Category Archives: Exams

Math lab project


Exercise 1:
Use a graph of (x−2)2=4sin(x) to find solutions to the equation valid to 2 decimal points:
enter the roots…


  1. Exercise 2:

    Use the zooming technique to find solutions of 50 + sin(x) = 2x

    which are valid to at least two decimal places.

    Hint: Try to estimate the value of 50 + sinx. This will give you an idea in which x interval are the possible solutions!
    enter a number…


Exercise 3a:
Folklore is that exponential functions grow faster than polynomial functions. Although true, you need to be careful about how you interpret this statement, as this exercise shows.
Consider the functions z1=ex and z2=x4. Plot them together on the interval [0,4].

  • From their graphs, how can you determine which graph is the exponential and which is the polynomial


a. Exponential functions grow faster than polynomial functions


B. For different values of x, I can evaluate z1, z2 and determine which is larger.


C. polynomial functions grow faster than exponential functions


  1. Exercise 3b:
    Find the value of x (to two decimal places) for the point of intersection by zooming on the zero of f(x)=exx4. (or by zooming on the intersection point of the functions z1=ex, z2=x4.)


  1. Exercise 3c:
    On this graph, x4 is larger than ex from the intersection point to x=4. Experiment to determine how large a value of x is needed for the exponential to catch up to x4. Then find the

    second intersection point. (correct to three decimal places.) This one is larger than 4. In fact, you now have found two intersection points (x1, y1), (x2, y2). (where x1 < x2) Up to x1 the

    function ex is bigger, from x1 to x2 the function x4 is the bigger. What happens after x2?

    What is the x-coordinate of the second intersection point?

    enter a number…

6 points  


  1. Exercise 3d:

    What happens to the behavior of z1 and z2 after the second intersection point?

  1. they grow at the same rate

  1. x4 grows faster they grow at the same rate

  1. ex grows faster, but for increasingly large values of x, x4 catches up to ex again.

  1. ex grows faster



Statics Questions

  1. Twenty-one heavy smokers were put on a treadmill at the fastest setting. The time in seconds was measured until they fell off from exhaustion: 18, 16, 18, 24, 23, 22, 22, 23, 26, 29, 32, 34, 34, 36, 36, 43, 42, 49, 46, 46, 57. Compute using SPSS (state the steps you used and indicate your outputs)

    1. the mode,

    2. median,

    3. mean,

    4. range and

    5. interquartile range

  2. you have been given the following scale data (test scores)

scores 100, 109, 114, 118, 125, 135, 135, 138, 139, 140

you must set up a dataset in SPSS and then transform the data using the compute Variable and arithmetic functions to calculate new variables giving the log and the square root of the original test score. You must end up with a dataset consisting 10 cases and three variables named ‘test, “logtest”, and “sqrttest”. Show SPSS’s Data View once the operations complete.



Data Visualization: The Anthropocene: Human Impact on the Environment

1) What is NOT one of the ways that humans directly impact the environment? 6.2
a. building dams
b. cutting forests
c. climate change
d. creating farmland

2) What is the distinguishing characteristic of a typical geological epoch? 6.1
a. fossil record change
b. landscape change
c. major historical change
d. species change

Click on the link for “Epochs” toward the bottom of the interactive diagram’s window. Click on each Epoch’s link and read the descriptions for all four links.

3) What epoch was characterized by ice ages and adapted animals? 6.1
a. Anthropocene
b. Holocene
c. Pleistocene
d. Jurassic

4) What marked the boundary between the Pleistocene and the Holocene? 6.1
a. fossils of modern animals
b. end of the last ice age
c. meteoroid impact
d. introduction of humans

5) What is NOT one of the markers scientists are considering to use for the beginning of the Anthropocene? 6.2
a. Microplastics
b. Radionuclides
c. Roads
d. Sewers

Deselect the “Epochs” check boxes. Click on each of the “Impacts.” Read each description and review the graphs for each impact.

6) What type of greenhouse gas is increasing due to predominately agricultural uses? 6.3
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Methane
c. Nitrous oxide
d. Ozone

7) Approximately how much of earth’s ice-free land surface is used for agriculture as of 2000? 6.3
a. 10
b. 30
c. 40
d. 50

8) What is NOT true about human impact trends of water use? 6.2
a. Dams have actually decreased the amount of freshwater available in reservoirs.
b. More than half of available freshwater is used in agriculture, industry and cities.
c. Dams have actually increased the amount of freshwater available in reservoirs.
d. Human use of rivers and watersheds is drastically changing seasonal runoff patterns.

9) What is the result of excessive agricultural runoff into coastal waters and nearshore ecosystems? 6.2
a. Toxic heavy metals and organic compounds are deadly to coastal marine life.
b. Chemicals feed plankton blooms along the coast suffocating fish and shellfish.
c. Buildup of farmland sediment changes coastal landscapes and ecosystems.
d. Chemicals from fertilizers cause defects and mutations in coastal marine life.

10) How many years did it take for over half of the world’s fisheries to be overexploited? 6.4
a. over 250
b. about 100
c. over 50
d. less than 50

11) In the past _____ years, _____ species have gone extinct, which speaks to a possible trend toward mass extinction. 6.5
a. 900; 500
b. 100; 300
c. 500; 900
d. 50; 700

12) What human impact is a mostly unintended consequence of extensive global trade and travel? 6.5
a. Invasive species
b. Water pollution
c. Deforestation
d. Air pollution

13) What are the consequences of human’s mining impacts on the environment? 6.5
a. stabilization of geochemical cycles
b. mass movements and erosion
c. land cleared for farming
d. rerouting of waterways

14) How large is the area of Earth’s surface that is deforested? 6.3
a. 8 million km2
b. 10 million km2
c. 15 million km2
d. 18 million km2

15) What is NOT one of the major human-caused land use changes having adverse effects on the environment? 6.2
a. agricultural lands
b. mining and other excavations
c. cities, suburbs and exburbs
d. nature preserves


Analytical Chemistry Homework; What is the pH of a solution that is saturated with Ni(OH)2, and also contains 5 mM potassium sulfate, 4.86 mM calcium nitrate?

1) A solution has been prepared and contains the chemicals below at their respective concentrations. What is the ionic strength of this solution?
• 5.03 mM potassium sulfate
• 8.72 mM potassium citrate
• 3.13 mM disodium citrate
• 5.18 mm sodium chloride
2) What is the pH of a solution that is saturated with Ni(OH)2, and also contains 5 mM potassium sulfate, 4.86 mM calcium nitrate?
3) A solution has been prepared to contain 3.78 mM calcium nitrate and 19.04 mM sodium nitrate. What is the maximum concentration of sodium fluoride that could be in this solution without causing calcium fluoride to precipitate?

4) What is the pH of a solution containing 23.29 mM lithium cyanide, 9.05 mM calcium nitrate, and 34.02 mM hydrogen cyanide?
5) What is the pH of a solution that contains 23.04 mM lithium nitrate and 9.56 mM sodium carbonate?



CHBE 501 – Exam

CHBE 501 – Exam

Question 2 – 30 points
(a) Consider a wedge formed by two flat plates that meet along the z-axis with an opening angle of θ0 as shown. Where the plates meet, a small slit allows a volumetric

flow Q0 to enter or leave the wedge per unit width in z. The flow is characterized by steady-state and fully-developed conditions in the absence of gravity and
in which v = vrˆr, where vr(r, θ) is a function only of r and θ. Assuming that
vr(r, θ) = f(r)g(θ) can be written as a product of functions f(r) and g(θ), write an
integral expression in terms of vr for the full volumetric flow (per width in z) Q(r)
through the surface defined at r (i.e., the dashed boundary shown). Assuming the
fluid is incompressible, find f(r) up to a multiplicative constant.
(b) In class, we calculated the steady-state, fully-developed laminar flow in a pipe of
radius R, with the result that

whereP is the z-gradient of the dynamic pressure and µ is the viscosity of
the fluid. What is the vorticity w = ∇ × v?
(c) Consider planar flow of a Newtonian liquid of density ρ, viscosity µ and with vx =
2 − y
2 + x and vy = −(2x + 1)y. Verify that the flow is incompressible. Is the flow
irrotational? Find P(x, y), assuming that P(0, 0) = 0.

Question 3 – 20 points
(a) Show that the condition for the vectors a, b, and c to be coplanar is: εijkaibj ck = 0.
(b) The Stokes theorem can be stated as
for a vector field v. This is discussed in section A.5. Use this equality between
surface (S) and bounding contour (C) integrals to prove that ∇ × (∇f) = 0 for any
single-valued twice-differentiable scalar f. Hint: consider various surface regions S
and orientations nˆ.


20201007135057exam1_2 20201007135058exam1_3

Real Estate Finance problems

3 Years ago John borrowed $350,000 on an interest only loan at 5%. He now seeks to refinance with a $400,000 loan at 4% with no closing costs. What is the amount of incremental loan proceeds?

3 Years ago John borrowed $350,000 on an interest only loan at 5%. He now seeks to refinance with a $400,000 interest only loan at 4% with no closing costs. What is the difference in the monthly loan payment?

3 Years ago John borrowed $350,000 with payments calculated on an 30 year payout at 5%. He now seeks to refinance with a $400,000 loan at 4% on a with 3 points. What is the amount of incremental loan proceeds?

3 Years ago John borrowed $350,000 with payments calculated on an 30 year payout at 5%. He now seeks to refinance with a $400,000 at 4% on a 27 year basis with 3 points. What is the incremental costs of Funds?



Scheduling and cost estimating quiz

Scheduling and cost estimating quiz

Scheduling and cost estimating quiz

Scheduling and cost estimating quiz



Explain at least three features of neoliberalism. Explain one positive aspect of Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean in Feminism”

Section I. 

  1. True/False According to the text Thesis #7: “Capitalism tries to regulate sexuality. We want to liberate it.”

  2. True/False According to the text in Thesis #8: “Capitalism was born from racist and colonial violence. Feminism for the 99% is anti-racist and anti-imperialist.”

  3. True/False According to the text in Thesis #2: “Liberal feminism is bankrupt. It’s time to get over it.”

Section II.

In 1 – 3, and in 4 – 6, explain at least three features of each kind of feminism: “FEMINISM for the 99%”

“FEMINISM for the “1%”” (or the more affluent/mainstream, etc.)

Explain at least three features of neoliberalism (being sure to explain them in your own words):

Explain at least two reasons the authors use the term “predatory” for contemporary forms of capitalism:

Section III.

  1. What do the authors mean by the recent developments of new strikes, and how are these different from some traditional strikes?

  2. Explain one positive aspect of Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean in Feminism” (from our discussions in class).

  3. Explain one way that the text critiques Sandberg’s “Lean In Feminism.”

Section IV.

  1. a. What do the authors mean by “social reproduction”?

    b. What is some of the work covered under the term “social reproduction”?

    c. How is such work often gendered? (Who does what labor, or is assumed to be responsible for what labor?)

    d. How do dominant capitalist systems benefit from the often unpaid or underpaid work of “social reproduction”?

  2. How do the authors relate domestic violence to overall patterns of dominant economic and political systems? (Hint: they describe “public violence” and “private violence.”)

  3. Do the authors think domestic violence can be solved by more aggressive policing and stricter laws? Why or why not? If not, what is at least one idea about something that could help?



Math 312 Exam

Math 312 Exam

Answer questions 2 – 5 with either True or False. If your answer is False, you must provide an
explanation in order to receive full credit for the question. (2 points each)
2. An event that CANNOT happen has a negative probability.
3. If Y is impossible, the probability of not Y is one.
4. If a fair die is rolled once, the probability that you get a four, given that the die comes up
an even number, is one-sixth.
5. If A and B are disjoint events, then P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B).

6. (2 points) A bag has only red balls and green balls. The experiment is to draw one ball from the bag without looking. What does it mean to say, “The probability of getting a green ball is 40%”?
7. A) (1 pt) The theoretical probability of getting red for the spinner below is_______. (The
spinner is a regular pentagon.)



ENGI 1331 – Exam 1

Function: function RESULT = Task1(Percent,SelE)
 For the selected element, determine the average and median percent composition for each alloy and the range of values
(minimum and maximum value).

Function: function [OverallMax,MAXalloy,MAXelement, PercentNorm] = Task2(Element,Alloy,Percent)
 Determine the overall maximum percent value from Percent and associated Alloy and Element.
 Using the overall maximum value, create a normalized Percent matrix and store as PercentNorm.
NOTE: To normalize the matrix, divide all values by the overall maximum and multiple by 100.
This will make the overall maximum value equal to 100.

Function: function [AlloyMax,maxNUM,ELEMENTless] = Task4(USERpercent,Element,Alloy,Percent)
 Determine which alloy number has the most elementsless than the user entered percent and greater than zero. For this alloy
number, determine the number of elements that met the condition and identify the associated elements.
 Store a string array of only the element that met the condition and name as ELEMENTless.



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