Category Archives: Research Papers

Write one relational DBMS model and two NoSQL model

module introduced you to at least seven current commercial database

systems.These include both relational and “NoSQL” databases.In this

assignment you will explore three of these in detail.

Research three current database products (DBMSs).One should be based

on the relational model, and two should use different genres of NoSQL model.

Thus, you will have three different genres in total.

For each of the three systems devise a real-world relevant case study where

the particular DBMS would find an application.You will have three case

studies, one for each of your chosen DBMSs. The case studies should be

systems development projects following a real-world example where large

amounts of data would be involved.

You should explain clearly why each specific DBMS would be the best for its

case study and, in the case of a NoSQL solution, why a DBMS based on theundefined

relational model would not be the best choice.

You may base your report on any DBMS that is available to you (if in doubt,

consult the module tutor).You do not need to have a working installation of

any DBMS (although it might help you explore the system), and there is no

need to develop any implementation of your case study.

You should submit a report of approximately 1500 words and submit it as

PDF. Do not submit any other format, and do not attempt to compress the file

(if you do either, you will lose presentation marks).

NOTE: that the word limit is tight.There is no need to describe the history or

other background of any of the DBMSs (;

you should focus on their applications and specifically the case studies

.500 words for each of them.(postgresql,mongos and neo4j) GIVE a real life scenario where you will use them and which one you prefere to use amongs the three and why you prefer it.

NOTE:NOT MORE THAN 500 WORDS EACH. making it a total of 1500 words


Statistics multi-part question

Academic integrity is a fundamental value of learning and scholarship at the University of Toronto.
Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in this academic community ensures that
your UofT degree is valued and respected as a true signifier of your individual academic achievement.
Prior to beginning this term test, you must attest that you will follow the Code of Behaviour on
Academic Matters and will not commit academic misconduct in the completion of this test.
Arm your agreement to this by completing the following Statement:
By signing this Statement, I, (print your full name here),
(student number here),
agree fully to abide by the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. I will not commit academic misconduct, and I am aware of the penalties that may be imposed if I commit an academic
The University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters outlines such behaviours that
constitute academic misconduct, the processes for addressing academic o↵ences, and the penalties
that may be imposed. You are expected to be familiar with the contents of this document.
Potential o↵ences include, but are not limited to:
Using any unauthorized aid, including a cell phone, or searching for answers online.
Looking at someone else’s answers,
Letting someone else look at your answers.
Working together to answer questions.
Sharing the exam questions or discussing answers with anyone else.
Misrepresenting your identity or having someone else complete your test or exam



Programming question

Please complete the following 2 exercises and let me know if you have any questions.

1. Visio Diagram (License workflow)

a. Using the steps below, can you create a visio diagram that demonstrates the process?

i. A Child Care provider submits an application from the Entity Portal to a worker for the Department of Education

ii. The worker then reviews that application and validates various items on the application and will either approve or reject

iii. If the application is approved the user is directed to complete a required training program

iv. Once that provider completes this, they will then send this information back to the worker

v. The worker then reviews this content submission

vi. If everything is in order, the worker will create a new License ID and send it to the Provider

2. UI/UX Design (User Account Profile)

a. Using the information below, can you create a screen layout that is user friendly

i. As part of the application design for our new site, we want to develop a screen for the User to maintain their profile information

ii. The business does not have any specific requirements for this screen as this will be an entirely new feature for the site

iii. Some items that would like to see on this page are:

1. Person’s Name

2. Address (Physical and Mailing)

3. Contact Information

4. Picture

5. Personal identification (like SSN, DOB, etc.)

6. Company (and information)

7. Position title

iv. The user will need to be able to edit these items. However, some items they will not be able update (like SSN)

b. Feel free to use figma, Visio, PowerPoint, or any other program you are comfortable with

c. Currently our project is using for our UI Mockups


Psychology question

Discussion- hysteria

  1. Watch the lecture video on Freud and the video on hysteria.

  2. Write a response based on your reaction to the video. What did you learn or were surprised to see in the videos? Be sure to explain your responses.

  3. Your intial response (200-300 words) is due on Thursday by 10:30 p.m.

    1. Respond to at least two other student responses (100-150 words each). The responses are due by 10:30 p.m. on Saturday.

    2. ————————————————————————

    Assignment- Assessing Freuds Theory

  4. Answer the following questions for this assignment. Your response should be written in essay for and be approximately 300-500 words.

    1. Do you think any aspects of Freud’s childhood or young adulthood had an influence on his theory?

    1. What part of Freud’s theory do you like or believe is an accurate depiction of the human personality?

    1. What part of Freud’s theory do you not like or believe is not an accurate depiction of the human personality?

    1. If you could change any aspect of Freud’s theory, what would it be?


Statistics project

In these Mini Projects you would look at the actual data set describing characteristics of the passengers and crew of the Titanic and wether or not they survided the sinking. You would be able to see the very interesting relationships between the chance of surviving and various characteristics of the people on board. You will be looking at some of the tests we are studying in MATH 2P98 to build your predictive model and analysis. Even though we do not need to predict who would survive the sinking of the Titanic, as it is already happened more than 100 years ago. The same analysis procedures are quite useful if, for example, your bank giving out mortgages and trying to determine the probability that the client can default the mortgage.

For the project you would be using Titanic data collected form the sources mentioned above and/or provided in the excel file on Sakai.

Outline and steps:

  • Title Page: Department, University, Date, Course number, Student name, Professor. The project should not exceed 5 pages (title page excluded).

  • Statement of a problem and objective: Create your own question(s) you will be investigating, based on the data provided and/or collected by you.

  • Use tests, listed for the Project, to construct a model and analysis to answer your question(s). Make sure that the data collected properly, so you can use the tests listed.

List of the tests to be used

1.Contingency Table

2.Sign Test

3.Wilcox sign rank (Mann-Whitney test)

  • Kruskal-Wallis Test

Note: All tests should be used in the project. You can ask more than one question to make sure that all tests are used and compared.

Compare tests used (which one would give better prediction/decision than the other one, weather one test completes another one).


Social Science Question

TOPIC II: Learning Environment and Instructional Strategies

  1. Introduction to Topic (with thesis statement)

  2. Professional Knowledge Base (with CWV integration) – Key Ideas

  • (Instructional Strategies) The teacher analyzes relevant research on the cognitive processes associated with various kinds of learning and how these processes can be stimulated. (InTASC 4; CAEP 1.1)

  • (Instructional Strategies) The teacher analyzes relevant research on the principles and techniques, along with advantages and limitations, associated with various instructional strategies. (InTASC 4; CAEP 1.1)

  • (Learning Environment) Analyzes relevant research on how social groups function and influence people, and how people influence groups. (InTASC 5; CAEP 1.1)

C. Application to Practice (with CWV integration)

  • (Instructional Strategies) The teacher evaluates how to achieve learning goals by choosing strategies to achieve different instructional purposes and to meet student needs. (InTASC 4; CAEP 1.1)

  • (Instructional Strategies) The teacher uses multiple teaching and learning strategies to engage students in active learning opportunities. (InTASC 4; CAEP 1.1)

  • (Learning Environment) The teacher organizes, prepares students for, and monitors independent and group work that allows for full and varied participation of all individuals. (InTASC 5; CAEP 1.1)

What do the above-mentioned components look like in the classroom?


Validity and Reliability Assignment

Validity and Reliability Assignment

Use the data provided in sheet 1 and 2 of the “Validity and Reliability Assignment Data” to answer the following questions. Provide your answer directly beneath the question. Please bold your answer.

  1. You attempted to develop a more accurate field measure of VO2max via a 1.5 mile run (the novel test). You took a sample of 30 people and had them complete a 1.5 mile run and a VO2max test using a metabolic cart (the criterion test). You then developed a regression equation where you could estimate someone’s VO2max from their time, sex, and BMI. To assess the validity and reliability of your equation you cross-validated it in a sample of 15. The cross validation included test-retest reliability of the estimated VO2max values (from two 5 mile run trials) and a VO2max test using a metabolic cart. Use the data provided in the excel sheet to answer the questions below.

  1. What is the SEM of the novel test?

  2. Calculate the 95% confidence intervals for the standard error of the measure for an individual with a predict VO2max of 53.6. What does this mean?

  3. Run a Bland-Altman Analysis in excel using the Trial 2 measure and the criterion measure of VO2max. Copy and paste (select the paste as picture option) your Bland-Altman plot. What is the mean bias (difference) and upper and lower limits of agreement?

  4. Is our test valid and reliable? Why or why not?

  1. You were not satisfied with the diagnostic accuracy of tests used to assess ACL tears, so you developed your own. You took a sample of 15 people (generally it would be a way larger sample) from a sports medicine clinic complaining of knee pain. You put them through your test on two separate occasions and either determined if they had an ACL tear (1) or did not have an ACL tear (0) based upon the outcome of your test. You then had them go in for an arthroscopic evaluation (gold standard) to determine if they truly did have an ACL tear. Use the data provided in the excel sheet to answer your questions below.



Comprehensive Plan for Alumni and Community Collaboration

The school exists to serve the community more than the community to serve the school. However, a mutually collaborative relationship has significant benefits to both school and community. Harnessing the support of alumni residing locally can lend significant support to this relationship. In this assignment, you will revise your earlier paper regarding board, faculty, and staff relations and expand it to consider methods to create a mutually collaborative relationship with the community including parents, students, alumni, and other community members.

For this assignment, the learner will continue working with the Collaborative Planning and Diagnostic Instrument included in the Rubin textbook. The learner will use the information gathered in phases 1-5 and develop a comprehensive plan for cultivating and maintaining a collaborative environment for a K-12 institution and community.

General Requirements:

  • Refer to the Topic 3 assignment, “Board, Faculty, and Staff Relations” as well as any related feedback from the instructor.

  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

  • Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral level writing. The Manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.

  • This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


Part 1

Present a revised version (1,500-1,800 words total) of the paper “Board, Faculty, and Staff Relations” that makes improvements in the caliber of the writing and incorporates instructor feedback regarding content and writing. Include the following in your submission:

  1. A reflection (250-300 words) that provides a bulleted list of the changes you made to the paper and discusses your revision process including how you incorporated your instructor’s feedback into the revised version. Similar to an abstract, this section will receive its own page following the title page and preceding the introduction to the paper.

  2. The revised paper that incorporates instructor feedback; clarifies the thesis statement and solidifies supporting arguments; edits for grammar, spelling, and punctuation; adjusts word choice to display professional and scholarly language; and adjusts sentence structure for improved readability.

Part 2

Write an additional 1,250-1,500 words in which you consider the application of the Collaborative Planning and Diagnostic Instrument offered in the Rubin textbook to the creation of a mutually collaborative relationship with the community. This section should flow naturally from the revised paper. So, you may also need to revise your introduction and thesis statement to allow the ideas to connect. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A research-supported discussion of how phases 6-14 could be applied to creating a mutually collaborative relationship with the community including parents, students, and community members.

  2. A research-based discussion of how alumni could be engaged to support the application of phases 6-14 as described above.


Capstone Change Project Resources

Work with your preceptor to assess the organization for required resources needed for the strategic plan if the change proposal were to be implemented. Review your strategic plan and determine what resources would be needed if the change proposal were to be implemented. Write a list of at least four resources you will need in order to implement your change proposal.


Sociology Question

i choose the criminal Craig Hicks, who kill three Muslim American college students to write about on this paper, Also i have the two theories which are they

1- Label theory

2- Strain theory. write the paper based on this criminal story nad how does these theories explain the crime.

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to demonstrate the ability to apply criminological theory to explain criminal behavior.The student must identify a criminal offender covered in the media.Finding a subject profiled in the media, as opposed to one with no media attention, is important because there will likely be more information available on the offender and the circumstances surrounding the crime.The student must select at least one criminological theory found in Chapters 3 through 6 and describe the general basis for the theory(ies).The student must then apply the theory(ies) and attempt to explain the criminal behavior. The student’s written response shall be no less than two pages and no more than three pages in length.It must be completed in MLA format.Each assignment is worth up to 25 points.Grading is based upon 1) correctly applying sociological concepts, 2) depth of response and critical analysis, and 3) quality of writing. It is imperative to be an effective writer given the constraints of the writing prompt.Do not make the mistake of spending an entire page describing the criminal event at the expense of applying and analyzing the theory(ies).Remember that the assignment is designed for the student to demonstrate the ability to apply the class concepts to the criminal behavior as well as the ability to write effectively.

That’s how i want the paper to be written: the first paragraph: write about the crime and how it is happening and who kill and who is the victims, in the last sentence of the first paragraph write the thesis statement. and then talk about the first theory and how it is related to crime, then write about the second theory and how it is related to the crime, and then write the conclusion and add the reference page. here is links that makes you understand the crime:

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