Category Archives: Research Papers

Psychology question

Stimulus preference assessment refers to a variety of procedures used to determine (a) stimuli that an individual prefers, (b) the relative value of those preferences, and (c) the points at which those preferences change. Working in groups of 2, you will be responsible for conducting trial-based stimulus preference assessment either for an individual at one of the local schools/organizations that work with individuals with developmental disabilities, yourself, or another volunteer. The results of this assessment should be written up and graphed using the techniques discussed in class. Please see additional instructions under the “Modules” tab. This assignment will be worth a total of 50 points.



Analyzing a Cultural Practice

What is the essay about?

You will pick one cultural practice and write a research essay about it that utilizes anthropological concepts and theories to explore its function in society. Essays should illustrate your knowledge of anthropological concepts and theories, and your ability to utilize them in critical thinking.

Essay requirements:

  1. The cultural practice should be clearly described.

    *What society is this practice found in/originating from? What does the practice involve – material or non-material culture, symbolism?

  2. The cultural practice should be rationalized using the anthropological perspective. This means your essay should utilize the holistic, comparative, historical, and cultural relativist perspectives to explain it’s function.

    *What function or purpose does it serve? Are other areas of social life impacted? Is this practice rational within the cultural context?

  3. Must use a minimum of 2 academic sources (textbook chapters, articles from library or google scholar).

  4. Essay Length: 4 – 5 pages of text, double spaced. There is no word count requirement.

    *One or two images, providing they are useful in meeting the essay objectives are allowed.

  5. Essays should follow a standard essay format (introduction with thesis statement, body paragraphs, conclusion). *Section headings are allowed if needed.

  6. Essays should have a title page, correct spelling, punctuation/grammar, and APA citations with a works cited page. You do not need to provide an abstract.



Strategic Issues in Healthcare Leadership

Research a recent scholarly article on a subject in strategic planning for healthcare that you consider key. Why is this so? Briefly describe the issue. This is your opportunity to apply the past units to a focus meaningful to you.


Environmental Science question

o :


watch a video and read a question then answer the question it’s easy 1-2 sentences for each question ,

Assignment (20 points) 

Watch the “Above the Noise” video (posted on Blackboard) in groups of 2. Then, as a group, answer the following questions. Each person must submit their assignment individually, but please put both your name and the name of your group partner/s at the top of the page.

Due before the end of class.

Questions on the video (1-2 sentences each)

1) Stop the video at :53 and study the graphics: ​What do they mean? (Note: MT stands for metric tons)

2) Stop at 1:20:​ Review what microfibers are and where they come from.

3) Stop at 2:03: ​Discuss why plastics (and microfibers) don’t break down completely.

4) Stop at 3:07: ​How do microfibers affect marine life?

5) Stop at 4:41: ​What are some ways that microfiber pollution could be prevented through regulation? Make a list of the ideas that were presented.

6) Stop at 5:15: ​How could bacteria play a role in reducing microfiber pollution?

7) Stop at 5:31: ​What are some ways that individuals could help prevent microfiber pollution?

General questions. Read the short Article on BB as well; #9-10 could be based on the video and/or article (~2 sentences each)

8) What most surprised you from the Above the Noise episode?

9) What did you learn?

10) What concerns you most about microfiber pollution?



Computer Science Question

Question Two

Suppose that you are having a shipping company called ABC which relies on a wide information system to track the location of each shipped item. The system consists of:

  • Shipped items which are the core of the ABC tracking system, which including: item number (ID), weight, dimensions, destination, and final delivery date.

  • Shipped items are received into the ABC system at a single retail center. Retail centers are characterized by their number, type and address.

  • Shipped items make their way to their destination via one or more standard ABC transportation methods. These transportation methods are characterized by a unique trip ID, a type, and a Delivery Route.

Create an ERD that captures all mentioned information about the ABC system. Be certain to indicate identifiers and cardinality constraints.



Preparing and Presentation of the Business Plan


Preparing and Presentation of the Business Plan


  1. Create a complete business plan (Refer to the chapter 7 for outline) for the Business Idea that you have identified in Assignment I.


  1. Evaluation is based on business plan and presentation of the business idea.

  2. Record your voice in the ppt and upload in the black board


CMSC 430 project 1

I have the project requirements and solution document. I just need test cases documents created for this.

You are to submit two files.

  1. The first is a .zip file that contains all the source code for the project. The .zip file should contain the flex input file, which should be a .l file, all .cc and .h files and amakefile that builds the project.

  2. The second is a Word document (PDF or RTF is also acceptable) that contains the documentation for the project, which should include the following:

    1. A discussion of how you approached the project

    2. A test plan that includes test cases that you have created indicating what aspectsof the program each one is testing and a screen shot of your compiler run on thattest case

    3. A discussion of lessons learned from the project and any improvements that could be made

    This part of the project.


Medical Malpractice

Create a presentation examining the law in Saudi Arabia as it pertains to licensure of physicians and medical malpractice as shown in the Ministry of Health. (2005, December 6), Law of practicing health professions. Be sure to include:


  • An analysis of the purpose of the law;

  • The ethical principles guiding this law;

  • The definition of “medical malpractice” written in your own words

  • How the requirements detailed in sections 1 & 2 aid in preventing malpractice

  • Recommendations that would improve the law to further meet the goals of its purpose.


Your well-written presentation should meet the following requirements:


  • Be 10 slides in length, with eight content slides in addition to the title slide and at least one reference slide (you may add as many reference slides as you need if you include more than 4 articles).

  • Presentation notes (100 words) are required for each slide. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials. Add notes to the speaker’s notes section of the PowerPoint presentation. Submit the document in PowerPoint format so that speaker’s notes can be viewed by the instructor. This would mean that in addition to the slide infos, each slide has a 100 speaker note meaning a total of 800 words for this work

  • For the slides use the 6×6 APA PowerPoint rule = 6 lines, each containing 6 words.

  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of five scholarly articles in the speaker notes as well as the references slide. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these sources and should be your primary resource for conducting research.


Modern Times Artwork and Critical Analysis Essay

Part 2 Cumulative Project

Modern Times Artwork and Critical Analysis Essay

Artists make thoughtful choices about the elements of art and the principles of design when they create artworks in their chosen style.  In this cumulative project, you will make a portrait, landscape, genre, or still life painting that reflects one or more of the abstract styles found in Fauvism, Cubism, Abstract Expressionism, or Surrealism. In your work, you will effectively use the elements of art and principles of design, as well as the defining characteristics of your chosen style. When your artwork is complete, you will write a four-page critical analysis of your artwork.

Modern Times Artwork

Materials: Complete the abstract artwork portion of your cumulative project using the media of your choice. You are welcome to create your work with paint, color pencil, crayon, digitally, or other media of your choice. Select the materials that you work best with and are readily available in your area. The critical analysis portion of your essay must be typed using a word processing program such as Word or Open Office.

Studio Instructions

Before You Begin

Gather objects or images that you might like to use for reference. Prepare the work area with newspaper, recycled printer paper, or other similar paper; paint, paintbrushes, and paint palette; paper towels; and water container, or other materials you plan to add color to.

Step 1: Choose a Subject and Style

Choose a subject that complements the style you will be working in. For example, you might choose to paint an interior genre in the Fauvist style, a Cubist still life, an Abstract Expressionist portrait, or a Surrealist landscape. Or, you may want to combine features of more than one style and create your own abstract style.

  • Still Life: If you decide to paint a still life, gather some objects for reference and set them up in an area where they will remain undisturbed for the duration of the project.

  • Landscape or Genre Painting: If you are creating a landscape or genre painting, choose a scene or location where you would like to paint, or gather your own photographs or photographs from books and magazines as inspiration.

  • Portrait: If you are making a portrait, you may ask someone to pose for you, you may use a photograph as inspiration, or you may make it a self-portrait by looking in a mirror.

Step 2: Sketch and Draw

You can work in one of the abstract styles that you learned about or combine elements from different styles to create your own style. Refer to the sections below on Line, Shape, and Space below to help you decide the effect you want to create. Make several quick thumbnail sketches to help you plan your painting and decide how to arrange the composition. Once you have decided on a final composition, lightly draw the elements on a new piece of paper. Finalize the sketch into a finished drawing by smoothing and darkening the lines and by erasing any unwanted lines.

Line and Shape

You can use curving lines for a whimsical effect as Surrealist Joan Miró did. Or, as the Fauvist Matisse did, use graceful, flowing lines, repeating them to create an overall pattern. Or, as Abstract Expressionist Willem de Kooning did, use expressive, gestural lines. Think of ways to simplify the shapes of the figures and objects and to eliminate details that you feel aren’t necessary in your composition. Think about the shapes in some Modernist artworks that you’ve studied.

  • Fauvist Shapes: Like the Fauvist Henri Matisse, you could draw simplified, flattened shapes and repeat them to create a pattern.

  • Surrealist Shapes: Like Surrealist Joan Miró, you could draw imaginative, amoeba-like shapes to create abstractions of real objects Or, use Surrealist Salvador Dalí’s technique of distorting the shapes of recognizable objects.

  • Cubist Shapes: Like the Cubist Picasso, you could disassemble and reassemble an object into fragmented geometric shapes that intersect. Show the objects as if they have been cut apart and the pieces have been put back together in slightly different positions or at different angles. Sketch the objects from several different angles, paying special attention to the shapes and forms you see when you turn them.

Space: Decide whether you want your painting to have a flattened sense of space or a deep

sense of space.

  • Flattened Space: If you choose to create a flattened sense of space as the Fauves did, avoid using one-point perspective. Instead, make simple, fl at shapes and bold, overall patterning as the Fauves did. Or knit together the fractured shapes of objects and background as the Cubists did. Or merge the objects and background as Abstract Expressionist de Kooning did, by overlapping and knitting together expressive lines and shapes. You can create abstractions of real objects as Miró did by using imaginative, amoeba-like shapes. You can distort the shapes of recognizable objects as Dalí did.

  • Deep Space: If you choose to create a sense of deep space, like that used by Surrealist Salvador Dalí, for example, make distant objects smaller and closer to the horizon line than objects in the foreground. Within a realistic, deep space, add unexpected, distorted objects from your imagination or a dream.

Step 3: Choose Colors

Relax and have fun while you are painting or adding color with your chosen media! You can always paint or color over areas that you don’t like.

  • Fauvist Color Tips: Remember that colors don’t need to be representational. Choose pure, bold colors and use them abstractly. Consider the jarring, unnatural colors that Matisse use. Use intense colors straight from the tube or mix new colors on your palette. Use smooth, flat color without modeling to fill the simplified shapes of your drawing. Create clear outlines to define elements in the painting. To create strong outlines, layer wet colors on top of dry paint, or trace around dried shapes with a contrasting color by using a thin brush.

  • Cubist Color Tips: Choose a neutral palette if you are working in the Analytical Cubist style. Focus on using browns, grays, white, and black. To create strong outlines that define shapes, layer wet paint on top of dry paint. For the passage technique, leave one edge of a shape open so that it merges with a neighboring shape, by blending the paint colors while they are still wet.

  • Abstract Expressionist Color Tips: Choose bold, brash colors plus black and white to work in de Kooning’s Abstract Expressionist style. On a scrap piece of paper, experiment with thick and thin lines and broad strokes of color. Use visible, expressive, gestural brushstrokes to apply color, rather than smoothly applying the paint and adding outlines around the objects. In some areas, c  learly define the objects in your painting. In other areas, make object merge with the background by allowing lines, shapes, and colors to overlap objects and background. Experiment with layering patches of colors to create complex color relationships. Flattened space with bold, overall patterning.

  • Surrealist Color Tips: If you plan to blend colors, you may want to practice on scrap paper first. A Surrealist painting might contain bold colors based on your vision or imagination similar to the way that Miró used color. Or, consider Dalí’s use of both vivid and neutral colors in The Persistence of Memory. Dalí modeled his shapes by adding highlights and shadows. Where you want to blend and model colors for a realistic effect, you’ll have to work quickly with acrylic paint because it dries rapidly. For detailing, use a small paintbrush with a small amount of water and paint to create fine details and textures.

Step 4: Sign

  • Sign and date your artwork!

Step 5: Checklist

Look at your painting and answer the following questions:

□ Did you start by lightly sketching the composition?

□ Did you incorporate a Modernist style into your painting (Fauvism, Cubism, Abstract Expressionism, or Surrealism), or did you use a combination of styles to create an abstract painting?

□ Did you use a color palette that complements the style of the painting?

□ Did you sign and date your work?

Critical Analysis Essay

When your artwork is complete, you will write a critical analysis essay about your artwork. This essay must be at least four pages long and meet 11th grade MLA writing expectations. Type your essay your essay must be typed using a word processing program such as Word or Open Office.

Part 1: Description

In the descriptive part of your essay you will fully describe all details of your artwork. Include:

  • The title of your work, artist, and date the work was completed.

  • Description

  • Describe all of the images in the artwork.

  • What do you see?

  • What is in the foreground?

  • What is in the background?

  • How do the objects relate to each other?

  • Medium:

  • What is the work made of?

  • How was it created?

  • Describe the technique.

  • Style:

  • What Modern style is the artwork created in?

  • What are some defining characteristics of the Modern style you worked in?

  • What artists or famous artworks were used as inspiration for the artwork?

Part 2: Analysis

This is where you will describe how the still life is organized using the elements of art and principles of design. Include:

  • Explain how the colors in the artwork have been used to reflect the Modernist style you have worked in.

  • Explain how the shapes in the artwork have been used to reflect the Modernist style you have worked in.

  • Explain how the space (deep or flat) in the artwork has been used to reflect the Modernist style you have worked in.

Part 3: Interpretation

In your analysis, you will discuss the meaning of the work. Include:

  • What message did you intend to convey to your viewers?

  • What meaning do the objects you selected or other symbols in the artwork have?

Part 4: Evaluation

Give your personal opinion of why you think the work is or is not successful as a Modernist artwork. Include:

  • Does the artwork meet the defining characteristics of your chose Modernist style? Why or why not?

  • Is the overall composition a success in terms of elements, principles, and mood?

  • What is the most successful part of your artwork?

  • If you could improve one thing about your artwork, what would it be, and why?


History question

Biography Instructions

You will identify an important figure in American history from the American National Biography Online database, available through the Jerry Falwell Library, and write a one-to-two page biography of that individual with a ten-source bibliography.

  • Biography 1 must address an individual who was important in U.S. history between 1866 and 1945.

Your paper should be a full, 1-2 page summaryThe summary should not include any footnotes or other citations.

After writing the summary, you will create a bibliography that includes the American National Biography Online page you used, as well as three scholarly books using the Jerry Falwell Online Library search engine and/or WorldCat (, three scholarly, journal articles using JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, Academic OneFile, and/or Summon (found in Liberty Library’s databases), and three reputable websites (.org, .edu, .gov, .mil) to create a bibliography related to the subject of your biography. The use of current Turabian formatting in your bibliography is required.

The purposes of this assignment are to teach you about important figures in U.S. history, introduce you to the process of finding different sources available through Liberty University, and help you learn the importance of proper formatting.


  1. Include your name, date, and course on the upper right of your biography. Please single space these items.

  2. The summary must be typed and doubled-spaced, have 1-inch margins, and be between 1-2 pages.

  3. The summary should have at least three paragraphs including an introduction, body, and conclusion. There should be no extra space between paragraphs.

  4. You must place page numbers at the bottom of each page of your summary and bibliography.

  5. Each source in the bibliography must be single-spaced with an extra space between the sources. The sources should be in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Please see the sample citations below for guidance.

  6. Read and apply the “Tips for Reading and Writing in History” (found in the course’s Additional Information folder, under Syllabus and Assignment Instructions). With very few exceptions, the best biographies will be the ones that undergo several revisions. In your revisions, check for grammatical errors, organizational problems, and the clarity of your descriptions.

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