Category Archives: Discussions

is the impact of maltreatment and abuse of children in domestically violent households

I need help writing the discussion portion on a paper for “What is the impact of maltreatment and abuse of children in domestically violent households?”. Everything else is already completed. Here are the links for the information that I used to gather information for the paper.


Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher

Read the following texts for the course textbook:

  • “Multicultural Education: Development, Dimensions, and Challenges”

  • “Multiculturalism: Beyond Food, Festival, Folklore, and Fashion”

Watch the 2 attached videos.

Complete the following task:

Think about the subject area and grade band (PreK-5; 6-8; 9-12) that you plan to teach. 1.) Write a brief paragraph that describes how you can become a more culturally responsive teacher. 2.) List two ways that you can incorporate multiculturalism into your classroom beyond hosting a Cultural Fair or International night?


Artificial Intelligence – perform image compression and point cloud segmentation. (Expectation Maximization)

I have a wireframe and dataset provided in IPYNB in which you need to implement the following

  1. Implement k-means clustering to segment a color image.

  2. Familiarize yourself with the algorithm by running it on simple dataset.

  3. Build a Gaussian mixture model to be trained with expectation-maximization.

  4. Experiment with varying the details of the Gaussian mixture model’s implementation.

  5. Implement and test a new metric called the Bayesian information criterion, which guarantees a more robust image segmentation.


Human Resource Management MGT211

Human Resource Management MGT211

Assignment Question(s):                                                                   (Marks 5)

  1. Point out which changes are occurring in the business that affect HRM.(1.5)

  2. What are some considerations the company and HR should be aware of when making changes related to this case study?(1.5)

  3. What would the initial steps be to start planning for these changes?(1)

  4. What would your role be in implementing these changes? What would Halima’s role be?(1)


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CPSC 42500 Homework 5: Secure Hashing

CPSC 42500 Homework 5: Secure Hashing

  1. (1 point) What is the square root of 2414 ?

  1. (2 pts) Say there are 8 people in a room. Each person shakes every other person’s hand once, and nobody shakes the same person’s hand more than once. How many handshakes in total will take place?

  1. (4 pts) Recall from class that the parity function is a very simple hash function producing a one-bit digest, which is 0 if the number of bits in the message is even and 1 if it is odd.

    Consider a communication system that uses 7 bits out of every byte to transmit data, and reserves the 8th bit (the one on the right) to transmit the parity of the other seven bits, for purposes of error checking.

    Below is the binary representation of some bytes that were transmitted using this system. For each one, tell whether there is reason to suspect an error in transmission, giving the reason for your answer.





(3 pts) Explain why a hash function is inappropriate to use for encrypting data.


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CPSC 42500 Homework 7: Random Number Generation, Primes, Modular Arithmetic

CPSC 42500 Homework 7: Random Number Generation, Primes, Modular Arithmetic

  1. (2 pts) If an adversary knows the process by which a 128-bit key was generated, and this process generates keys with only 73 bits of entropy, with what probability can the adversary potentially guess the key (in a single guess)?

  2. (2 pts) What is the name of the pseudorandom number generation algorithm used in the random module of the Python standard library? Is this a cryptographically secure PRNG?

  1. (3 pts) The Fortuna RNG described in your textbook has been implemented in the Linux operating system. Use the description of its implementation at to answer the following.

  1. Which hash function does it use to extract entropy from input events?

  1. Which block cipher and mode of operation does it use to generate the pseudorandom output?

  1. (3 pts) Say an adversary, who does not know the seed of your PRNG, observes the output of one million bits from your generator. They are then able to predict the next bit that will come out with a 51% probability of being correct. Is this PRNG secure enough? Why or why not?

(2 pts) Consider the Debian Linux RNG bug described in class, which potentially allowed all SSL traffic coming from the system to be decrypted. How long was the time span between the bug’s introduction and when the vulnerability was announced publicly?



CPSC 42500 Homework 6: MACs, the Secure Channel

CPSC 42500 Homework 6: MACs, the Secure Channel

  1. (2 points) The purpose of authentication protocols is to make _________________

    and __________________ detectable. (One word in each blank)

  2. (5 points) Use the internet to answer the following questions about the SHA-2 family of hash functions.

  3. What are the digest sizes supported by SHA-2 algorithms?

  4. How many bits of collision resistance does SHA-384 provide?

  5. How many rounds is the compression function for SHA-512?

  6. (2 pts) What is the basic difference between SHA-224 and SHA-512/224?

  1. (3 points) Using HMAC, even if an adversary can find a collision in the underlying hash function, why does this not necessarily mean that they can forge a message?


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Mathematics question

Describe a single small world that is a model for all four of the following sentences: (x)(y)(Rxy  Ryx)(Rac  ~Rab)(x)(y)((x ≠ y)  Rxy), and (x)Rxx. If there is no such small world, explain why.


OMGT2221- Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain

OMGT2221- Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain

1. Using the quadrant technique,
(a) Categorise the items that KP Corporation purchases.
(b) Describe the rationale for each item you have identified in each category.
2. Based on the information provided,
(a) Critically analyse how the distinctive distribution features of KP Corporation
provide a competitive advantage or disadvantage to the company.
(b) Do you agree to use a 3PL for its transportation in Spain? Why or why not? If you
do not agree to use a 3PL, discuss how KP Corporation can improve its
transportation services. Why would you choose such an option/options rather than a
3. Based on the information provided,
(a) What are the major challenges you see in the supply chain of KP corporation?
(b) Discuss how relationships and collaboration with supply chain partners can help the
company to overcome such challenges.
4. Considering the business needs/problems of KP Corporation,
(a) Discuss how the company could be benefited from implementing the latest supply
chain technology.
(b) What sort of supply chain execution software and applications could be
implemented to improve the flow of products along the supply chain of the company,
and how?


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Management Question

1  Please read the attached article on emerging benefit trends. Are there any aspects of the article that are new learnings for you?

  1. Assume ‘John’ is graduating from Western Connecticut State University in May 2021. He has been aggressive about his job search and has two job offers. Both positions are in the field he is looking for and are within thirty minutes of his home. Specifics on the compensation of each offer are as follows

  2. Base salary of $50,000, full benefit package (no bonus nor incentive)

  3. Base salary of $ 46,000, full benefits, incentive plan based on 20% of his base salary ( pay out based on achievement of company profitability & aggregate customer service results)

Assuming all other factors are equal, which position would you recommend John takes?

  1. Karen has worked for an area retail XYZ company for the last two years. She has performed well and received good increases. Karen wants to move her career forward and recently conducted a job search that resulted in an offer for a position as a entry level supervisor. Karen is very excited about the opportunity and accepts the offer, resigns from her current job, giving two weeks notice.

On her last day of employment with the XYZ company before she is to start her job, the new company calls Karen and advises her they need to recind her job due to budget concerns. Karen then asks her most recent employer is she could remain employed with them, they say no –you resigned.

Does Karen have any recourse in this matter with either her current or (potentially) new employer?

  1. You are a Human Resource Manager for an area company. Your company is looking to bring employees back into the office after almost a year of working from home. To support this decision, your company has made the decision to require all employees to get the COVID vaccine before they return to the office.

You are getting allot of employee push-back on this new requirement.

“Sam’ has let you know the COVID vaccine is against his religious principles and he is unable to comply with this new requirment.

‘Lucy’ has stated she wants to wait until 2022 to get a vaccine so she can get a better assessment of the vaccine side-effects from those who took the vaccine.


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