Category Archives: Research Papers

English question

opic/Prompt: Select your favorite movie or television series and analyze it from ONE of the critical perspectives we discussed in “Schools of Critical Analysis.”

Directions: In this paper, your ability to use the elements of the research paper and quality of research are more important than the size of the paper. So, create a research paper on the aforementioned topic of at least 750 words. This paper Must be in MLA 8 format, contain at least two outside, academic sources, each quoted in each of the body paragraphs with citations, and include a formal MLA 8 Works Cited page. Your Works Cited Page will contain three source entries, although only two will likely be quoted: The two outside, academic sources, and the primary source (series, film, etc.). This is called your “primary” source, and is not always “quoted” from, merely referenced


Racial disparities in our criminal justice system when it comes to the incarceration rates between white American and minorities.

Below is the specific format and instructions on how to write the introduction. Below is also my topic and hypothesis on which to right about.

“My research topic is on the racial disparities in our criminal justice system when it comes to the incarceration rates between white American and minorities. My research hypothesis is “Racial inequalities in the American Criminal justice system: An evaluation of the racial bias of incarceration rate between minorities and white”

The first part of your research proposal, the Introduction, should aim to get your reader interested in your topic and your proposed study. The purpose of the introduction is to give your reader a clear idea of what your proposal will cover. It should provide some background information on the specific problem or issue you are addressing, and should clearly outline what you believe to be the answer/ solution you are proposing. Please note that every project is different and you need to consider carefully and ensure you include the following:

      • Research question or hypothesis

      • Reason for choosing your topic (Rationale)

        • Rationale- the reasons for your choice of topic. What were your original ideas? Where did they come from? Which one did you choose? Why? What is your interest in this topic? What is your starting point? The reasons for choosing your topic should lead you to a natural choice of research question or hypothesis.

        • Objectives – indicate what you expect your work to accomplish and what conclusions you may be able to make. It is important to establish clear goals at the outset – based on the time and resources available. What do you hope personally and professionally to achieve from this project?

      • References and Bibliography


Public Health question



– minimum of 150 words or more

– strong academic writing / APA style 7th ed (please use in-text citing and References at end )

– must be scholarly articles only no older than 5 years or website that is gov/ org. no blogs

– please be original writing ( will check for plagiarism ).


In many developing countries having the funds to even begin to lift themselves out of poverty is a very difficult thing to come up with. The goal of microfinance programs in many lower-income communities with huge social and economic disparities Is to “foster holistic economic growth and development” (Ireland, 2017). This can look very different for many communities such as the Masai women who are subjected to being looked at as property and worth nothing but rather an expense for their families to the point of the men not even wanting to contribute to their daughters’ education because this will never serve their family. Having the outreach program with microfinance capabilities that allows them to take out a loan of $300 US dollars so they can purchase livestock which then they can use to breed and create sustainable resources for their families. One woman used the loans to print study guides to sell for women to participate in education and can use that money to do all kinds of things for her family and is now looked at with pride and as an asset by her children and her husband (Ireland, 2017). These are life-changing events with very little money needed to help them lift themselves out of poverty, change their status in their communities and build their self-respect which is priceless. To be able to do all this in Jesus’ name? Priceless.

A specific example of such a program besides this one is the financial institution in Bangladesh. The Microcredit Regulatory Authority in Bangladesh relies mostly on clients’ savings, cumulative surplus, and funds from the Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation. Using funds such as this as Lion’s share of funds is called the Grameen Model of financing structure (Mia, Ahmad, and Noman, 2021). These banks can do this business this way and help people to grow their funds, have more of a say-so as far as what the investments are used for, and create an open share community. These banks are being pushed out by commercial funding and are having to open their funding choices up to stay in business but still operate in much the same way and are helping to shape the community by the people who live there. In 2005 the United Nations declared the year of microcredit which allowed microfinance to be brought out from the periphery of finance and offered 2.5 billion people the ability to “grow thriving businesses and in turn provide for their families, leading to strong and flourishing local economies” (Njiraini, 2015).


Ireland, J. (2017). For The Love of God: Principles and Practice of Compassion in Missions. Eugene: WiPF and Stock.

Mia, M. A., Ahmad, A., & Noman, A. H. M. (2021). Financing Structure of Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Developing Areas55(1), 201–218.…

Njiraini, J. (2015). Microfinance: Good for the Poor? Africa Renewal, 8-15.


PICOT / Research Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is to be able to actively search for relevant research related to your PICOT topic and present it in a formal annotated bibliography.

General directions

  1. As you search the library for scholarly research, limit your search to identify empirical articles. On finding an empirical study, assess the validity of the conclusion by determining if the conclusion answers your proposed research question and if the methodology is appropriate.

  1. Locate six articles directly related to your proposed PICOT question. Write an annotation for each of the six articles that includes a concise summary in your own words and the correct APA citation for each article.

Refer to the Annotated Bibliographies sample located in the assignment tab for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.



POLS 1101 – Writing and Oral Assignment

POLS 1101 – Writing and Oral Assignment

  1. Pick one of the interest groups listed below.  You are free pick another group if you have a different choice. You must POST your selected choice under the Discussions section of your D2L class and under “Name Your IG Here.” No person may chose the same IG, so please choose as soon as possible.

  2. Go to that group’s web site.  Also, go to News Google and search for information on your group.  That will help you find what issues they’ve been involved in recently.  With this information, answer the following. Make sure you address each part of the question.

    1. What are the issues your group is concerned with?

    2. What are some examples of legislation your group supports or opposes?

    3. What actions does your group take to try to influence policy and the public agenda?  Give specific examples: (e.g. use of the media, law suits, direct lobbying, public information contributions, etc.)

    4. What is the group’s political ideology?  Does it favor one political party over the other?

    5. If so, does it have a history of supporting certain political candidates?  What is it doing to support their favored candidates?  Make the connection between their political ideology, the legislation they support, and the party they support. If you think your group is absolutely neutral, say so.  Many interest groups are neutral.

Assess your group:  How successful is your group?  What are its strengths and weaknesses?  How effective is it in achieving its agenda?  Back up what you say with at least one specific example demonstrating their effectiveness or lack thereof.



FSE300 W writing a proposal

FSE300 W writing a proposal

write a proposal for the subject ( technology in the United States ). find any academic article about this subject and write a proposal it should be two-three pages long.

the structure of the proposal :

  • Introduction

  • qualifications and experience

  • area’s to be studied

  • methods of research

  • task schedule

  • formal request for approval



Find a good or bad hospitality company or tourist destination ad in print or digital media

Find a good or bad hospitality company or tourist destination ad in print or digital media (i.e. magazine, tourist guide, newspaper). Submit 1-2 page (single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font) discussing why you think it is good or bad advertising and how it can be improved. Provide a copy of the ad (picture or scan).

Using the textbook (Chapter 13) and material provided by the instructor, identify each ad’s design components such as target market, source (type of magazine, newspaper, etc.), purpose, message content, execution style, and layout and design. Then, evaluate the ad’s effectiveness. A “good” ad has congruity and synergy among all these components (That is, it has the right source, right content, right style, and right layout and design for its target market and purpose). Also, discuss what you would change to further improve the ad’s effectiveness.



Anti-Forensics Detection & Analysis Lab

Anti-Forensics Detection & Analysis Lab

Purpose: Apply knowledge and skills learned about anti-forensics techniques. Practice detecting and overcoming a wide variety of anti-forensic techniques.

Instructions: • Obtain the following 512MB USB image files from BlackBoard: o AntiForensics_A.001 ▪ MD5: 14EA9F129B75747D8319118B123847AE ▪ SHA-1: 1B50931A0695D8E525D61C7DEBB4690B71B540EB o AntiForensics_B.001 ▪ MD5: C55F980DC4A7972A7113D86E55EFBC46 ▪ SHA-1: 70ADC62977210D70DFF399376DDF63643D92D969 o AntiForensics_C.001 ▪ MD5: 0C11D069D370851B3D92C884DA413746 ▪ SHA-1: 4892B9960547BAA5C37D36AC3E7E04A659C3489A o AntiForensics_D.001 ▪ MD5: 16AB542DF4D76EB2DB0242C1E9D46900 ▪ SHA-1: 2E7CEF5B9D4B2B2698964BD66CEDD76EF900C817 •

Find all the evidence you can. o Evidence is anything containing the word ‘EVIDENCE’ or anything containing a picture of your suspect’s dog. Information about your suspect is listed below. o There are approximately 13 instances of anti-forensics / data obfuscation techniques (depending on how you count an instance). o You may need to apply skills and knowledge learned in Digital Forensic Analysis I.

  • Report on all evidentiary or suspicious findings.o Standard forensic reporting – metadata, discussion of findings, etc.o Include screenshots of your findings, including tool reports, if available (e.g. for John the Ripper password cracking report, and any other tools you use that has a report or log function).o Include a brief overview of your analytical strategy, steps taken, tools used, etc. Organize this section of your report by anti-forensics technique.Rules, Caveats, Hints, etc.:• What you initially know about your suspect: Her name is Lily Quinones. She is a Cyber Security major at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). She is currently a Senior in the College of Business. This is all you know at this point. Perhaps the files on the USBimage contain more information…• Analyze the UserAssist Registry Key provided to discover traces of programs used by the suspect.• Do not use FTK (or any other similarly designed / featured “all-in-one” digital forensics tool) to complete the lab. Such tools tend to do a good job at automatically extracting and alerting you to some of the anti-forensics techniques applied here. The point of this assignment is for you to think through anti-forensic techniques and then intelligently look for traces of them; the point is not to have your tool do all the work for you. You may, however, use such a tool to check your work after you’re done, or find remaining things after you’ve put forth all the effort you can/want to put into this lab. Write your findings up before doing so, however. • You can (and are recommended to) use WinHex. However, do not use its “File Recovery by Type” feature.• You will be graded primarily on your investigative approach and application of knowledge pertaining to anti-forensics techniques, more so than the degree of actual evidentiary discovery.• Be careful downloading open source tools to aid you in your search. Follow lab procedures regarding software installation. Be sure not to infect your systems or the lab systems with malware when searching for tools.• Anything that requires a password is either guessable (as it’s a commonly used password), or quickly (<5 minutes) crackable with a properly selected and configured forensic dictionary. (So no lab machines should be set to run overnight trying to crack passwords/encryption in this lab assignment.)• Every entry in your biographical dictionary should be a single lower-case word. For example, Cyber Security would be entered as “cyber” and “security”.Hint: Anti-forensic technologies applied to the disk imagesRotational Cipher, XOR Cipher, Password Cracking, Steganography (advanced), Data caving, Data recovery


Case Project Addition

Chapter 2 Individual Case Project Addition

Plan and add a feature to one of the web pages in your personal site that uses at least one function to perform a mathematical calculation based on user input. Test the page to ensure it works as planned.

Chapter 3 Individual Case Project Addition

Plan and add a feature to one of the web pages in your personal site that incorporates content or functionality created by a series of if, if/else, and/or else if statements, or by a switch statement. If your page requires an event listener, create one that’s backward compatible with older versions of Internet Explorer. View and test your page in one or more browsers as appropriate to ensure it works as you expect.


CS 177 – Project Milestone #3

CS 177 – Project Milestone #3

Part 1: Setup your file
The Python program file should be setup with the following guidelines:
• Start with a fully-functional, complete program with all outstanding issues resolved
• File name is
• All library import statements should be at the top of the file
• File includes a header describing program, its purpose and function
• Header includes your name, the program name ( and a description of its function
• All Python code should be contained within function definitions
• Plan and fully document your program changes using descriptive pseudocode comments

CS 177 – Project Milestone #3

Part 2: Create the Black-n-Goldtzee Scorecard window
Define a new, separate function that creates the Black-n-Goldtzee
Scorecard window. This should closely match the example shown here and
this function should accomplish the following tasks:
• Create a 400×600 Graphics window with a black background titled
• Using Text objects, create the title and column labels using Helvetica
font using the appropriate location, size and color to match the
example as closely as possible.
• Create an Entry box, width 10 and anchored at 300,550 using
24pt, white Courier font. Strings displayed in this Entry box
should be right-aligned and initially be “0” as shown.
• Create five gold Lines (width 5) to create the outside and horizontal
border as seen in the Scorecard window example.
• Return the Graphics window and the Entry box objects.



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