Category Archives: Research Papers

Artificial Intelligence – perform image compression and point cloud segmentation.

I have a wireframe and dataset provided in IPYNB in which you need to implement the following

  1. Implement k-means clustering to segment a color image.

  2. Familiarize yourself with the algorithm by running it on simple dataset.

  3. Build a Gaussian mixture model to be trained with expectation-maximization.

  4. Experiment with varying the details of the Gaussian mixture model’s implementation.

  5. Implement and test a new metric called the Bayesian information criterion, which guarantees a more robust image segmentation.


Java Question COMP 1020

Java Question COMP 1020

Question 1: Linked Lists
Create a PersonLinkedList class to hold a linked list whose values are of type Person (use the file provided
in the Assignment 4 folder). You will also have to implement a PersonNode class to represent nodes in the linked list.
Your linked list must implement the methods below. For full marks, your methods should be efficient in that they should
not do any unnecessary extra traversals through the list.
 A constructor with no parameters which creates an empty list.
 public void insertByAge(Person newItem) – the insert method should add the Person object to the
list such hat the list is ordered according to age (youngest to oldest)
 public int size() which returns the number of elements in the linked list
 public boolean contains(Person person) which returns true if the list contains the data item and
false otherwise.
 public Person get(int pos) which returns the Person object at the given position in the list (where the
position of the first item in the list is 0, the position of the second item is 1, etc). If there is no such position in
the list, the method should return null.
 public double getAverageAge() which computes and returns the average (mean) age of the people in
the list. The method should return 0.0 if the list is empty.
 Public boolean equals(PersonLinkedList otherList) which will return true if the list contains
identical Person information in the same order.
 public PersonLinkedList removeIfYounger(int age) – this method should remove all Person
objects from the list who are younger than the age passed as a parameter. The removed items should then



Solve this question in biomechanics of materials

I’m working on a biomedical engineering question and need an explanation to help me study.

Hello, I need someone to solve this question

I attach the question below …….


Anthropology Question


What are the categories of colonialism?

Most scholars define colonialism as the unequal relationship between groups – political, economic, or cultural. It is thus expected that studies on colonialism focus on the relationship between the colonized and the colonizer. However, Week 2 readings argue that the dichotomy between the colonized and the colonizer is arbitrary.



Need to prepare a one page, summary paper of key themes found in the course readings (articles I provided).

-Need to highlight the major points from the readings and offer reflections, critiques, and/or questions.

-One page, MLA heading (name, professors name, class, date) and all but single spaced throughout the paper.

-Use info to reflect upon this guide question to support it… cite at least one phrase from each article.

-To do an in-text citation, you must do (Author’s last name year of publication:pg #) – Ex: (Lape 2000:149).

-No works cited page, just have those few in text citations within the one page paper.


Financial Accounting Homework.

Part 1                                                                                                       (25 +10+ 15 = 50 marks)

Sam Petros has graduated with a Master of Accounting and Financial Planning. Now after a few years’ experience in practice, feeling more confident about operating a business. He has decided to establish his own tax and accounting consultancy firm. His clients will include local businesses and individuals. His first month of transactions trading as SP Accounting are provided below.


  1. a) You are required to record the following events into the transaction analysis chart or indicating if the event is not an accounting event (template provided).


March 2021

  • Invested $250,000 of his own funds into a business bank account.

  • Sam contributed his own computer equipment valued at $12,000, to the business.

  • Purchased a small office in Burwood for $620,000. Sam paid a 10% deposit, and the balance was financed through a mortgage with Eastpac Bank.

  • Sam purchased Office equipment for $10,000 cash.

  • Hired an office assistant on a casual basis.

  • Paid $3,600 for building and contents insurance for 12 months. Office stationery was purchased for $800 on 10-day credit terms. Office furniture was purchased for $4,000 cash.

  • Sam acquired a motor vehicle for $35,000 on 120 days credit terms. No payments are required until July 2021.

  • The Office stationery account of the 6th was paid.

12   Sam invoiced his first client, City BMW, $3,000 for 15 hours consulting.

16   Invoiced clients $3,500 for consulting services performed.

17   Received full payment from City BMW.

18   Paid wages to the office assistant totalling $1,400, $300 of which was deducted for PAYG tax which will be remitted to the Australian Taxation Office at a later date.

 25  Invoiced clients for $4,800 for consultation services.

28   Paid a mortgage repayment of $2,800, of which $1,200 is interest and $1,600 is principal.

28   Sam withdrew $2,000 for personal use.

Additional information at the end of the month:

  • Admin expenses owing at balance date are $480.

    • Motor vehicle is depreciated at 20% per annum straight line, residual value $5,000.

    • Computer equipment is depreciated at 40% per annum reducing balance, zero residual value.

    • Equipment is depreciated at 20% per annum straight line, residual value $1,000.

    • Office Furniture is depreciated at 10% per annum straight line, zero residual value.

    • Accounts for one month of Insurance expense, the policy was purchased on the 6th.

    • Assume a full month for depreciation for all assets (no depreciation for the office building).

    • All the office stationery remained unused at balance day.

    • Round to nearest dollar.

    • Ignore GST and income tax.


    1. b) Prepare the classified Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the month ending 31 March 2021 for SP Accounting firm.

    Please note that your answer to this part must be presented after part 1(a) in the same file.

Part 2 (a)                                                                                                        (25 + 25 = 50 marks)

Craig Norm, an engineer, of Norm Engineering, has been contracted by the Australian Building Association (ABA) to conduct an audit of the materials installed and supplied by City Builders Pty Ltd.  City Builders supplies and fit cladding to the external walls of apartment buildings throughout Australia. The cladding is both decorative and forms part of the building structure.

Craig, on completion of his audit determines the cladding to be highly flammable and potentially very dangerous. Tim Jones is the owner and director of City Builders. Upon advising, Tim is devastated and knows if he loses his building license and subsequently his business, he will not be able to afford to care for his family. They will likely lose their home.

Prior to submitting his audit report to the ABA, Tim approaches Craig with an offer to make him a director and shareholder of City Builders Pty Ltd at no cost to Craig. He also offers to pay Craig thirty percent of all company profits. City Builders has been highly profitable in recent years due to the building boom in apartments in Australia.  The only condition Tim places on Craig is that he does not disclose his findings about the cladding in his report to the ABA.


Discuss Craig’s’ ethical position / obligations and his possible courses of action. Your research should be drawn from the prescribed text, articles, and any relevant ethical frameworks.

Part 2 (b)


Harminder recently had dinner with his sister Priya, who is a senior accountant at AAA Ltd, a large pharmaceutical company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Over dinner Priya expressed her concerns about many recent complaints about one of their leading products CoVax. CoVax, which is promoted as a cure for many deadly diseases, has reportedly been responsible for many premature deaths of clients. There is to be a major investigation by authorities into the company and its practices regarding the drug CoVax and other products. Harminder and his parents have always supported Priya’s career decisions and consequently have invested many thousands of dollars buying shares in AAA Ltd. The family are now considering selling all their shares before this news hits the financial press, which is imminent in the next few days.

  • Required:

Discuss the ethical or legal implications that may follow if Harminder and his family sell their shares prior to this announcement and their possible courses of action.

From your research, ensure you cite all references in your answer together with supporting legislation if any. Please make sure you use Harvard citation method and compliance with Turnitin program. (900 – 1200 words)


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GatorRaider Project

This project will provide students with practice working with inheritance and polymorphism in programming
languages. “GatorRaider” is a game whose play and levels are based on Ms. Pac-Man. In this game, four defender
characters (other lousy mascots) attempt to limit the damage by an attacker character (gator). Each student will
be building a controller for the attacking character. This controller will have the following specification which
students are required to follow (which is already done for you):
Package: edu.ufl.cise.cs1.controllers
Class Name: StudentAttackerController
Implements: AttackerController
Getting the Code Base
This project requires students to work in an existing code base. You will need to download the project from the
Git repository on GitHub, using the following URL to clone the repository:
Game Mechanics
In this game, the attacker is attempting to cover as much of the terrain as possible, while the defenders attempt to
limit the terrain covered by the attacker. The play occurs in two distinct modes: Normal and Vulnerable.
Normal Mode
In Normal Mode, the attacker tries to cover terrain while avoiding the defenders. If any defender reaches the
attacker, the attacker dies and loses a life, starting at the initial location once again.


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BCO315 Corporate Finance

BCO315 Corporate Finance

CASE 1 (20 points)
You work for Orbi Medical Technologies that are contemplating leasing a diagnostic scanner (leasing
is a very common practice with expensive, high-tech equipment). The scanner costs €4,800,000, and
it would be depreciated straight-line to zero over four years. Because of short cycle of the
technological equipment the scanner will be completely valueless in four years. You can lease it for
€1,430,000 per year for four years at a borrowing interest rate of 8% – ignore taxes for the purpose
of this exercise.
a. Create a lease-versus-buy analysis. Should you lease or buy? (10 points)
b. What are the differences between an operating lease and a financial lease – advantages and
disadvantages? Please describe in a detailed manner you answer. (10 points)


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Marketing project

I need to a help me to making marketing the plan about this product that covers the following 11 topic as minimum 15 pages

I only need the 11 topics mentioned below to be covered :

1.Introduction 2 paragraph product description and scenario of company mission and objectives

2.Environment analysis (micro and macro)

3.SWOT analysis three points under each element of swot analysis

4.Marketing goals

5.Target market segmentation and targeting strategy (clear description of target mark like age and demographics) and customer profiling

6.Advantage of product compared to competitors

7.Competitive analysis

8. Market mix and four P’s (Price, product, promotion, place )

9.action plan

10. budget and financial assumption

11.sales analysis

The subjects above should contain the answers to the following questions:

♣Who? (who is your company? who is target customer?)

♣What? (what is the product or service offered?)

♣Where? (where is your market located? where will you be implementing your marketing activities?)

♣When? (when will your plan be implemented? when do you expect the results?)

♣How much? (how much profit, sales, ROI to you expect?)


Art writing

Thesis Prompt for Kerry James Marshall’s lecture:

Please reflect on what Marshall’s lecture revealed to you about contemporary art practice. You can draw on your own interpretations/reflections and also use what you’ve seen in this week’s other curriculum about Navigating the Art World as a baseline. Remember to support your reflections with specific references to content from Marshall’s lecture.

Here are some examples of how you could approach this, if you need a bit of guidance: did anything he share surprise you or affect any preconceptions you had about art making? What specific insights or stories from Marshall stuck out to you? Why? How do you understand the nature of artistic career-building based on Marshall’s reflections in relation to other things you learned in this week’s readings and/or Sonja’s lecture? Etc. The prompt is open-ended to allow you to explore your own interpretations and reactions to what you’ve encountered.


Your Task:

For this specific assignment you will be watching an artist lecture by Kerry James Marshall. Marshall presented this lecture in conjunction with his major retrospective exhibition “Mastry” at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) in Chicago in May 2016 (visit the MCA’s archive for more info about this show (Links to an external site.)). In this lecture Marshall shares stories about his experiences as an emerging artist and his trajectory into a successful art career. This lecture sets the stage well for not only this week’s theme “Navigating the Art World,” but also for the entire term of this class. Marshall discusses many elements of artistic practice that we will be delving into as the term progresses, things like the importance of observation and deep looking, artistic research and issues of representation in the arts, to name only a few. I hope you enjoy this generous lecture by one of this country’s great contemporary painters.


Term Project DRAFT

Write and submit a preliminary draft of your Term Project. Your submission should focus on topics we’ve covered in class readings and discussions thus far. You will use this draft as the foundation for your final project, expanding and revising the content as you uncover new material throughout the course. The draft is a touchpoint on the way to the final, much like how a project manager will meet with a project sponsor throughout a project.

Your project should include the following for the draft:

  • Project Charter elements:

    • Project team (including functional managers)

    • Statement of Work (including goal, scope of work, location, period of performance, deliverables schedule, standards, acceptance criteria, special requirements, type of contract)

  • Gantt chart

  • Supplier identification methods and results (how did you find the suppliers?)

  • Vendor selection matrix

Students have the option to submit using elements from a project charter template if they have one from a prior Project Management course. The other PM courses in the program go in-depth into creating a charter etc, while this course is designed to help students understand the procurement process and manage contracts effectively so that the project can be completed successfully. The purpose of this and any assignment in BUSN 5300 is to demonstrate understanding and show practical use of the course content.

Your submission should be clearly presented in a project charter style with all of the required elements. Please reference your resources, such as professional journals and the like at the end of the project.

For more details about the term project, see Term Project. Note you will only be able to submit one document for this submission due to limitations of the system, unfortunately. I recommend submitting a complete PDF with all of the components required for the draft project. For reference, submissions are generally 5-6 pages in length + Gantt chart. Take as much space as you need to complete the requirements.

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