Category Archives: Research Papers

You have now watched two film adaptations of the Hercules story – in your opinion, was one more ‘accurate’ to the ancient material than the other? If so, what made it more ‘accurate’?

  1. You have now watched two film adaptations of the Hercules story – in your opinion, was one more ‘accurate’ to the ancient material than the other? If so, what made it more ‘accurate’?

  1. Building on your response to Q1, did increased ‘accuracy’ directly lead to a ‘better’ film? (or – to put it another way – was your favourite film of the two the more accurate one? If so, why? If not, why not?)

  1. How does this film represent the concept of “heroism”? Does this differ from the Disney conception of Greek heroism? You should consider the intended audience of both of the films in your answer.




Determine the flow rate of a faucet

Determine the flow rate of a faucet that you regularly use (kitchen sink, bathroom sink, shower) by collecting water in a container of known volume and tracking how many seconds it takes to fill the container. Repeat 3 times (or more), and calculate an average.

Convert your data to liters per minute AND gallons per minute. For example, if your container is 1 liter, and it took an average of 10 seconds to fill, you would perform the following calculation to get liters per minute:

1 liter / 10 seconds *60 seconds / minute = 6 liters / minute

To get gallons, you would use the following conversion:

1 liter = .264 gallons

6 liters/minute *.264 gallons/liter = 1.584 gallons / minute

Track how many minutes you use that faucet over the course of two days. Take an average of those two days to get your average water per use day at that one faucet.

Given the flow rate, report how much volume of water (in both liters and gallons) would you currently use PER YEAR at that one faucet (assuming you lived in the same place for all 365 days)? Consider how you might change your behavior to reduce the amount of water you use from that faucet.

Considering all the other ways you use water in your daily life, how do you think you compare to the average Floridian (who uses ~150 gallons of water per day).


What is the equation for Beer’s Law and what do each of the symbols in the equation stand for? What part of the molecule is responsible for absorbance?

1) What is the equation for Beer’s Law and what do each of the symbols in the equation stand for?

2) What part of the molecule is responsible for absorbance?

3) What is the instrument that is used to measure the absorbance of a solution called and what are the basic parts of this instrument?



Book Review – Kappeler and Potter, Altheide and Schneider.

Book Review 3 – Kappeler and Potter

Brief (4-5 page) summaries of each of the assigned texts (hard copy and online) will be required for each text, although writing-related texts will be combined, leaving a total of 5 reviews. Summarize the readings, apply to current events, and include a critical analysis of the text.

Once I determine whether the assignment is on time, my grading criteria are simple. While reading, I ask three questions:

  1. Did you read it?
  2. Did you think about it?
  3. Did you apply the readings?

To assist my efforts, please structure your journals in two sections:

  1. Content – Summarize the assigned text. Just the facts. Demonstrate you have done the reading.
  2. So What? – Include a heading for this section. Do the readings reinforce, or challenge, popular ideas about crime, crime control, and “criminals?” How are these readings related to each other? Do the readings relate to current events, readings in other classes, personal experiences and opinions, etc.

part 2 book review seperate word doc

Book Review 4 – Altheide and Schneider

Brief (4-5 page) summaries of each of the assigned texts (hard copy and online) will be required for each text, although writing-related texts will be combined, leaving a total of 5 reviews. Summarize the readings, apply to current events, and include a critical analysis of the text.

Once I determine whether the assignment is on time, my grading criteria are simple. While reading, I ask three questions:

  1. Did you read it?
  2. Did you think about it?
  3. Did you apply the readings?

To assist my efforts, please structure your journals in two sections:

  1. Content – Summarize the assigned text. Just the facts. Demonstrate you have done the reading.
  2. So What? – Include a heading for this section. Do the readings reinforce, or challenge, popular ideas about crime, crime control, and “criminals?” How are these readings related to each other? Do the readings relate to current events, readings in other classes, personal experiences and opinions, etc.

PHC 271; Introduction to diseases; What is the likely diagnosis of this case? Define it and list its possible causes, mode of transmission, and clinical manifestations?

Case Study

A 53-year-old gentleman with a background of asthma on long-term low dose inhaled corticosteroid inhaler had an acute exacerbation of his asthma in February 2020 triggered by a viral upper respiratory tract infection and acute sinusitis and was managed with bronchodilator nebulization and a 7-day course of oral prednisone 30 mg daily. He made an uneventful recovery and proceeded to travel to Austria. During his stay in Austria, he had a high fever, sore throat, dry cough, severe wheezing, worsening dyspnoea and he was not feeling any better and had ongoing fever and cough

According to the above case answer the following questions :

1) What is the likely diagnosis of this case? Define it and list its possible causes, mode of transmission, and clinical manifestations?

2) Is this patient has risk factors for the disease? If yes, write them down along with other possible risk factors of the disease?

3) What are the alarming features when evaluating a patient with this disease?

4) What are the protective measures against this disease?



Please search one published dissertation related to Hofstede Cultural Dimensions and answer the followings:

Please search one published dissertation related to Hofstede Cultural Dimensions and answer the followings:

  • The Statement of the Problem of the dissertation the researcher investigated.

  • The research questions and hypotheses.

  • The findings of the study;

  • The limitation of the study;

  • The recommendation for future study;

  • Discuss possible dissertation topics based on the recommendations of future studies.

Provide your explanations and definitions in detail and be precise. Comment on your findings. Provide references for content when necessary. Provide your work in detail and explain


Family Guy and Freud: Jokes…” questions

Answer each of the following questions in two to three complete sentences in a word or google document and then upload file. For instructions on how to submit an assignment on Canvas, click on the following link: Assignment Submissions video

What relation is there between the title of the essay and its main argument? What is the main argument of the piece?

Author Antonia Peacocke addresses what opponents and critics of “Family Guy” say about the show. Why do you think she does this? In what light does she present their views? In other words, is she fair and objective or biased and sarcastic when discussing opposing viewpoints? How does this help her own argument?

What does psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud have to do with the essay? Why is he significant and how does Peacocke tie him into her piece?


Which types of companies would most likely use a process costing system and which types of companies would use job costing? Provide examples of two Saudi Companies.

Q1 Provide example of one Saudi Company and analyze the steps that the managers in this company can take to achieve its vision and use core competencies.

Q2 The following data were obtained from the accounting information system of Attawfik Corporation:

                       Units           Total Cost

Month         Produced

January              60       SAR1,533.4

February            50               1,300

March                80               2,000

April                  30                  833.5

  1. Use the data for February and March and the two – point method to determine a cost function.

  2. Use the high – low method to determine a cost function.

  3. How do you think that a cost function may provide poor estimates of future costs?

Q3 a. Analyze the following Graph and the breakeven point and discuss how this analysis is used for decision making?

  1. If fixed costs are $400,000, selling price per unit is $150, and variable cost per unit is $100, how many units must the company sell in order to earn a profit of $ 100,000?

Q 4 Which types of companies would most likely use a process costing system and which types of companies would use job costing? Provide examples of two Saudi Companies.

Explain the methods with which the cost per unit will be calculated for each type of company using numerical example.



Security Audit Procedure

Project Part 5: Security Audit Procedure Guide


Always Fresh wants to ensure its computers comply with a standard security baseline and are regularly scanned for vulnerabilities. You choose to use the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit to assess the basic security for all of your Windows computers, and use OpenVAS to perform vulnerability scans.


Develop a procedure guide to ensure that a computer adheres to a standard security baseline and has no known vulnerabilities.

For each application, fill in details for the following general steps:

  1. Acquire and install the

  2. Scan

  3. Review scan

  4. Identify issues you need to

  5. Document the steps to address each



WGBF-AM is a “local” station, playing primarily to the T population of approx. 15,000 and to a lesser extent, X County, with about the same number or residents.

WGBF-AM is a “local” station, playing primarily to the T population of approx. 15,000 and to a lesser extent, X County, with about the same number or residents.

WGBF-FM is an “oldies” station, with older demographics (35-65), and is more local than most but also carries news and information to appeal to the entire Wire, which their signal covers well.

T Messenger is the only local newspaper, and it is published five days a week. They skip Monday and Sunday.

Group Two gets to be the new owners of WGBF-AM/FM. How do we maintain the current level of service and profit against this new upstart? What do we play and why? How do we promote? What do we charge?

Group Three gets to be the new owners of the X Messenger.

You will be a part of any group (you choose). And you can choose up to two situations (groups) to address. You can also just address one—that’s entirely up to you.

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