Category Archives: Research Papers
Wk 4 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Applying Leadership Theories
Purpose of Assessment
Analyze the organization you assessed in Week 2. Apply leadership theories and approaches to support organizational change that aligns to the organization’s mission and values. You will be measured on how you justify your assessment of the leadership approach.
Write a 700- to 1050-word paper for your Leadership Styles Rationale . In your paper , complete the following:
- Restate the needed change within the organization.
- Analyze the various leadership styles you explored in Week 3 in the context of the organizational culture and proposed change.
- Justify which leadership style or approach would best support the organizational change.
- Discuss how this style will support sustainable organizational success.
- Discuss how this style integrates the organization’s mission and vision.
- Discuss how this style will increase value for stakeholders.
Reflection 1
Even though most of us do not set out intentionally to oppress others or to limit their chances and opportunities, our society’s widening inequality is not an accident. How do our laws and economic structures disadvantage some and privilege others? In what ways do our systems and institutions make us all complicit in injustice? How can we change that?
- The aim of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to consider some of the issues discussed in this course. You will complete 3 out of the 5 posted reflections questions. All the reflection questions have been posted, so you can respond to them whenever it suits you; however, the marks will not be posted until about one week after the posted due date.
- You can submit 4 reflections (but not 5) and have your lowest mark dropped if you choose.
- The written reflections are worth 15% of your final grade. This is a good opportunity to earn marks in the course to take pressure off the exam. Although each reflection is only worth 5%, they will add up to a considerable portion of your final grade.
- Please submit your 500-600 word response in the text box on OWL for the particular reflection found under the ‘Written Reflections’ icon by the posted due dates.
- You can type your reflection directly in the text box, but, to avoid losing your work if the Internet cuts out or OWL accidentally closes, you might want to type it into Word and then cut and paste it into the text box. You cannot submit your reflection as an attachment.
- The due dates for the reflections are shown with the posted question, on the list of reflections, and your course outline. There is a 5% per day (including weekends and holidays) for late submissions. There are no makeups for the reflections.
- It is not a good idea to leave it until the last few minutes to submit your reflection in case you have some issues with your computer, OWL, or the Internet. There will be a late penalty if the submissions are not submitted on time due to technical difficulties.
- PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR WORK WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY SUBMITTED TO TURNITIN. If your work is not original, you will receive 0.
- Your reflections will be marked on the following:
- Question is answered with a sufficient degree of effort and thoughtfulness.
- Interesting comments and arguments presented.
- Facts, statistics, or examples are included to back up thoughts – these need to be referenced with (author, date), (a professor’s lecture, date), etc.
- References included at the end of reflection in ASA or APA format.
- Accurate spelling. Grammar, writing style, etc. at a university level.
- Sufficient length – very short submissions will be penalized. Submissions should be between 500 and 600 words. Going more than 50 words over the limit will cause you to lose marks because part of the skill in writing is to present your ideas concisely.
Detailed Rubric for Reflections | |||
Marks | Criteria | Excellent | Needs Improvement |
1 | Introduction | Excellent thesis statement. Clearly states and outlines what will be argued. | Introduction too general. Thesis needs to be strengthened. |
1 | Conclusion | Good summary of evidence and strong overall concluding statement. | Too short to provide an overall conclusion of the evidence presented. |
4 | Development of Ideas | Good understanding of subject matter. Evidence of research and careful thought. Coherent argument. | Argument not supported. Repetitive, confusing, lacks in logic or coherence. Argument not evidence based. |
1 | Paragraphing | Paragraphs unified around a clear main point. Smooth transitions between paragraphs. | Paragraphs include discussion unrelated to their main point. Little transitions between paragraphs. |
1 | Sources | Wide range of sources. Sources paraphrased rather than quoted. Sources well integrated into paper and cited correctly. | Too few sources. Reliance on direct quotations rather than paraphrasing. Difficulty using sources to build argument. Sources not cited. |
2 | Spelling / Grammar | Accurate spelling and university level grammar. Well structured. | Spelling and grammar errors. Incoherent sentences. |
____ / 10 Then your reflection mark is calculated out of 5. |
The purpose of the assignment is to provide students the opportunity to design a Psychological Skills Training (PST) program meant to improve performance of an athletic team (or any group that fits personal career aspirations). The student can choose to carry out the project with the designated team or group but doing so is not mandatory since we are in a limited time frame.
- This is not a research paper… it is development of PST program and your presentation of the program
- Students originate and design a PST program, and develop a 12-minute narrated video presentation
- The presentation must include a narrated slide show
- The presentation video submission must have a URL link… this is all you will submit
- Students complete the project independently (this is not a group project)
- The project should focus on an aspect of sport or exercise psychology of personal interest
- Use the text and course materials to help you decide on a focus
- The project should be designed to enhance sport or exercise performance for a sports team, athletic team, or any formal group of your choosing
- Due to our limited time frame, you do not have to carry out the project, only design it
Examples of Potential Topics
- Using imagery to improve basketball foul shooting for a college or high school team
- Implementing relaxation techniques to reduce pre-competition anxiety
- Improving sportsmanship in a youth sport through role play
- Improving exercise adherence through a video motivational series
- Developing a program to improve mental toughness for wrestlers (or sport of choice)
- These are just a few… please be creative and explore an area of interest to you personally; this is not meant to be a prescriptive assignment; instead I want you to enjoy the chance to devise a potential project of personal interest and usefulness
Scholarly Foundation
- The PST program must be based on a sound scholarly foundation; it cannot simply be your opinion
- Include a Resources slide indicating at least 5 scholarly sources that informed your program
Slide Show Guidelines
- Develop a minimum of 10 slides as follows
- Introductory Slide: Your name, course, date; instructor name; the PST program name
- Abstract Slide: brief summary of your PST program
- Content Slides
- Resources Slide
- Every slide must contain at least one image and some text
- Avoid excessive text on the slides; you are to present the material not make us read a paper
PST project link
The purpose of the assignment is to provide students the opportunity to design a Psychological Skills Training (PST) program meant to improve performance of an athletic team (or any group that fits personal career aspirations). The student can choose to carry out the project with the designated team or group but doing so is not mandatory since we are in a limited time frame.
- This is not a research paper… it is development of PST program and your presentation of the program
- Students originate and design a PST program, and develop a 12-minute narrated video presentation
- The presentation must include a narrated slide show
- The presentation video submission must have a URL link… this is all you will submit
- Students complete the project independently (this is not a group project)
- The project should focus on an aspect of sport or exercise psychology of personal interest
- Use the text and course materials to help you decide on a focus
- The project should be designed to enhance sport or exercise performance for a sports team, athletic team, or any formal group of your choosing
- Due to our limited time frame, you do not have to carry out the project, only design it
Examples of Potential Topics
- Using imagery to improve basketball foul shooting for a college or high school team
- Implementing relaxation techniques to reduce pre-competition anxiety
- Improving sportsmanship in a youth sport through role play
- Improving exercise adherence through a video motivational series
- Developing a program to improve mental toughness for wrestlers (or sport of choice)
- These are just a few… please be creative and explore an area of interest to you personally; this is not meant to be a prescriptive assignment; instead I want you to enjoy the chance to devise a potential project of personal interest and usefulness
Scholarly Foundation
- The PST program must be based on a sound scholarly foundation; it cannot simply be your opinion
- Include a Resources slide indicating at least 5 scholarly sources that informed your program
Slide Show Guidelines
- Develop a minimum of 10 slides as follows
- Introductory Slide: Your name, course, date; instructor name; the PST program name
- Abstract Slide: brief summary of your PST program
- Content Slides
- Resources Slide
- Every slide must contain at least one image and some text
- Avoid excessive text on the slides; you are to present the material not make us read a paper
Provider Evaluation (Quality and Safety)
In this age of acute competition and alignment of providers, systems are evolving to improve contracting opportunities, including population health, Accountable Care organizations, and models of health care delivery. They are targeting quality care at a value price. This assignment explores a provider of your choice to determine their desirability to be a member of a system and recommend improvements they may need to make to become more competitive in their market.
Write a 2–3 page proposal in which you evaluate and make recommendations for a provider you have chosen in terms of safety, quality, and evidence-informed health care by doing the following:
- Choose a health care provider—nursing home, hospital, home care, etc.
- Using the search function on govto review your provider’s measures on safety, quality, and evidence-informed health care.
- Pay attention to the publicly reported outcomes on mortality, rehospitalization, and infection rates, as well as patient satisfaction and preventive care.
- Note: If you have chosen a home health provider, use the Home Health Quality Measureswebsite to review their home health quality measures.
- Identify other providers in the same geographic area, review their outcomes, and compare your provider (e.g., search by Zip code).
- Determine how these outcomes impact this provider as a potential member for a health system, Accountable Care organization, or as a contender to obtain population health contracts.
- Based on the reports, determine which quality initiative the providers should address through evidence-based practices, such as safety, quality, rehospitalizations, mortality, etc.
- Would your provider be the desired member of a system?
- What is your recommendation for this provider to improve their outcomes in order to improve reimbursement and to become a desirable member of a system of providers?
- Use the Strayer Libraryto find at least two academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites are do not qualify as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Evaluate healthcare data, outcomes, and potential improvements in relation to safety, quality, and evidence-informed healthcare.
Wk 5 – Apply: Positive Organizational Change
To prepare for the Week 6 Assessment, choose a well-known corporation, such as Samsung, Starbucks, Ford Motor Company, or Waste Management, that implemented a major change. Analyze the corporation’s change process based on Kotter’s 8-Step to Change using the Organizational Change Chart.
Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model
- Step One: Create Urgency.
- Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition.
- Step Three: Create a Vision for Change.
- Step Four: Communicate the Vision.
- Step Five: Remove Obstacles.
- Step Six: Create Short-Term Wins.
- Step Seven: Build on the Change.
- Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.
Was this a positive organizational change? Why or why not? If so, what strategies and tactics were effective or ineffective in creating positive organizational change? What strategies and tactics would have worked better?
Wk 1 – Apply: Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model Chart
To prepare for the Week 2 Assessment, consider a past or current professional experience where a culture change was needed.
Using the Organizational Change Chart, outline information about the experience and organization following Kotter’s 8-Step to Change Model as a guiding line.
Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model
- Step One: Create Urgency.
- Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition.
- Step Three: Create a Vision for Change.
- Step Four: Communicate the Vision.
- Step Five: Remove Obstacles.
- Step Six: Create Short-Term Wins.
- Step Seven: Build on the Change.
- Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.
Submit your assignment.
Wk 2 – Internal and External Stakeholders
- This assignment provides students with the business scenario they will use for assignments throughout the course. The scenario requires students to imagine themselves inside an organization as consultants and to determine how to respond given the organization’s circumstances. Students utilize concepts from the weekly readings to identify the internal and external stakeholders and to understand the needs, motivations, and perceptions of each audience.
Analyze the information provided to you in the Best Game Productions: Company Background and Business Scenario.
Create a 1,000 to 1,400-word analysis in which you:
- Explain the business scenario faced by Best Game Productions.
- Identify the organization’s internal and external stakeholders.
- Explain how the business scenario at Best Game Productions affects multiple internal and external stakeholders.
- Identify the needs, motivations, and perceptions of each stakeholder.
Wk 4 – Internal and External Persuasive Communication
Students create a persuasive communication for internal and external stakeholders. Students present the company’s situation and proposed solution in a manner that is informative and persuasive. Using their knowledge of communication styles, noise, and audience needs, motivations, and perceptions, students create a persuasive memo and a press release that are appropriate to each audience. Students use concepts from the weekly readings to create effective communications for an internal stakeholder and an external stakeholder.
Now that you have detailed all necessary communications and have determined the best channel for the communications in your plan, you can begin writing these communications.
In this assignment, you must write a persuasive memo to one internal stakeholder and an email update to external stakeholders.
In these communications, describe the scenario at Best Game Productions and explain the solution that you think is best for the company based on all of the information provided.
Use that solution and your reason for selecting it throughout the assignment.
Be sure to consider the perceptions and needs of each stakeholder, and determine the most appropriate style of communication when addressing the internal and external stakeholders.
Business memo:
- Create a 750 to 1,000-word persuasive memo describing Best Game Productions’ dilemma to an internal stakeholder.
- Choose one internal stakeholder in Best Game Productions.
- Describethe scenario at Best Game Productions and explain the solution that you think is best for the company based on all of the information provided.
- Includethe benefits and rationale.
Persuasive email:
- Create a 400 to 700-word persuasive email describing the same situation to an external stakeholder, adjusting tone and word choice to suit the audience
- Describethe scenario at Best Game Productions and explain the solution that you think is best.
- Includethe benefits and rationale.
Cite at least two references in your paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. You may consider formatting your memo as a business memo with appropriate heading. Example is located at the Center for Writing Excellence.
Submit your assignment.
Wk 2 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Improving Organizational Culture
Purpose of Assessment
Assess an organization’s culture to improve alignment between the culture, mission, vision, values, and strategies. You will be measured on how you assess the organization’s culture as well as how your proposed decisions for improvements align to the organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategies.
In a 7- to 10-slide presentation to the leadership of the organization you chose to explore in Week 1, complete the following:
- Assess the current culture within the organization at the time of your experience.
- Develop the Change Management Plan using Kotter’s 8-Step model.
- Determine the desired outcome as a result of the proposed change.
- Analyze the alignment between the organizations, mission, vision, values, strategies, and the proposed Change Management Plan.
Submit your assignment.