Category Archives: Research Papers

Does pornography promote violence against women?

1. In your opinion, does pornography promote violence against women? Explain your answer.
2. Does it make sense for the United States to follow the example of other democracies as it tries to help older Americans, or is the United States different enough from these nations that a different approach is warranted? Explain.
3. Is the “war on drugs” the appropriate response to drug use, or is it doing more harm than good? Defend your perspective.



Nutrient Assessment

The purpose of the Nutrient Assessment is to describe patient behaviors that support positive and negative dietary and other lifestyle choices through a thorough exploration of one’s personal assessment of dietary behaviors and beliefs.  The student will identify positive and negative beliefs and behaviors that will increase awareness of and compassion for patient’s individual dietary behaviors and beliefs; thus increasing the student’s ability to identify motivating influences which may enable patients to make healthier food choices.  (ESO: N1, C1, S, A2, N2).



Improving Patients’ Quality of Care through Bedside Shift Report.

Develop a 1,250-1,500 written project that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:


2.Clinical problem statement.

3.Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system.

4.PICOT question.

-Among patients admitted to the hospital (P) how do nurses’ bedside shift reports (I), compared to traditional reports outside of patients’ rooms (C), affect the occurrence of adverse events (O) during hospital stay (T)?

– Population: Patients admitted to the hospital

 Intervention: Nurses’ bedside shift report

– Comparison: Traditional reports outside patient’s room

– Outcome: The occurrence of adverse events

– Time: During hospital stay

5.Literature search strategy employed.

6.Evaluation of the literature.

7.Applicable change or nursing theory utilized.

8.Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures.

9.Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan.

10.Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention.

11.Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome.

12.Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created.

Review the PICOT Question Paper, Literature Review for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines. An abstract is not required.



Written Self Critique – cardboard sphere

A critique is an oral or written discussion strategy used to analyze, describe, and interpret works of art. Critiques help students hone their persuasive oral and writing, information-gathering, and justification skills.

Write a one page maximum critique of your recently finished project using the below sample set of focus questions for the written self critique of your assignment project. There are four major areas of art criticism: description, analysis, interpretation, judgment.

Begin the document with your name, project name, and a title of the work (if given).


Describe the work without using value words such as “beautiful” or “ugly”:

  • What is the written description on the label or in the program about the work?

  • What is the title and who is (are) the artist(s)?

  • When and where was the work created?

  • Describe the elements of the work (i.e., line movement, light, space).

  • Describe the technical qualities of the work (i.e., tools, materials, instruments).

  • Describe the subject matter. What is it all about? Are there recognizable images?


Describe how the work is organized as a complete composition:

  • How is the work constructed or planned (i.e., materials, techniques, processes)?

  • Identify some of the similarities throughout the work (i.e., repetition of line, pattern, shape).

  • Identify some of the points of emphasis in the work (i.e., focal point, movement, favorite part).

  • If the work has subjects or characters, what are the relationships between or among them?

  • How skillfully has the work been executed?


Describe how your work makes you think or feel:

  • Describe the expressive qualities you find in the work. What expressive language would you use to describe the qualities (i.e., tragic, ugly, funny)?

  • Does the work remind you of other things you have experienced (i.e., analogy or metaphor)?

  • How does the work relate to other ideas or events in the world and/or in your other studies?

Judgment or Evaluation

Present your honest opinion of your end work’s success or failure:

  • What qualities of the work make you feel it is a success or failure?

  • Compare it with similar works that you think are good or bad.

  • What would you do differently if you would do it all over again?

  • How original is the work? Why do you feel your work is original or not original?



Module 4: Materials Management Exercise

Manufacturing has lower bound limits and upper bound limits for any given time period.  This means that there is a minimum that should be produced in that time period and a maximum that can be produced in that time period.

  1. What does your knowledge and/or research tell you are restrictions that cause lower bound limits? List at least four (2 POINTS)

  1. Assume that any company can produce one of anything that they can make – actually, they can. Our previously understood list of causes for lower bound limitations no longer seams valid in this mindset (2 POINTS).

If we can truly produce one of anything, what is the driving force behind our decisions for Lower Bound Limits?  Here are hints:

  • There are two.

  • They are most often opposing forces

  • There are hints for both of them in the company priorities that we’ve been discussing.

What are they?

  1. Name AT LEAST three factors that limit the amount than can be produced in a time period (Upper Bound Limit) (3 POINTS)?

  • , …

  1. You are an ice manufacturer. During the heat of summer, you sell much more than you produce.  You don’t want dissatisfied customers.  Try to come up with three solutions to this problem (3 POINTS):

    • , …

  2. Armand Feigenbaum, a quality guru from the middle of the 20th century, defined the following cost areas.  Two of the four costs were internal failure and external failure costs, both categorized as costs of failure or non-conformance costs.  The other two costs were appraisal costs and prevention costs, both categorized as costs of control or costs of conformance.  Put the costs in order from least to most expensive when considering the costs associated with the quality cost areas and the overall impact to a firm’s profitability (4 POINTS).

  3. E. Deming, another quality guru from the middle of the 20th century, created a 14 point method for improving quality in an organization. Point 3 states “Cease dependence on mass inspection to improve quality”.  In what alternative ways could a firm improve quality if they no longer inspected items they produced (3 POINTS)?



Outline of paper

You will have 2 options for completion: the Rogerian or the Classical Outline structure.

  • Because you likely do not have all of your sources yet, this is a preliminary plan.
  • In either outline, your main arguments must be clear.
  • You must find at least 1 piece of literature to support each argument
  • You must dentify 2 viewpoints opposed to your thesis.
  • In each outline, the required information is highlighted in yellow. The rest of the outline will help you to stay focused and organized as you continue to add source information each week, but will not be due as an additional assignment.
  • Regardless of which you choose, you must also submit at least 5 scholarly sources in APA format. This is the same citation style used in the Annotated Bibliography. Include the 4 from that assignment, and add at least one more that you’ve found since then.

Please note: If you turn in paragraphs that are NOT in outline format,

  • I will just assign the document a ZERO and will not grade it.
  • The point of creating an outline is to get your thoughts in a logical format before writing. If you ignore the purpose of the assignment, I will not work to pluck your thoughts out of the paragraph format.


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Busi2013 decision analysis

Busi2013 decision analysis

TourneSol Canada, Ltd. is a producer of high quality sunflower oil. The company buys raw sunflower seeds directly from large agricultural companies, and refines the seeds into sunflower oil that it sells in the wholesale market. As a by-product, the company also produces sunflower mash (a paste made from the remains of crushed sunflower seeds) that it sells into the market as base product for animal feed.

The company has a maximum input capacity of 150 short tons of raw sunflower seeds every day (or 54,750 short tons per year). Of course the company cannot run at full capacity every day as it is required to shut down or reduce capacity for maintenance periods every year, and it experiences the occasional mechanical problem. The facility is expected to run at 90% capacity over the year (or on average 150 x 90% = 135 short tons per day).

TourneSol is planning to purchase its supply of raw sunflower seeds from three primary growers, Supplier A, Supplier B, and Supplier C. Purchase prices will not set until the orders are actually placed so TourneSol will have to forecast purchase prices for the raw material and sales prices for the refined sunflower oil and mash. The contract is written such that TourneSol is only required to commit to 70% of total capacity up front. Any amounts over that can be purchased only as required for the same price. Historical prices for the last 15 years are in the table below (note that year 15 is the most current year).



Design & Analysis of Algorithms

1. Draw a single binary tree T such that each of the following properties holds: • each internal node of T stores a single character • a preorder traversal of T yields COMPILE, and • a inorder traversal of T yields PMIOLCE.

2. Give the pseudocode for an O(n)-time algorithm that computes the depth of each node of a tree T, where n is the number of nodes of T. Assume the existence of methods setDepth(v,d) and getDepth(v) that run in O(1)-time.

3. Design an algorithm, inorderNext(v), which returns the node visited after node v in an inorder traversal of binary tree T of size n. Analyze its worst-case running time. Your algorithm should avoid performing traversals of the entire tree.

4. Let T be a binary tree with n nodes. It is realized with an implementation of the Binary Tree ADT that has O(1) running time for all methods except positions() and elements(), which have O(n) running time. Give the pseudocode for a O(n) time algorithm that uses the methods of the Binary Tree interface to visit the nodes of T by increasing values of the level numbering function p given in Section 2.3.4. This traversal is known as the level order traversal. Assume the existence of an O(1) time visit(v) method (it should get called once on each vertex of T during the execution of your algorithm)

5. (a) Illustrate the execution of the selection-sort algorithm on the following input sequence: (21, 14, 32, 10, 44, 8, 2, 11, 20, 26)

(b) Illustrate the execution of the insertion-sort algorithm on the following input sequence: (21, 14, 32, 10, 44, 8, 2, 11, 20, 26)

6. Let S be a sequence containing pairs (k, e) where e is an element and k is its key. There is a simple algorithm called count-sort that will construct a new sorted sequence from S provided that all the keys in S are different from each other. For each key k, count-sort scans S to count how many keys are less than k. If c is the count for k then (k, e) should have rank c in the sorted sequence.

(a) Give the pseudocode for count-sort as it is described above.

(b) Determine the number of comparisons made by count-sort. What is its running time?

(c) As written, count-sort only works if all of the keys have different values. Explain how to modify count-sort to work if multiple keys have the same value



Entrepreneurship in a global economy

Complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:

  • Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness to go global, if not already, and it’s strategy for staying global if it is.

  • Research other company’s strategy for going global and explain if this will or will not work for your company.

  • Make a recommendation for a global strategy in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.



ECON-203 Introduction to labor economics

1. Historically, high to low skilled workers show a gentle curve lenient towards low skilled workers; however, what is happening to modern proportions of high, medium, and low skilled workers? How will this affect the progress towards higher skilled and senior positions?

2. Based on the figures under the Preliminary Explorations of Labour Market Outcomes section, answer the following:
a. In Figure 1.1, what is the median wage earnings in 2011?
b. In Figure 1.2, what is the 90th percentile of annual hours worked in 2011?
c. In Figure 1.3, what is the 10th percentile of the average hourly wages in 2011?

3. Using the descriptive statistics from Table 1.1, answer the following:
a. What is the average proportion of income from investments for men and women?
b. How much more earnings do men earn in comparison to women in 2011?
c. What can you conclude about the annual hours worked between men and women?
d. Why do you think that women receive more government transfers than men?



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