Category Archives: Research Papers

Javascript Question

1. Review the old specification (specification.pdf) in the docs directory. You will absolutely need to understand it and the code you are extending.
2. Review the extension specification at the end of this document, which describes all the extensions to be done.
3. Design and implement the extensions using the best-practices we discussed in class.
4. Provide a readable, professional looking UML diagram of the updated design. This should be
a PDF file called design.pdf in the docs directory.
5. For each new class that you implement, you must provide unit tests in the form of Junit5
tests. You should design your classes and modify existing classes to facilitate the testing.
6. In a file in the docs directory called refactoring.txt list all the class-implementation
and class-interface refactoring that you will do and refactoring that you would recommend.
7. Perform any class-implementation and class-interface refactoring that you promised to do



English question


  1. The problem

    1.  The Kaleidoscope magazine on campus is doing poorly and not very many people know they exist

  1. Compared to art focus groups

  • . Virginia Tech has a similar program that is doing well

  1. Art Instagrams can be moderately successful and fairly profitable (when ran properly)

  1. The root of the issue

  • . Kaleidoscope does very few updates.

  1. When posts are made on Instagram, they are unengaging

  2. The pandemic is probably affecting their already poor physical distribution of the magazine.

  3. Kaleidoscope does not have a detailed schedule that shows deadlines for submissions, the exact time for publication

  4. The need for sponsors

  1. social media

  2. Step one: scheduling

  • . Sit down and create a posting schedule of at least one or two posts a

    1. ((insert research on the algorithm and profitable posting days))

  1. Step two: collaborate (for your online platform)

  • . Reach out and talk to clubs with focuses on similar interests

    • . e FITV

  1. Talk to clubs that might have a unique perspective on art

    • . e culture-based club

  1. the closure of the Ruth funk center means fewer students will be given an easy opportunity to experience works with a diverse viewpoint

  1. Don’t be afraid to reach outside the college to the Melbourne area

    • . Continue working with galleries like the Eau Gallie Art Gallery

  1. Inform students of places they can be creative

        1. I.e ceramic studios, community art classes

  1. Step three: experiment with other platforms

  • . Try tweet

  1. A podcast



Mathematics question

My topic is Pay dividends (sub topic of Risk Capital and capital allocation)

power point must include introductin and data and examples etc. the presentation need to be 5min long.

the report must be 3 pages long and include the power point if you can. The report paper should follow point 4 in the file but do not write 10-15pages, just 3 pages.


Information Systems

Research each of these areas and write a three-page paper on the topic/title, “Understanding the Components of an Information System”. – Your paper should focus on the five components of an IS and be written in your own words. – Your paper must be a minimum of 3 full pages of double-spaced text. – Your paper must begin with an INTRODUCTION paragraph, contain BODY paragraphs, and end with a CONCLUSION paragraph. (view the resource “ Writing A Paper” at: – Your paper MUST follow the formatting guidelines shown in the example below. – Your paper should be uploaded to Blackboard through the link provided on Blackboard. NOTE: Be sure to cite your resource(s) on a separate reference page. I suggest you use Grammarly to help you with your writing skills.



Political Science question

Read some materials and write a documents

There are five questions need to answer, I will send you later.


UKNA1 – User Centered System Design and Evaluation

Module Title: User Centred System Design and Evaluation


This assignment is an INDIVIDUAL piece of work that is split into two parts:

In Part 1

you are required to solve the design problem set out below using the following user centred design techniques:

• Personas

• Scenarios

• Storyboards

• Prototyping

The form of submission will be a document containing all the artefacts listed above and a video presentation of up to 10 minutes.

In part 2

you are required to reflect on, and critique, one method from the design process. The form of submission is a written report of 500 words.

Tasks and Submissions:

THE BRIEF: You are required to design a prototype application to assist elderly people staying in contact with their family during a COVID lockdown.

Part 1: Design work (submitted as a document)

Design work – you need to provide the following artefacts in this document.

• 2 personas related to the design brief

  • 2 scenarios (1 for each persona)

• 2 storyboards (1 for each persona)

• Prototypes (evidence of prototypes – these could include sketches, wireframes, mock-ups)

Part 2: Project report (500 words) carries 30% of the mark for the assignment, and it consists of a critique of one of the design methods used.

• Using academic literature to support your arguments, write a critique of ONE user centred design method that you employed during the design process (personas, scenarios, storyboarding, prototyping). Introduce the method, consider how the method contributed to your design solution, and, the benefits and drawbacks of using the method in the design process.


Health & Medical Question

Write NEBOSH assignement.

I have attached the exam paper + solved the sample exam paper.

The only sources you will use are mine, I have attached the slides and sources for you. Remember to use these sources only.

When you write about safety, attach a picture of a building where safety measures are not applied

then write about it from safety standards ( Ex: construction site safety measure are not applied by the workers)



1. Identify all general condition items needed to complete this project. This includes, but not
limited to: salaries for supervisory personnel, temporary facilities, utility bills …etc. Read the
plans, review the lectures, and use your common sense and knowledge to find related items
from RS Means.
1. This project includes concrete slab and footing per drawings, identified as S1A. The other
alternative shown in drawing S1 (footings and foundation walls) should not be used.
2. Footings (including turndown) and slab concrete to be 3500 psi and 4000 psi, respectively.
3. Consider following items, separately, for footings (including turndown) and slab-on-grade:
Concrete forming, Concrete reinforcement, and Concrete placement (including curing and
finishing, where applicable)


Scope Cost and Quality Planning Report

Medical Informatics, a leading health services company, embarked on a new product development
project. Medical Informatics needs to expand its clinical data warehouse (CDW) to ingest third-party
data feeds from wellness vendor and onsite clinic data to incorporate this information to downstream
employer group analytics and reporting processes. This expansion will also be used to develop new
activity reports to message value on these products.
The nature of the company’s business is that it operates in an extremely competitive environment that
necessitates fast delivery to market so as to prevent competitor companies from gaining dominant
market share with similar competitive products. Therefore, the key success factors of the project were
time to market and quality. Cost of delivery was not a major concern.



IT 625 Final Project Case Study: Medical Informatics

IT 625 Final Project Case Study: Medical Informatics

Overview: In this milestone, you will analyze the Medical Informatics case study in order to complete a draft of the scope, cost, and quality planning report. The
detailed guidelines for what should be included in your scope, cost, and quality planning report draft are outlined below. In addition, you may need to use MS
Project to generate documents which support your ideas. You should use the headings provided in the outline as headings in your draft to ensure that you have
considered all of the required elements. The purpose of these milestones is to provide the opportunity to complete pieces of your final project through the
course of the term, and obtain instructor feedback as part of grading that you can then apply to your final submission. Keep in mind that your final project,
submitted in Module Nine, will be composed of the information you have gathered in each of the five milestones, crafted into a comprehensive, cohesive, well written, and professional project proposal.



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