated with this file. Please watch the videos and tell me what you get from each of them. The type of aphasia, the symptoms present and any other observations/reflections you may have after watching them.

This assignment should be about 1-2 paragraphs per video. I would also like to see the terminology used to describe the symptoms that are being presented in the video… (Example: Don’t just say ‘the person is talking really fast!’, refer to it as “exhibiting hyperfluency” which is a symptom of Wernicke’s aphasia).

Refer to each video by the order that it is in (Example: C7V1, C7V2). Thank you.

The first two videos are of aphasia clients.

In the third video, you’ll see a child that has apraxia. I want you to look at his speech patterns, errors, movements and answers and analyze the video for things and symptoms that you discover.

In the fourth video, you’ll see a man who has dysarthria. I want you to tell me which type of dysarthria that he has and all of the symptoms you can gather from his speech that would alert you to that. Also talk about any other things you notice from the video.



MGT 402 Entrepreneurship and Small Business

  1. Demonstrate a solid understanding of the potential of entrepreneur in today’s competitive business world. (Lo 1.2)

  2. Demonstrate ability to think independently and systematically on developing a viable business model (Lo 1.3 & 3.7)

  3. Understand the place of small business in history and explore the strengths and weaknesses of small business. (Lo 1.1).

Start-up Business Plan

Assume yourself as an entrepreneur of a small startup business in Saudi Arabia.

Write brief notes on the following objectives:

  1. Owners
  2. Your Business Name, Address, E‐Mail
  3. General Business Description (300 – 400 words)
  4. What business will you be in? What will you do?
  • Mission Statement
  • Company goals and objectives
  1. Business Philosophy
  2. What is important to you in your business?
  • To whom will you market your product?
  • Describe your Industry: Is it a growth industry? What long term or Short-term changes do you foresee in the industry? How will your company take advantage of it?
  • Describe your most important company strengths and core competencies: What factors will make the company succeed? What do you think your major competitive strengths will be? What background experience, skills, and strengths do you personally bring to this new venture?
  • Legal form of ownership: Sole proprietor, Partnership, Corporation, Limited liability corporation (LLC)? Why have you selected this form?
  1. Products and Services
  2. Describe in depth your products or services. (Technical specifications)
  3. What factors will give you competitive advantages or disadvantages? Examples include level of quality or unique or proprietary features



Gravity defying creatures

● Why is it that some creatures seem to defy gravity?
● How do all these components work together to achieve a stable and high-performing rocket?

4. Research: Using online articles or videos, help crack the code for how Geckos are so good at what they do. What is the biophysical mechanism for their ability to walk on walls?Draw a microscopic picture to demonstrate your understanding.
5. The mechanism for how geckos do their walk has to do with something called Van der Waals forces. What are these forces and how do they work?



Hydrothermal Vents

Hydrothermal Vents

Hydrothermal Vents (Links to an external site.)  After watching the video linked above and reading about hydrothermal vents in the chapter, apply the concept of the thermocline and the types of animals that would be found in the trench or in mid-ocean ridges at hydrothermal vents of the ocean. The essay needs to be a minimum of 500 words and sources cited in APA format. Save word document, upload, and submit for grading.



Create a quiz for Cultural differences

In this Assignment, you will create 16 multiple choice questions with 4 alternatives (A, B, C, and D – but only one is the correct answer), 4 essay questions. You will identify the right multiple choice answer with 3 capital letters in front; for example, if your alternative B is the right answer, you will repeat that letter 3 times (BBB in front of the correct alternative). You will also provide your best and most complete answers to the essay questions.

In order to earn all the points, you must follow these guidelines:

1. Before stating each question (multiple choice or essay) you need to identify which of the readings and/or videos it relates to.

2. Your multiple choice questions must come from each of the steps 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,9 and 10 – TWO questions from each of these 7 steps. The remaining 2 multiple choice questions can be a third question from these seven steps, or you can write a practical applied question (you can be creative).

3. One of your essay questions HAS to come from one of the Country Guides in Step 8; another essay question HAS to come from Step 6; and you can NOT use step 7 for any essay questions. Your 2 remaining essay questions can be very creative/applied. Identify all properly.

4. If you write questions that are easy to identify without reading, or use language that undermines the importance of this assignment, you will NOT EARN ANY points. No student should be able to guess the answers without reading/studying the contents of this module.

5. All your questions must be about the contents you believe to be most important for doing business.

Step2_Watch: Cultural Difference in Business

Step3_Watch: How Cultural Differences Affect Business

Step4_Watch: Audi Trains Mexican Auto Workers in Germany…

Step6_Read-Interactive: Compare Cross-Cultural Dimensions

Step7_Read: Around the World in 42 Hand Gestures…

Step8_Read: Cultural Guides For Doing Business Abroad…

Step9_Read: Top 10 Ways that Culture can affect International Negotiations…

Step10_Read: 3 Real-life Examples of Cultural Misunderstandings in Business…



MNGT 379 – Business Analytics; Module 4 Descriptive Data Mining Homework

The file BigTen.xlsx contains data on a number of university athletic programs in the United States. Follow the instructions below to complete a k-Means Clustering analysis of the data.

Problem 1.1 In Step 1 of ASP’s k-Means Clustering, select StadiumCapacity, Latitude, Longitude, Endowment ($000), and Enrollment as your variables. Select next. In Step 2, check the box for Normalize input data, set # Clusters to 10, # Iterations to 50, and Random starts to 10. Click Finish. Take a screenshot (using the Snipping Tool, Grab, or a keyboard shortcut) of the Inputs table (Range B10:J31) and paste it in the space below:



Bragg’s model memoir.

PROMPT:  For this assignment you will recall a person, place or event from your past and write a memoir.  You will need to use details and sensory impression to re-create the moment for your audience.  Your job is to reveal the meaning of the past so that readers understand the significance the memories hold for the present.  Through your writing your audience should be able to visualize the moment.  You should chose to revisit a memory that you have some distance from (not a recent break-up say, or a current family crisis).


  • Consider tensions or conflict from high school or adolescence (Caldwell)

  • Focus on a past job, special place you used to live, or beloved item you lost (Bragg)

  • Pick a photo that holds emotional associations and explore a detail that recalls a moment

  • Select a family ritual or tradition that might be especially important to you

  • Consider an aspect of your own cultural ancestry (language, food, heirloom) and explain how it has entered your life and what it reveals about your relationship to your culture.

  • Focus on some special aspect of your educational experience, a teacher or event (Landry)

  • Focus on a childhood incident or injury (Walls)

  • Explain a memorable life lesson or revelation (Yim)

  • Look through an old journal to find moments when you had your values challenged, had a difficult decision to make or were disappointed; use the memory as a starting point in which you reflect and put it in a larger context.



Write a small shell (a “C” program) that accepts inputs from the user and processes these inputs to run different commands.

The fork system call is defined as follows :

pid_t fork(void);

  • Where pid_t return value differs for each process (child and parent)
  • If fork() is successful:
    • If the process is the newly created child: returns 0 (zero)
    • If the process is the parent: returns the child’s PID
  • If fork() is unsuccessful:
    • -1
    • No child process is created.

Use the return value to determine if the current process running is a parent or a child process. Another useful system call is the exec family of system calls. These are used to execute a file and load the executable file information and replace the currently running process information (Code, Data, Heap, and Stack sections). Notice that the system call loads the program in the currently running process address space and maintain the process PID, since the exec() system call does not create a new process but changes the currently running process memory.

In this lab, we will focus on one of exec system calls,

#include <unistd.h>

int execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);

The function takes the following arguments:

  • filename: The name of the program to load. This must be either an executable or a script file that must start with the #!/bin/bash”.
  • argv: is an array of argument strings passed to the new program.
  • envp: is an array of strings, conventionally of the form key=value, which are the environment to the new program.

For this lab, you can set argv and envp to NULL. The exec() functions return only if an error has occurred. The return value is -1, and errno is set to indicate the error.


For example, this program executes a fork system call and loads a new program “Prog” into the Child process. The “Prog” program exists in the same directory as the program since execv will look at the local file locations. If you want to point to other locations, you will have to use the full path using “/”. For example. If you want to run a program in a directory named “test”:


For more information about the exec system call, visit:

Fork with execve system calls

To compile C program, we will start using a famous compiler named GCC, which stands for (GNU Compiler Collection). GCC is used to compile Linux kernel and a lot of mainstream applications since it is known for its stability. The following is the command line you use to compile a C program using GCC :

$ gcc c_program.c -o output

  • gcc : is the command to start the GCC compiler.
  • c_program : your “C” program to compile.
  • -o : an option to the GCC command to specify the name of the compiled program. In this case, the program will be named “output”. You can change this name according to your preference, although it is recommended to use descriptive names for your executables.

To run this program, you can simply use the “./”, the “.” means in this directory. For example, to run the output program:

$ ./output


Write a small shell that accepts inputs from the user and processes these inputs to run different commands. These commands are small programs that you have in your local directory that you have to write as well. The programs are:

  • (FactNum.c)
    • A “C” program that calculates the factorial of a number, the numbers are obtained from the user.
    • The program is compiled and saved as “FN”.
  • (Strlen.c)
    • A “C” program that returns the number of characters in a user inputted string.
    • The program compiled and saved as “SL”.

Your Simple shell will accept input from the user which indicates the name of the program to run. your shell uses fork() to run the inputted command as a newly created process. The shell will use the execve() system call to load the commands’ code, data, heap, and stack data to replace the child shell data. Afterward, your shell will wait till the command is finished before it can prompt the user to enter the next command to run.


  • If the commands exist, the shell waits for the command to complete before prompting the user for a new command.
  • If the user inputs “End,” the shell exits.
  • If the command does not exist or causes an error, the shell should print an error message



Digital Object Analysis

In response to the in-class virtual visit to The Tenement Museum’s Strikers & Stylemakers exhibit, each student will select a digital artifact to document and analyze with a one-page response paper. The artifact may be selected from the open-access digital collection at The Tenement Museum or the student may select their own source material including photographs, letters, diary entries, audio/video recording or other creative works. A digital version of the source material must be uploaded to each student’s individual drive folder along with the analysis including:

  • A complete bibliographic entry citing the primary source

  • A narrative description of the source including contextual information situating the object in place and time

  • An analysis dissecting the object’s role and significance both in current day and in relation to when it was originally created



613—module 04

613—module 04

There are nine facets on the McCumber Cube. Describe which two facets are the most important in your line of work. Why are these particular two facets important and what are some challenges for putting them in place?

In preparing your response, include at least one source from professional or academic literature—such as articles from peer-reviewed journals and relevant textbooks. For this course, Wikipedia is not considered an academic or professional reference. Also, proofread and spell check your responses. All sources should be formatted using APA guidelines.



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