Category Archives: Research Papers

Wave Optics problems

1. A cylindrical wave propagates in a medium with a refractive index of in r direction and the polarization is perpendicular to the ?⃗ direction, as given by equation below

?⃗(?,?)=400?√?.??(??−15?∗106?−0.2?)?̂ (??)

a) What is the amplitude of this light wave at ?=100 ??

b) What is the frequency of this light wave?

c) What is the intensity of this light wave at ?=100 ??

d) What is the light power of this light wave at ?=100 ??

2. A linearly polarized light is incident into a lower refractive medium with a refractive index 1.33 from a higher refractive index medium with a refractive index 1.7. The polarization is in parallel to the incident plane. Please calculate

a) The percentage of transmitted light intensity if the incident angle is zero.

b) The minimum incident angle so that the light intensity can be 100% reflected.

c) The incident angle so that the incident light intensity can be 100% transmitted.

d) The incident angle so that the incident light intensity can be 50% transmitted. (Hint: You may use computer software such as Matlab, Mathcad, to do this).

e) If the incident angle is 60 deg and the incident wavelength is ?=0.5 ??, what will be the penetration depth?

3. In Young’s double slit interference experiment, we assume that the distance between two identical slits is and the distance between the slits and observation screen is . If the wavelength of the incident light is ?=500 ?? ??? ???????? ????ℎ ?? ?ℎ? ?????????ℎ ?? 0.1 ??, please calculate followings:

(a) The vertical location of the third minimum.

(b) The first location where the intensity of the light is half of the maximum.

(c) What will be happened if the width of one of the slits is doubled?

(d) What is the maximum allowed optical path difference between the beams from two slits.

4. A monochromatic light with wavelength is used to illuminate a single slit. Assume that the width of slit is . The distance between slit and the observation screen is L.

(a) Please sketch the light intensity distribution for ?<0.3 ??.

(b) Please sketch the diffraction pattern at the location L = 10 mm.

(c) Please sketch the light intensity distribution for L = 5000 mm.

(d) What is the full width of the central spot for L = 5000 mm.


a) What is the definition of Rayleigh resolution?

b) A microscope objective has an aperture 1mm and a focal length of 1mm. If the illumination wavelength is 0.4 micron and the sample is immersed in a liquid with a refractive index of 1.33, what is the resolution of this microscopic system?


Descriptions of how elements of movement (space, time, force) can create meaning?

Written Portion

Your written portion will be five paragraphs. descriptions of how elements of movement (space, time, force) can create meaning.

  • First paragraph: Describe your them and summarize the key ideas you discovered in researching your theme – how does it connect with conversations of larger scale and/or the work of other art-makers? Cite/use your thematic research sources for context.

  • Second Paragraph: Describe what the body is doing and how it relates to and supports your theme.

  • Third Paragraph: Describe where the body is going in space and how it relates to and supports your theme.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Describe how the body is doing what it’s doing and how it relates to and supports your theme.

  • Fifth Paragraph: Reflect on the creative process. Do you believe you were successful at physicalizing your theme? Where did you take risks in your approach (place, costuming, location, music, etc). How did this experience expand your knowledge of dance and dance making?

Theme: Codependency

One character will perform this theme utilizing the movements, which will start with the pendular movements followed by an extension with a bit of leap and pivots, which will make up most of the choreography body, and the ending scenes will include the shoulder-waist and the cuddle position. Each movement will transition smoothly to the next as the choreography progresses. The qualities of movement used are vibratory quality, which will depict holding back at the earlier scenes, which will transition to the suspension, entailing repletion and retrograde of movements to explain the intensity and bring out the emotions. The size, tempo, and force of the movements will start small and grow bigger as the emotions heighten. The movements will be performed at different angles on the stage to make the distance element is important.


MC436 (Mediating the Past) Summative – Analysis of a Piece of Media’s Representation of Time/Memory and It’s Relation to Collective Belonging

Prompt: Select one or a series of objects, media texts or technological features (news coverage of an event, a social media page, a photo, a video clip, a TV series, a film, a statue, an app etc.) and analyze its/their representation of time and/or memory and its relation to collective belonging, drawing on the academic literature. – Answer the question by formulating your own question and answer it – The case choice directs the literature selection and provides a structure for the discussion – Think of the academic literature as your evidence – Provide a roadmap – Include some quotes – Start with readings and supplement with the literature relevant to your case.

I’m open to any ideas of media texts or technological features to analyze for this assignment. I can provide readings on topics related to – Colonial, De-Colonial, and Post-Colonial Time – Nationalism & ‘Our Past’ – Collective Action, Generations, & the Mobilization of Time – Witnessing War & Trauma – Reporting & Archiving Histories – Pop Culture Time – Speed & Experiences of Time – Mediating Scientific Pasts & Futures

This paper needs to be written in MLA format using examples and references from texts and readings (which I will provide). It should be 3,000 words in length and should also be appropriately and correctly referenced using a standard bibliographic format. I will provide the appropriate slides, readings, etc. as well as multiple readings. Make sure the paragraphs are not a series of quotations; please paraphrase the work of others and elaborate as much as possible on key points.


Argument and understanding

  • clearly define any key concepts or theoretical approaches mentioned in the question and include references to authors.

  • ensure to address all aspects of the question in an even manner.

  • do not feel under pressure to agree with the statement but instead weigh up arguments in favour and against the statement and then adopt a position. One-dimensional arguments are always easy to critique.


  • ensure that theory and case/examples are integrated (if applicable to your question).

  • explore potential counterarguments or reflect on the limitations of your argument, and then argue why your original position still holds. This adds nuance to your argument, and will make it more difficult to critique your position.

  • critical engagement/reflection is important for a distinction.

Use of case studies and examples (does not apply to all questions)

  • try as much as possible to use fresh case studies (if applicable to your question) instead of drawing on cases from the compulsory readings.

  • If you still decide to use a case from the compulsory readings, then please ensure to do further research on the topic so that your essay does not just replicate what was discussed in class.

  • Originality is an important requirement for a distinction.

Organisation of essay

  • introduce the topic of your essay as well as the structure in the beginning of your essay. You may also wish to state already what you are going to argue in your essay.

  • include a strong conclusion which does not only sum up the key argument of the essay but goes further than that. Step out of your case study and reflect on the broader implications of the points raised (e.g. what does this mean for debates in media and communication studies?) or you can explore potential future areas of research.


Case Study: Opening Your New Dunkin’ Donuts Locations

Prior to completing this assignment, review the pertinent sections of Chapter 3. You have been the manager of a Dunkin’ Donuts store in the Midwest for the past two years. The store is owned by a Dunkin’ Donuts franchisee who owns 20 other Dunkin’ Donuts locations. Your employer took an employee inventory and examined all current employees. It has been noted by the owner that you have a highly successful track record. You have been recognized for doing an exceptional job staffing, leading, training, coaching, and managing people. You have been recognized for successfully managing all key components of your store and have successfully managed key business drivers such as cash, profits, growth, asset utilization, and people. In regards to the metrics that are used to measure their stores for sales, quality, and customer service, your store is the top performing store in their system.

Congratulations! You have just been promoted to district manager! The Dunkin’ Donuts franchisee sees your growth potential and the growth potential in your geographic area. The owner now has committed significant capital and plans to open five new locations over the next two years. You will be given complete autonomy, authority, and responsibility to structure, staff, and operate these five new locations. You will be playing a key role in this expansion for growth.

For this assignment, you will prepare a five-page paper in which you explain your chosen job design and organizational design as the new District Manager for Dunkin’ Donuts.

You must organize your paper using the following section headings and include additional section headings as needed:

  • Introduction—Provide a well-organized introduction to the paper.

  • Job Design—Explain your chosen job design including job analysis, job description and job specification.

  • Organizational Design—Explain why the chosen organizational design was chosen.

  • Conclusion

Your paper must include at least three scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Writing Center.

TextBook Source: Baack, D., Reilly, M., & Minnick, C. (2014). The five functions of effective management (2nd

ed.). Retrieved from


Nursing writing question


Introduction paragraph that grabs the reader’s attention. There must be a thesis statement that tells reader purpose of paper and what will be discussed.


Describe your participants. What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria?  How will participants be chosen (sampling technique)? How many participants you plan to include in your project? Identify the setting, and describe the environment where the project will be conducted.


What do you think are going to be the outcomes from the strategy(s) you choose to implement? Provide a rationale for your selection of outcomes.

In Assignment #3, you identified best practices that may impact the practice problem or issue. What do you think are going to be the outcomes from the strategy(s) you selected to implement for your quality improvement initiative (I am including the (s) behind the strategy because some of you may have more than one best practice that you are going to use)?  Provide a rationale for your selection of outcomes (you will need more than one outcome; try to think of at least 3 that are appropriate). You will need to report reliability and validity for at least one of your outcomes. Therefore, you may want to choose a “latent” variable as an outcome. These variables are something that you can’t see (think pain, quality of life, anxiety, depression, patient satisfaction, etc.). You will have a course in outcomes measurement and program evaluation so this is by no means an exhaustive paper. Our goal is for you to start thinking about what outcomes would be appropriate to use to evaluate the effectiveness of your program. Make sure your outcomes are measurable and relate directly to the evaluation of your program. See the AHRQ website given in the resources section of this unit for some helpful guidance.

Data Collection Methodology and Measurement:

What are your ideas about how you will measure these outcomes?  What data collection methods are you going to use to measure the outcomes you have selected?  Will you use qualitative or quantitative methods or both to measure the outcomes?  What kind of instrument or measurement methodology will be used?  What is the validity and reliability of the instrument(s) you have chosen?  Provide 1 instrument that would be appropriate and share the validity and reliability. This tool must measure something and must already exist (you cannot create a data collection tool for this section). Please describe how the validity and reliability were established. Do not just say that it was good. HINT: there is often a statistical test involved. For reliability think test/retest, internal consistency, or inter-rater; validity can be construct, content, or one of the criterion related validities.



E-Commerce Project about a website

 What is the business?
Rewayah Stores (
 What is the idea?
Rewayah store is an e-commerce business headquartered in Riyadh. The company’s product is
novels and stories for all age groups. The company’s core business is online store from where the
target customers can choose from a wide variety of both new and old storybooks and pay for
them through e-payment methods for both the price and delivery of the product wherever they
are. Its major product is the children’s storybooks of various genres.
Children’s books are divided according to age groups for easy selection by the customer. Also,
Stories Collections with different content for older ages for example (Stories for female



Website design multi-part question

Scenario 1

There is a small shop down the road that sells different items such as sunglasses, wallets, shoes etc. Because of the Covid 19 pandemic, the owner of the shop finds it difficult attracting customers and consequently the number of visitors has become very low. Therefore, the owner decided to create a website to make it easier for customers to get their products selected through the website.

  1. The website will have a home page (htm) with a relevant theme and some paragraphs describing the purpose of the website. (Themeis the overall look, feel and style of a website representing its brand and has a good impact on its users.)

  2. There will be sufficient number of additional pages and each page will be linked according to the logical flow of the website.

  3. The website must include sufficient number of relevant images of the products and paragraphs explaining the individual products.



Research & Summaries Question

Inadequate or illogical flow
• Evidence to support assertions is
unclear or incorrect
• Lacks basic understanding of topic
• Some incidences of inadequate or
illogical flow
• Evidence to support assertions is
mostly clear and correct with
some issues
• Some issues with understanding
of topic are evident
• Logical flow
• Evidence to support assertions is
clear and correct
• Demonstrates thorough
understanding of topic



Environmental Science Question

Subject of the paper: Air Odour Quality and Sustainability

Request: Write an APA research paper which discussed the air odour quality and sustainability. The paper needs to present the following:

  • Introduction to the topic

  • Methods of measuring air odour quality

  • Compare and contrast the difference between air quality in the modern days and in the history (this needs to be the biggest part of the paper)

  • Why does air quality need to change for the future

  • Recommendations which would improve the concept

  • Conclusion

As you can see, the subject does NOT focus only on the concept of pollution. It is more in depth than that, and focuses mostly on the concept of air odour(smell). The professor is not interested to read a full paper about pollution as that is too vague, but more interested in the concept of odour pollution.

One of the references which MUST be used and cited was attached. Read it in order to have a better understanding regarding what the professor wants to read. In addition to this article, an addition of other minimum 6 academic references must be used.

Format: the paper needs to be 2500 words, written in APA Format, Double Spaced, Times New Roman 12. The number of words does not include cover and reference page as those are excluded from the counting by all academic institutions.

Grammar: This is a writing task which means that grammar is a very important element. For this work to be considered, it needs to score at least 90 points out of 100 on Grammarly. In order to achieve that, avoid using passive voice and make sure that the sentences are coherent without spellchecking errors.


Management report

tructure Requirement – students are reminded work should have a beginning, a middle and an end, that each paragraph should contain one point which is explained well and reasoned through, and finally, that paragraphs are linked.


Content Requirement – students must demonstrate: [i] knowledge of the subject area in question; [ii] the ability to search out additional (relevant) material to that given in the lecture; [iii] the ability to marshal materials into logical and coherent lines of reasoning in a critical and analytical fashion; [iv] the ability to provide, if applicable, some discussion of any policy instruments; and [v] the ability to inform the reader whilst answering the assignment brief.

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